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Everything posted by bells4shells

  1. Wow -- for real? I was thinking $3.25 was high! haha Though, I've also thought about how long just one of these things last. It IS palm after all. My votives last for 18 hours alone and I'm selling those at 6.50 for 4 of them! I'm really interested in this whole pricing thing because I DO have a craft fair next weekend. Those who are telling me to raise my prices do realize that this package is only one ounce right? Loving all the feedback, if you've got more, I'd love to hear it!
  2. wowzah-- these are stunning! I love the colors!!
  3. I LOVE the look of rustics -- these are just beautiful! Wish I could do them myself. haha For now, I just drool.
  4. Oh gosh, thanks so much for all the positive feedback! I weigh the stars and I'm able to squeeze in 5-6 of these star shapes in there and it's with palm wax which last quite awhile! But, I don't have to tell you now do I? haha Anyhow, I did some pricing and figured I'd have to price these at $3.25 and that's just for cost of product and labor to make the 'bag' (not even sure what to call it yet) -- no profit per se. I've been looking at how others are packaging their tarts and it's normally in the clamshell for about a little over 3 ozs. I was just hoping that the packaging might entice the buyer as well. Again, thanks for all the feedback! You're all so wonderful!
  5. Did you ever figure this out? Can I ask the link to your website? I'd be able to help out better after viewing what cart you're using (if any).. mainly general info that might help me help you.
  6. I'm not totally sure, but Crafts, etc is a brand under Hobby Lobby. If you look at their stuff in store, you'll see that name on quite a few of their products. Ribbons come to mind as I tried to look online to see if I could get it cheaper! haha!
  7. I would say check out your hobby stores as someone mentioned before. I see them in the aisle with the paper punches at hobby lobby. I've even seen them at Walmart. They've got a growing scrapbooking/craft section and will have them.
  8. Even IF you agreed -- for $200 they should have sent you a PROOF! There is absolutely no reason a good and honest company selling advertising space cannot provide you with a proof and wait for YOUR go ahead. You have nothing to worry about.
  9. I've used several printers including Lexmark and Canon Pixma (latter is one I'm using now) and each printer is different. Sucks, I know. Some are really touchy in that you need to make sure your paper is lined up properly and as snug in it's holder as possible. I haven't used printers with drawers though, so it's pry different. The direction you put your labels into the printer can make a difference too!
  10. To get over the hurdle of shrinkwrapped candles, I've poked small holes near the wick and they'll be giving off their wonderful aroma in no time! That's a neat idea with the scent tags though.. just not sure how you'd do it without some kind of markings from the oils. Post your experiences if you do try it please.
  11. I'm so excited to debut these, you have no idea. The only thing is that they take FOREVER to make. I make each 'bag' by hand. Cut, fold, apply cello, etc. While I love how they look, I'm worried people aren't going to want to pay for my construction of the packaging instead of the actual melts inside. What do you girls/guys think? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2040/2072754680_5bcf204a91.jpg?v=0
  12. BEAUTIFUL! I love em! They look like they'd smell of peppermint.
  13. Those are cool! I'd love to try that out sometime. Nice color combos as well.
  14. mmm-- blueberry! haha Yeah, browns are REALLY hard to get right. Nice first job though! I'm scared to try those types of candles. lol Slowly, I'll get there.
  15. Wow! I'm esp in love with the plum colored one. Gorgeous!
  16. Nice!!! I hear you on the molds. I'm doing stars and had only one until I deformed it in my dishwasher. D'oh! haha I stocked up now - won't make that mistake again. haha
  17. Sure thing! You can find it at Alabaster Candle Supply. I just got the 1 oz sample and it's VERY strong. Really nice citrus smell though - faint on the vanilla. I'm using palm! LOVE it haha Thanks for the compliments everyone! I'm in the process of test burning her brother. lol So far, so good.
  18. I've just started with my pillar-making and am glad you posted this! I may have to do some picture posting myself on how mine do. I was testing my votives the other day and they left a nice thin shell. Excited to see how these babies do.
  19. Oh gosh, I love it! The shape is nice too.
  20. Thanks you two! I actually just pulled another one out of my mold a bit ago. Tried another color and scent. 'He' is just as pretty.
  21. ...and I think it's absolutely beautiful. Very happy with how she (yes, I've determined this one's a girl) turned out. haha http://www.flickr.com/photos/15624109@N03/2063123099/
  22. Those are gorgeous! I was JUST looking at that tut, but I must have missed the first part of the class? Where would I go to find out how to get started? Would love to play catch up on this one.
  23. Hey thanks for both recipe and linkage! I appreciate it! Off to go check things out.
  24. Okay, I've searched the forum and cannot find a recipe for one. I'm in search of a recipe to make it and not buy a pre-made base so to speak. I'd like to know all the ingredients going into it and would like it to be paraben free. Anyone know any good recipes? Thanks in advance!!
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