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Judy, USMC

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Everything posted by Judy, USMC

  1. Hot air rises. Many people who have window air units prefer to set the fins to blow straight into the room - so they can feel the cool air on their bodies. Try setting the fins to blow toward the ceiling - see if that helps any. Those with central air - just make sure the candle is far away from the air return duct. PamW is correct. :highfive: If the candle is next to the air return you will probably never smell it!
  2. Thank you Candlebuddy! Nice to know someone whose nose knows! Please keep those concoctions comin'...I, for one, appreciate it!
  3. Do you think temps in the high 90's will affect the oils? Ordered some 1 pounders. It shipped from the midwest on Monday and due to be delivered Thursday. Today (Wednesday) it topped out over 100 and I'm afraid it will get extremely hot in the big Dark Brown truck. Even more afraid since I'm one of the last stops on the route. So I went to the UPS center here and asked that they intercept it for Will Call which is in the air conditioned part of the building. Is this a wise move - or am I making 2 trips to UPS for nothing?
  4. Had a customer complaint about a candle not throwing. Took another one to her house. She had the one she complained about sitting on a table - right in front of the air return for the central air conditioner. We moved it to the furthest point in the room (away from the return) and were treated to a room full of scent in just a few minutes!
  5. Vanilla or SUGAR COOKIES www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=56400&highlight=cranberry+peach
  6. Thanks for the review. I know some are 3 leaf and some are only 2 so I'll be looking forward to your reviews - after they cure of course! Will it be in soy, or palm, or both?
  7. With my paraffin candles, the 1/4 inch is standard for the zinc core. But with the wicks for natural wax is there a different length to trim to before you light it for the first time? I'm wondering most about the advertised "self-trimming" wicks. Does the curl property mean they should not be trimmed as short? (Couldn't find anything in the archives; maybe I've searched wrong.)
  8. Other than occasional light fading a display candle, I've never had any problem with the age of the candle. Have some I poured a year ago when I first started with soy - still as good as "new."
  9. Would you mind sharing what worked for you? You stated 464 wax but what size container and wicks? Very suprised that you're waiting only for them to set up and not "cure" for a couple of days! Aromas get a little better with some "age."
  10. I like the CB135 but I have a wicking problem that's driving me nutz. The only jar I'm having a problem with is the standard size jelly (2 3/8 inside diameter.) I don't want to sway you with the wicks I've tried. And believe me it's a lot. Some give me a 1/2 inch melt pool quickly - but the wick falls over. Bump it down a size and it won't give me a good melt to the side of the jar. Switch to a different wick - get mushrooming! Nothing varies - same wax - same FO - same %. I'd just like to know what works for you! (And to what length do you trim the wick before you light it off the first time?)
  11. Yes, I've done a couple of fairs/shows just to give the organizers some support. And sometimes I think I should have just given them a donation rather than doing all the hauling and setting up. And then the people who think that they are at a flea market just put the icing on the cake! But you gotta love the people who "want to think about it." And, when they see you packing up, just have to get something! More times than not I'll make at least one sale when the take it home boxes come out!?!?!?
  12. I got this look the first time I poured after the airconditioner came on. The vent was directly over the jar - now I definitely put a box over them while cooling.
  13. Because there are so many people looking for natural wax candles made of soy I don't label it as soy unless it is soy (which includes soy with additives from the manufacturer). IN MY OPINION any mix of soy with paraffin takes it out of the soy category. I think it should be clearly labeled as parasoy - because that's what it is. There are too many people with respiratory problems who are sensitive to paraffin and they shouldn't be misled by a label.
  14. You can do both and price them accordingly. A local uses bases in her regular line. She adds the words "Premium - Custom Blended" to her label and adds a percentage to the prices for her labor on the ones she blends.
  15. You go girl! Thanks for checking & sharing (as usual).
  16. Charm packs are squares of various fabrics sold in a bundle. The usual size I've seen are 4 inch squares. Packs can vary in size - but typically on the market now is a pack of 40...10 different fabrics and 4 squares of each fabric. HTH
  17. Just checked my 55# bag from Candle Science. There's nothing on the box or bag indicating anything about IGI. Sorry, couldn't be of more help.
  18. Started using Candle Science as a supplier only because I could drive and pick up from them. It's wonderful to know how well respected they are by other chandlers! Customer service, short shipping time with reasonable costs, new oils and product development. Put 2 piece jelly jar lids on my wish list!
  19. Paraffin (8 yrs) AND Soy (1 yr). Developing Palm for sale & hope to have it done by September.
  20. I did advanced search for "wood wick supplier". Here's the link: www.candletech.com/forums/search.php?searchid=699776 HTH
  21. I usually make the clamshells. 75% Ecosoya CB-135 and 25% Ecosoya PB.
  22. From what I understand, if your wick is wrong (too hot) it can actually burn off the FO (i.e. be consumed by the flame rather than released into the air.) Then when that melt pool re-solidifies the % of FO in that layer has actually decreased. When lit the next time, the aroma is decreased because there is less FO left in the top (previously melted) layer. However, if you were using the same wick the % of FO left in the burn pool would remain consistent. That's why I start low with the wicks and work my way up. HTH - HIEC (Hope I explained correctly)
  23. But if that is true why do the other 6 still throw the aroma very well if they've gone through the exact same testing? My formula for making tarts is different, too. I meant making a tart form with the container wax. And this is what I love about this forum - variety of ideas and people willing to take time to explain their methods and the reason why! Thanks, Vicky.:highfive: I think I'll try BOTH methods for the next 10! (Just in case it is my persnikety wax.)
  24. But I haven't been finding just a 5% Doesn't Work rate. The first 10 I've poured as candles had oils from 5 different suppliers. Poured, wicked and cured for 7 days. Did the swap out the wick method and couldn't get 4 of them (from 3 different suppliers) to throw; 6 did throw as a candle. I made my notes for FO % and wicks that worked. In order to clean out my jars I put them on an old coffee pot heater plate. When I was melting the ones that worked as candles the aroma filled the room (& more for some). But when I melted the ones that didn't work the aroma throw was only in about an 18" radius from the jar. If I would have started eleminating at the wickless/tart stage I could have eliminated 40% of the FO's AND saved all the time to wick, burn 3 hours, rewick, and burn another 3 hours...just to find out it wouldn't work! That's what lead me to think - just do tarts first. I'm thinking with a large variation with what your experience is and mine it must be the different wax formulas we use. Mine is probably just very particular especially if yours throws in such a high percentage of tarts!!!
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