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Everything posted by DeJae

  1. I have squalene Oil, so I can use that in place of the Emu? And are you saying that the Emu is a waste in the LipBalm? Thanks all
  2. I didn't buy it in CA, I bought it from Alabaster
  3. What is the difference between using Crisco and Lard?
  4. Does it matter what kind of M&P you use? Like I have some clear but I also have some shea, could they both be used?
  5. I would love to try this recipe but I don't have Kokum and Emu any suggestions for a sub for them?
  6. As for shipping it wasn't bad for me, I had it shipped all the way to the West Coast. I bought 10# and the shipping was like $7 and change I believe. I think that was great for shipping it and it was here in 3 days. SOMEONE PLEASE DO A CO-OP!!!!
  7. If you like doing Melt and Pour, in the co-op section there is a co-op that was on for it and got cancelled but the last set of posts on it said that someone else was going to re-engauge it on Monday I think. You can probably get a good buy there because it will be cheaper with them buying in bulk! HTH Edited to add: If you are looking to do something like Cold Process, Hot Process or the similar, you need to buy all the ingredients needed and mix...kind of like bar soap from scratch is the best way I guess to say it. You can find lots of recipes for it in the recipe section You just have to decide what you want to do, also if you want to do a processed soap (from scratch) in the section on the left side here, either in basic instructions or bath and body, there are tutorials from Robin and I think Bunny that tell you how to do processed soaps.
  8. I think Alabaster is the best price...only 88 cents per pound for 50 I would love to see someone do a co-op again with it.
  9. I saw the bird in the egg too! The bottom right one, on its right side looks like that flower what do they call it calla lily thats it! COOL SOAPS. don't want to tell you the conversation that comes over my soaps!! Things like, What is that, trash it, Whatever, try again, I'm not touching those!
  10. I hear ya Jeri, I am in So Nevada and 117 for 3 consective weeks has been a bit much for me! I did a indoor craft show Fri, Sat and Today, Got another Mon, Tues and Wed and I am melting unloading and loading! When does the break come, we usually get some cool days in July, that is our Monsun season but haven't seen any yet.
  11. I am involved in the co-op. I have talked to Rick many many times and he is ready for the co-op to happen but also as it states on the co-op, he will be making these to order so there will be a little lag time. Also this co-op is not going through his ebay store it will be all direct so he will be ok handling this. Once again, there is a little lag time as he will be making these upon the order being placed. I have 2 of his 4# molds and I lightly trim the tops as I get ashing and they have fit nicely in the soap boxes I have gotten from KangarooBlue.com Like I had said before in an earlier post he has hired someone to take care of his wife and it also takes him a very long time to figure out how to answer the emails. As you can see from his site that there are no molds offered right now, he has told me this is because he is increasing prices after the co-op and also not to have to deal with the emails that he has a hard time answering right now. Hope this has helped, as I offered before, if you need some help contacting him, just PM me as I talk to him from time to time as I am working with him trying to get him to build a slab mold too.
  12. I talk to Rick on numerous occassions. I don't personally know him but have been in touch with him alot. His wife just had a total hip replacement done and is in extremely high pain. He has just hired a nurse to come and care for her. His wife runs the website for him and he has extremely little knowledge on how to run it. He doesn't even know how to send an email. As he says, I am the creator of product that is all I can do. It takes him hours to figure out how to email someone back. If you are still having a problem or concerns just PM me and I can communicate it to him for you if you like. I don't feel at liberty to give out his phone number without him wanting me to but I would be glad to help you as much as I can. He is a very very nice man with a gentle heart.
  13. How did you keep Black Raspberry Vanilla from turning brown with the vanilla in it?
  14. Has anybody seen this or tried it, could it possibly be added to a butter instead of having to dilute some powder http://www.puritansale.com/pages/file.asp?xs=E3464FCD2F59483FBA21E08FD21D06D3&PID=835&CID=31&CPID=1617
  15. I have used white, colors and clear laser labels from online labels, I even use the silver poly labels. They are all great labels and I have never had a problem with smearing, fading, yellowing or water effecting them. I use to buy from Planet Labels, they are good too but I like online better, they have a bigger size variety.
  16. They have the best contour molds too, that is what I use and love them.
  17. I have a premade hand/body lotion that I really like the only thing I don't like about it is....after you put it on, it is a little sticky for a little bit, then it dries it. Is there something I can add to get rid of that stickiness? Or cut it down some? It isn't sticky for long....but is very very sticky....
  18. They are really beautiful....that must be alot of ink or toner you are using to print them...ouch
  19. I also have a Oster that I have had for years but use very little. Don't know if you all remember them....some of you may be to young. But they were the in thing, they are a mixer, juicer, blender and food processor all in one....with all these attachments. I was thinking of using it but it doesn't have the wisk attachment just beaters, I guess I could use those.
  20. If I use my kitchen aide to make lotion, if I clean it real well, it is safe to use it for food too, isn't it?? My kitchen aide was to expensive for me to dedicate just to lotions!
  21. I bought some product from them and they sent me a sample of this made up and it was just fabulous, I soooo loved it and wanted to try the recipe but I don't have some of the items it calls for and didn't want to buy more stuff just now. Plus I believe you have to have like two pots to do this in and I only have one SS pot right now. BUT THIS IS AT THE TOP OF MY LIST TO DO!!! AS ALWAYS, AWESOME JOB BRENDA, YOU REALLY ARE A VERY MULTI TALENTED PERSON....GOD HAS BLESSED YOU SO!
  22. Thanks for the feedback on this all.....I am going to try next time to add the fo to the room temp oils first and see how that goes. I used the stick blender before I added the fo. I didn't use anything when I added the FO. The minute I poured it into the pot, it seized nearly instantly. So I poured my cup of colored on it, hoping it would help loosen it, but no go, just stayed rock hard. Glad my SB and stirring spoon weren't in there or it would be there for life. That is how instantly hard it got. When I took it out of the pot, it came out in one big lump...LOL made cleaning the pot easy enough. Amazing how just before I added the FO it was like soup...I was actually concerned because it seemed not thick enough but it all blended and so I was somewhat content with that. Well, it thickened alright!!!! LOL
  23. I don't think I can chunk it up, the FO and color never even got mixed up, it like rock..... TRUST ME, I will be more careful next time for sure.....makes one hesitant to make soap again. But I will!
  24. I surely know they weren't soap fairies.....these were soap gremlins....Mean buggers!! lol I hate wasting product, really p*sses me off! Grrrrr. Now, I am determined to show those soap gremlins whos boss!!!!
  25. Last night I was making soap, the stuff would not trace, it mixed together ok but was like pure thin water. So ok, I figured maybe I will pour it like that. I scooped out a cup of mix to color, wanted to swirl this one. I mixed my color, went to the big pot, added my fo (sweet Pea) and instantly and I mean instantly, it went totally rock hard, could not move a thing. I haven't had that happen yet but then again I never used Sweet Pea before either, so I am assuming the FO did it. Didn't even get to mix up all the FO, so trash it became....that rots! LOL
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