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Everything posted by 8-GRAN-ONES

  1. No castor oil.. I put in the oven for a little over an hour..at 170 degrees.. so I never coverd them..should I have covered them?
  2. I used Black Raspberry Vanilla..I didn't have any colors..so I took out some before I added the FO..thinking it would turn dark after adding the FO..I had seen pictures of soaps here on this board that looked like frosting..So when I had poured the FO blend in my mold, I then stirred the left over mixture to a pretty good trace and spooned on top.. Could this still turn darker? Also Is it normal for them to still feel a little sticky?
  3. I just cut them this morning.. I am jumping for joy..
  4. Oopps..first one didn't show up..now I have a monster..lol This granny is going to have to learn to post pictures..
  5. Thanks spatreats4u..for helping me out there...this is my first try at soap..I am really happy with it...I do have a question..how long does it stay kind of spongey?
  6. sorry It just seems I can't post that picture..If some one has advice on this let me know...
  7. Ok..here is my first soap...I am really happy with the way it turned out.. I will not cut until tomorrow.. A question...What do you do to get it to look shiny on top?
  8. I just wanted to post ..there was some that seeped out of the mold..it lathers like crazy,,and feels so good..I will post pictures..if I knew how..is there directions somewhere..
  9. Yes it does smell very good...I have it in the oven right now..and my whole house smells great..
  10. I made my first soap today.. CP soap.. I have had it in the oven, for 1hr 20 min. at 170 degrees..I still don't knowtice a gell. I used Blackraspberry Vanilla FO..I knew that some Vanillas turn dark..so I took out some before adding my FO to make it look like Frosting on top.. So I don't know If I just can't see it gelling because of the frosting on top....So I don't know what I should do..leave in oven longer.. Or just let set in the turned off oven for 6 to 7 hrs. Any help would be kind...
  11. I have a question Carebare..or whom ever might see this first.. I just put my first soap ever in the oven in a do right mold.. How long do you leave in the oven? I was thinking of just one hour, then turning off and leaving all day.. Does this seem the right way to do??
  12. I am trying to make up my mind on which Type of colorants to buy. What would you seasoned soapmakers suggest for a newbie?
  13. Is what I read on their website right, about have a new store in LA Calif.?
  14. Thanks everyone who has replied and PM me..It has been very helpful. with the help of singleyellowrose and dejae...I started my first batch of soap,..I had my lye ready, and all my other oils ready, I had a jar of coconut oil... when I weighted it..It was 20 gms. less than what I needed. So I have been searching for some more coconut oil..and in my little town they just don't have much to choose from..so hopefully I can find some today..If not I will just store all this and wait for my co-op supplies to come.. So that is my story on my first soap... But it has not disheartened me... I will get it made, maybe just not today..:undecided
  15. I have been looking to..If you find something be sure to post..and I will do the same.. Also I could never get the recipe drop down menu to work for me..
  16. That's good to know.. I have mine just standing on end in the box, it came in..
  17. I have Sunflower oil..almond oil ( it does not say sweet almond oil) Grapeseed oil..Extra Virgin Olive oil...coconut oil..kosher soy wax... crisco shortening..( the butter flavor) ..silk fibers...lye I have a 4# do right mold.. Do I have what it takes in oils to make a batch of soap?.. We are waiting for out co-op oils and butters..to come.. and I was wanting to try a small batch, if I have the right oils to make a good one..Could some one advise me?
  18. I had a question about using my Kitchen Aid Mixer.. Do you ladies use the one that you would also use for cooking and Baking? I didn't know if that was the right thing to do, as your soap can splatter up on the mixer.. I was concerned about the lye thing... ???? Or do you only use the stick blender? I know One of you Soapers will have the right answer..
  19. ooo...good..I have some of that coming..and I use 415 also..I have found with 415 once you find a FO that throws in it,,,it throws really well...
  20. my PCS in 415 smells wonderful..I have it burning right now and can smell all through the house..
  21. My sq. tin is 2 3/4" sq. I don't know the size of your melts. but by looking..at the most this tin would only hold 4..
  22. What about the square tins with the window on top.. I have seen those in colors besides the tin look.. White would look great up beside the dark choc.. I have a square 8 oz. tin here with window top.. If I knew how big the choc truffles were I could tell you approx. how many would fit..
  23. That looks good Candlegrl..... You will have a nice website..I am sure..
  24. Are you finding that you need to line these? I have not started making soap yet.. I bought one from the recent co-op.. and was wondering what your oppinion is. On what is best...line or not?
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