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Everything posted by 8-GRAN-ONES

  1. You Can Go Directly Thru Her Bypass Ebay..and They Are A Little Cheaper..she Is A Wonderful Person To Work With..
  2. I was wanting to do a swirl...will I have time??
  3. Thanks...I figured out that about the liners...
  4. I am so thankful for you ladies that give your time.. to give these classes. Even if the timeing don't work out to be in while happening,,they are great referances to go back to.. Thanks, thanks, Something else I would love is lotions and butter classes..
  5. Thanks for the information Soap Man.. So you don't think I need to wrap in a towel either??? What do I look for in 15 min? and then do I leave to lid off.. I have my oils and lye cooling right now.. So how long can I leave them in the mold before unmolding?
  6. IN MY SOY HERE ARE SOME I LIKE Flowerbomb Summer Garden Rhubarb Plum Patchouli Raspberry Razzle Berry Swirl
  7. I have always loved black and pink.. and in that soap it is lovely..
  8. Oh my goodness..I didn't know there was a salt bar class coming up.. I might just wait for that, and make mine then... Jben, Thanks for your help too..I didn't know you were the salt bar master...I have not been on this forum long enough to know.. But I learn something every day.. Grumpy why don't you let us know what we might need for the class, so if we don't have it we can get it ordered.... Like me I don't have any colors...and really don't know for sure what to buy.. I am just jumping for joy:yay: I can't wait for this class..
  9. Thank you Grumpy and Jben.... My mold is wooden and has a lid..should I put it in the oven.. Also when do I add the salt..Do I pretty well follow the guidelines of CP soap making? I love your salt bars Grumpy..I bought one, and love that they are larger size.. I don't have any colorants yet..so I am going to do what Eugiena used for color in her Soap Class...use Parsley Flakes... Thanks again...
  10. I have come up with some #,s does this look right?? for 40 oz. oils needed coconut 28oz Crisco 2oz. Babassu 2oz. Palm 2oz. Olive 4oz. Shea Butter 2oz. Water 15.2 oz Lye 6.49 oz. and salt the same amount as the oils.. another question if my mold will hold 40 of oils, and I add 40 oz. of salt..do I need to cut this recipe in half...I am using the new divider tog mold...
  11. I am wanting to use Grumpy's salt bar recipe that I found in the arcives.. Grumpy's is for 32 oz. of oils... I have Tog's new Mold It will hold 40oz. of oils.. Would there be anyone that could help me recalculate this recipe to fit my mold..PM me if you can..I am just having a terrible time with the soap calc..
  12. I have tested Berts Raspberry...OOB it smells really good...In my Wax it smelled great, but I am getting a Fuel smell...I use GB 415..Has anyone else tried this FO in this wax? I would like to know what results you have gotten...
  13. I just wanted to update on PEARBERRY..It is yummy I just lit it about 35 min. ago..and it has floated along way thru my house already..I have used it in GB 415...
  14. I just poured testers in... Blueberry Buckle..To my nose it is a tart smell. Blue Vanilla...?? I don't know..it seems like I detect a Minty smell Caramel Corn...Definatly caramel and corn.. Sweet Currant..Very good smell in the wax.. Cappuccino hazelnut....Yummm Banana Nut Bread...I really like this one Cappuccino Brulee..Coffee, Blond & Sweet Raspberry Brulee..Tart & Sweet combined They all smell wonderful in my wax.. Will let you know how they do once they are cured..
  15. My opinon would be...unless it is alot cheaper...I would stick to what you have if you are satisfied with it...I use GB 415..while it is a good wax..there are alot of issues with it...I have found I go thru alot of samplers trying to find FO's that really throw well in it..but when I do get one that does,,it does really well..But that is just my opinon..There may be others with alot more experiance than I, that would advise you different.. If you will read on this board about growing wax...I am having some trouble with my wax growing 3 to 4 wks. after making and storing with it almost covering my wicks..I am not trying to scare you off of GB, but I wanted to give you my honest opinon, on what has been going on with me... That post about wax growing..Is in the Vegetable wax section..
  16. I didn't mean adding any water to the wax...lol I guess I didn't explain myself very well.. I was just compairing the cold water to the choc. reaction..to cold FO to wax.. Hope that was better..
  17. one way to sometimes find the new one is.. on the ebay tab that says newly listed.. HTH
  18. Just a thought..I wonder if we should make sure our FO is warmed alittle before adding??? I was compairing to the water added to the choc..cold water make if seize.. warmed water mixed .. I think I will try this next time..
  19. I don't use your type of wax..but these are also great Creme Brulee Black Raspberry Vanilla Coconut Choc. Raspberry Drizzle Fig & Melon (don't let the name fool you) Pumpkin Custard Spice I made soap with her Black Raspberry Vanilla..2 wks later it has still not discolored..
  20. I must confess...I did use it...It was soooo goooood...lots and lots of bubbles..felt so soft and creamy...That is a good idea to use it..wait another week and use it again to see how it really performs...
  21. I really have to thank dejae for helping me with the recipe... I had order oils from her co-op..and was waitng for them I had some oils on hand and email her what I had.. so she helped me out with it.. THANK YOU DEJAE..YOU WERE A BIG HELP TO ME.. SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS, AND I WILL SEND YOU A BAR..
  22. I adsolutly love this FO..but I am having a time trying to get it wicked right, in my candle jar...
  23. to use my first soap at 2 wks..I just dont' think I can wait any longer:yay:
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