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Everything posted by bells4shells

  1. OH gosh! I was about to rave about the powder I use from Jane Cosmetics until I went to double check the ingredients list. I am shocked! I have been looking to make sure this item isnt' in my cosmetics, but failed to see it on this one. And such a shame as it works GREAT. I've tried quite a few powders and they don't have the staying power that Jane had (as well as the price!). Now I'm off to look for more...
  2. Oh no! I feel awful for your situation. I wish I had something better to say. I know this may seem like a stretch, but there are places that can duplicate scents just from product sent to them? Maybe this can be an option? Good luck with this!
  3. Ahhh, thank you! I will try out what is on this recipe before I try sub'ing new ones huh? Baby steps is what I have to keep telling myself.
  4. Well, I just had a lady tell me that her mother and sister want candles in Pink Sugar today. haha But, I've been wondering which ones are better? I got mine from Alabaster and I like it. Anyone else able to help me compare? I'd like to try the one most closest to the actual fragrance.
  5. I LOVE CS. In fact, you've made me really excited to hear that they have a $1 sample sale. i've been spending quite a bit each time I order to try new samples, so this would be fantastic! How is the Very Vanilla? I'd like to try that one out. I like the blackberry marmalade (like the cranberry one better though).
  6. Well, I'm glad to hear I'm not missing out then! I didn't get to their sale when they were trying to get rid of all that, so I was a bit bummed out. But if it didn't smell anything like it... drats. Does the one from tennessee candle supply smell similar (or close enough that I wouldn't notice)? haha I may have to try that out. Thanks for those links scentsme-- I'm going to take a look when I have more time and am not at work. haha
  7. Thanks for all the helpful replies! I'm going to have to take a look. Now that I know how I can get mine to stick, this is going to make a world of difference I believe. May I ask why you don't use unwaxed wicks in your containers grama? I use the spooled wick for containers instead of the ones premade, so I have left the wick as is (not primed), so I was curious.
  8. Wow, this looks pretty impressive (the free POS that is). Thanks for the link! I'm just a bit worried I'm going to have no clue what to do with it now that I've got it downloaded and registered!
  9. will those work for palm? I pour around 200. And where can I find the silicone you're talking about?
  10. Is it just me or does it seem that this smells a lot like Vanilla Fields? If anyone can remember that one! Do they even still sell that as a perfume? haha
  11. WSP used to carry a large selection of these dupes, but they got rid of most of them not too long ago. Does anyone know of a supplier who makes raspberry granita or cinnamon frosting? I'd love to hear about those that make some that are similar as well.
  12. I love wildberry mousse! But, I seem to have moments when I don't. haha Either way, I thought they just added Very Vanilla to their line? I remember that being pretty new... I'm almost saying it was added in December?
  13. Hey thanks Stella! I have read that elsewhere and while I'd love to do it, I can't. Unless you don't mind answering how you keep the bottoms of your tabs stuck to the bottom of your container! I warm mine in the oven so I can get a nice crystal form on the outside. But, I've tried a couple of different options to keep the tabs secure on the bottom, but with no luck. While I pour, the tabs come off the bottom because of the heat.
  14. Okay e-wax was emulsifying wax. Anyone have an answer to my other question? I do not have any of these supplies, but am looking to do so. I can't wait to make my own frosting! This just sounds like what I'm looking for.
  15. Just curious how many of you that use spooled wick coat yours before you put them in containers or pillars? I don't coat mine and they seem to work just fine. But, I have found that I'm at the highest wick size (CSN 16) for a jar about 3 in in diameter and it leaves one side with wax still on it from the slight curl. I guess my question would be if it matters that much if you coat the wick before you use it? What experience(s) have you found help make a better burning candle in containers?
  16. Ahhh! Look at how organized you are! I'm in the process of moving all of my crafty stuff to my office area. Right now I've got it messed up with things from my move (almost a year ago!) and my area I've got set up to take my pictures. haha Enjoy your new playroom!
  17. Super jealous! What a great (might I add beautiful) gift for Valentine's.
  18. Sorry, but what is E-wax and where can I find it? Would it make a big difference if I use fractionated instead of virgin coconut oil?
  19. Hey thanks for the idea! I did end up finding some shakers and ordered about 25 of them. I hope they work out for what I'm using them for.
  20. Oooh! That'd be cool. I'm going to keep a lookout for when they offer that.
  21. I love clean scents. I also love spice as well. I don't know if I could pick 5!
  22. Looks great! I love the colors you used. And you're right-- you'll get those angles soon enough. I think you did a terrific job!
  23. oh nice! Cheapest yet - I can't wait to get mine ordered.
  24. Can you tell me more about this product? I always see it in the craft stores, but for the price I haven't looked more since I'm more interested in doing my own designs. Does this product allow that? Would love to hear more!
  25. I cannot live without press n seal. haha Thanks for the link!
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