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Everything posted by DeJae

  1. I also fine that the mechanisim can break or jam when you pour to hot
  2. OH NO, another one that hasn't showed us the cut results. Come on girlies we need pictures, it is our driving force to do more soaping!!
  3. I think Scented is holding out on us, she said she would cut the soap this weekend but we didn't get the pictures..... Come on Scented, you have us all on the edge of our seats...show us!!!
  4. those tiny little vials that little sprayers on top? they are like sample size...I have seen them at car washes, where you get little bottles of car freshener liquid in them. They are really tiny, like the sample vials you get from avon. I just can't seem to find any!
  5. Super Duper, Gosh they are making me I am so jelous, hehehe <singing> WE WANT CUTS, WE WANT CUTS, CUT IT, CUT IT, CUT IT HURRY, We want cuts!
  6. Thank you, Ok so, then just a small hole that is kind of empty was I assume just an air bubble I didn't get out when I pounded the mold to death on the counter! Correct?
  7. Once he is out of pain, Vitamin E and aloe is super to keep from scarring ETA: My 26 year old just reminded me that Cortaid worked for him. I've never been sunburned so I don't know personally
  8. I don't think anyone can duplicate a swirl, you can come close but they never are the same. Of the whole batch, each bar is a tad bit different. I don't use paper cause I have Mr Do Right Molds and no need for liners. But I guess I should have left it in the mold longer, live and learn!
  9. I am missing something here. If I understand right this is a mixture like Milk Bath? If so, what are you adding or doing to make them stick together like bath bombs? I know I missed something in this ETA: they are absolutely adorable
  10. These are two plastic candy molds that normally with chocolate you would smoosh some on the one piece and put the two together. It is all on one sheet. Both sides to the piece are on one sheet, so their are no notches to lock them together as a one piece mold. I could cut the mold and put it together but then, like I said before, there is no area to pour into, it would take alot of cutting to get a pour area into it. I could pour it in wax, put it together and make a silicone mold of it but was hoping to be able to do it without having to make a silicone mold of it.
  11. I have tried to research about superfatting and the info I have found sometimes seems contradictive (spl?) so I am still at a loss for it. NOW Lye pockets is new to me.....Then again maybe they are not, maybe they have happened to me and I just didn't know it. Can someone give a quickie explanation or description about it? Thanks Mentor Volunteers, where would we be without you guys and CT!
  12. These are plastic molds, like candy type molds but if I put it together it doesn't have a place to fill it.
  13. Same thing here, I bought it onsale at target for $14.00 and I put my tester jars, pouring pots, you name it on there to melt down stuff. Thinking of getting a second one soon
  14. DHL has been pretty good with shipping to and if you have an office max near you they take DHL packages. I have been finding them cheaper for me over UPS, FedEx and USPS. On gift baskets, I always shrink wrap as it really holds the products in tack nicely. Then I put a bow on the front of it instead of the top, pack in a very roomy box...slip some bubblewrap or foam sheets over the bow and the rest with packing peanuts. I also put on the box an arrow pointing up and I write top so they don't deliver it upside down or anyone opens it upside down. HTH
  15. I made this last night and got my SLSa from MMS and it did the same thing, poof was an understatement. Love the stuff to death but afraid of the powder explosions.
  16. No body?? PrairieAnnie, someone?
  17. MENTORING?? WHERE?? I can use a mentor anyday, please, please, please
  18. Smells good so far, thanks Nancy
  19. I was curious, if you use a shaped mold that is a two piece mold with Melt and Pour, what would be the best way to put the two pieces together? Has anyone ever done this? or have suggestions, I want to try it with clear MP and clear MP colored inside of it.
  20. Pics didn't show up for some reason
  21. WELL, like I said, I was trying again.... The swirls came out strange but I think acceptable. BUT the edges did flake some on me.... I trim my soaps so I think most of them will be ok, if not, they will become soap balls!!!! I have tried 4 recipes now and one came out the best but I am not crazy about it when using it. Sooo, I just don't know...but I am not giving up yet!
  22. Red Current. Well it struggled alot to get out of the mold, never had that happen before. So I am going to let it sit a bit longer than usual to cure a bit more. It did ash some but I know I can fix that. We will see. Hope with it not tracing well that it doesn't crumble on me when I cut it. We usually have 9-12% humidity at most but this is Monsoon season and our humidity is around 22-25% which is real high for here. Could possibly be part of the issue but not sure, it was a new recipe so I have nothing to compare it to.
  23. I am so excited to see this beautiful piece of work cut and it isn't even mine
  24. Thanks I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for this to cure, I want to cut it sooooo bad! lol
  25. MMS - The sage has it, I get mine there and they ship really quick. I just placed an order there on Monday afternoon and it got here today
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