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Everything posted by DeJae

  1. Ok, first two batches I tried, weren't so great, think there may have been some vanilla in the scents and they went dark dark brown on me. 3rd batch siezed the stick blender in it 4th batch came out good but didn't swirl as well as I would like but sellable. So here is batch number 5, so far so good, would only get to a light medium trace, so we will see Here are two pics.
  2. I wonder if she cut it yet....come on scented we want to see!!!! Cut it, Cut it, Take a pic, we want to see it, hurry!
  3. That is totally understandable. And I am sure ALL the people that buy her candles don't see it either, goes to show you what is out there and people will buy it. Then people like us work hard to put out a top notch, top quality product and we sell half or less than half than some of these non caring people do. Go figure!
  4. Wow and you never noticed this before when you bought candles there? I am so glad our dogs don't shed, They are the only dogs know that do not shed and people are not allergic to them. We got them because our last dog we had for 16 years, she shed and my son sneezed all the time from her. He was allergic to her hair, reason we know is because we had to cut some hair off of her, take it to the allergist and they did whatever they do to test it to him. The doctor said it was not only the hair being loose around the house but him even being near her. He is much older now and not as sensitive to some things but dog hair is one he still is. So when we were considering our dog we have now, we asked first for a clip of hair for testing. The doctor said, no one would be allergic to this hair. Now we knew the statements for them were true. Not to mention, they NEVER, NEVER Shed one hair. But with that said, I use our 3 car garage and a spare bedroom for our production but not because of dog hair but because I fear what they could get into that could harm them.
  5. AIM? What is that? I keep telling my 26 year old son and ?? (lol, I think 12) year old husband to do me a favor and sit instead of stand. Seems when they are taller, they mis-aim and splash more. I swear it is like a game they play in the toilet. Can I aim and hit this water bubble, hmmm, there is a spec of dirt on the side, can I clean it off the edge with my aim. Or whatever it is that they do but it is sooo wrong. I keep telling my husband I am going to put a long neck funnel onto the toilet some how and make them go in the funnel. Actually, I wish I could afford to have a urinal installed, like in an empty closet so I never have to go near it, I can just open the door quickly and spray some scented spray in there! The one thing I do seem to have control on in this house is putting the seat down after they are done. I threaten to wack someone where it hurts if the seat is left up, has worked for all the years I am married, thank goodness!
  6. I know this thread is old but I have some questions on Eugenia's system, which I like. I have one of those vacuum sealers and those bags are boilable. Now I can make it vacuum out and seal or I can make it seal, would one of these work? My other question is, if I grate up a whole 4# of this and boil bag it, when I am done, do I add more new scent to it? Also, I am rebatching cause the color came out hidious, will I still have that same gross color? If so, how do I get it to an acceptable color? Thanks all ETA: The reason I am rebatching is these FO I am assuming had vanilla in them somewhere and turned brown, I want to rebatch them to get them to look acceptable for selling
  7. Thank you very much Lindsay that answers it perfectly!
  8. I was with GoDaddy for 4 years, then they reformated their whatever and that was it, I had no idea what the heck I was doing and I have medium/average HTML knowledge and still was in the dark. If you want an easy do it yourself site where there is alot of tech service go to wham shoppes
  9. The current recipe I was using was total 64 ounces with water and lye and fits nicely in my molds. So I kind of figured I need to plug into the SoapCal approximately 3.25 ounces for the oils because the lye/water will bring it back up to the 4#
  10. But then you wind up with another pound or so in lye and water.
  11. Ok, if some one gives me percentages for a formular say 30% This 25% That 15% Something else 30% Other When I plug that into soap calc and then want it to be for a 4# mold at the top at total oil weight, do I click on pounds and put it like 3.25 # as to let there be room for the Lye and water get added to total 4#? I figured if I put total oil weight as 4# then the water/lye mix will put it at 5 or so.
  12. ETA: I see that they say to use as a linen spray but I think that is expensive as just a linen spray, you are talking with bottle, labeling and product almost $5 for an 8oz bottle and that is cost. ANYONE ELSE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS?
  13. They are all Jasmine as that is what I have asked for because I thought if I was going to try this I wanted to make sure I had enough. Maybe next time I will get something else, maybe Lilac My lotion recipes don't call for any water so I don't know that I could use it there. Are you also saying that they can be used as something like an after shower spritzer? Or just a spray on refresher, don't think they make it as a room or linen spray. Don't think I can use them in a dry oil spray, would probably dilute it to much. Still puzzled!
  14. I have that mold, I use to make candle tarts out of them and had to pour different colors for them but they are the cutest, nice job!
  15. Has anyone use this in place or mixed with the distilled water for the lye? Would it work ok? Evertime I order from MMS, that is what they send me and I have these bottles of it but don't know what to do with them, never used Hydrosols. Anyone have any comment or ideas please?
  16. That is what I probably need Lovely, something that would work in the winter because here, all year round it is soooo dry that your lips just dry out and crack constantly...and it really hurts. Doesn't make good for kissing either!
  17. Do they react differently in soap or is one just as good as another?
  18. Oh my goodness, what a cutie, can I nibble on him?? PLEASE??!! LOL When you talk about new baby smells, the baby scent I use for my candles and gonna try it in soaps, is not a baby powder scent and it is not a baby lotion scent. Smells like that new clean baby! LOVE THAT SMELL! Congrats and best of luck with him, he is a true beautiful miracle of God's great creations! May God Bless all his little miracles. ETA: I just noticed he is posted in the SOAP gallery, is he for sale or is there any samples available?? hehehe
  19. I have 3x6 concave ones I put my wick pin in the hole, put a glob of plummers putty over the base of the wick pin and put 2 pieces of metal tape, one going one way and the other going the other way like a cross. I have poured them with no leaks, as a matter of fact, I put them 3 mins in freezer after they firm up, turn them upside down and they slide out, leaving the wick pin in. If I have to do more of the same scent, I just repour again, I don't whipe them out or retape, just repour and they hold up from leaks. I have only reused it 3 times in a row, never tried 4 before redoing the putty and tape. HTH
  20. CareBear you are absolutely right, I was just thinking about the co-op, duh My M&P that I have but haven't done anything with is from Peaks!
  21. Figures I would have the wrong M&P base! Geez Is everyone that tried this using WSP's base? Mine is from Peaks which I think is the SFIC one
  22. OH NO!!!! I hijacked an already hijacked thread, gosh I am so talented and didn't know it!! lol I am sorry asheebeans I didn't mean it, not unless you want me to mean it! lol I am always looking to improve my lipbalm and this one sounded good. Hope you got answers to!
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