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Everything posted by 8-GRAN-ONES

  1. You are too funny sharig...hiding all that stuff.. Does that sound familar, ladies..is anyone else guilty. How many times have you had a package coming and looked out the window wishing the UPS truck would show up before 5 o'clock
  2. I have been eyeing this recipe...for a while.. I ran it on the soap calc.. I have never used a soap calc.. I want to make 4 lb. it shows water as 38% of oils.. Does that sound right.. If not could someone help me out. You can PM or post here.. I would sooo... like to get this right the first time.. then it shows the lb..oz...and gms..below that..
  3. Thanks soapman..So I would you just a normal recipe, with all the oils and butters? Does the milk take the place of the water?
  4. The best Mulberry I have ever smelled out of bottle or in a candle is from a ebay seller...Amditributors...he says his oils are IFT oils.. I have bought his mulberry, and its smell is wonderful, but I could never get a real strong HT with my all soy GB 415..Its CT was great, just a disappointing HT I know that others use different type of waxes..so you might try getting a sample of it and try..it might work good for you...
  5. I read about making soap out of left over milk, and letting it sour naturally in the refrigerator..I can't find that post anywhere.. It is supposed to be very mild, and a good hard bar of soap.. It was said when it is cured it has a sweet smell to it.. There was no added FO.. I would like to make this...My Mother In Law, as long as I remember has always had to be very careful what type of soap she uses.. She is 77 and her skin has gotten very thin..I guess that is something we can all look forward to....Anyway any help would be appreciated. I have several oils and butters coming from the co-op that just ended, and would like to make some of this for her..It will be my first ever try at soap making.. So if anyone would care to mentor a first time soaper, and help me with this, I would be grateful... Also I might add I have also bought a Mr. do right 4# molds from one of the co-ops too..so I will use this to put it in So you can see I am really serious about this:D just need a little help..
  6. I to have tried adding BW and Palm..to try to get a better HT..But have decided that If The FO doesn't throw in 100% soy I am not going to mess with it..Just my 2 cents
  7. Is there any where in USA they sell these ingrediants.. I also could not find the recipes..
  8. I know that must have been music to your ears, not to have chemotherype.. Glad you are doing so well... and can't wait to get my mold, & beveler
  9. It is always wonderful to hear an encouraging story.. Glad you are doing well...
  10. I am really excited to get it...I also bought his soap beveler..
  11. You know as you mentioned cream..it seems like the ones I noticed that smell in was some of the creamy FO's...Now not every one of the creamy FO's do that..but when they do...
  12. yes...that is where I bought it.. the new one with dividers..
  13. that could be..but I use the same brand of wicks for all my different FO's I was thinking it could be a certain chemical in the FO maybe?? Because very few are that way..what is odd ...when you reburn it,,you do not smell it..just when it has cooled down...but I does not make for a very good sniffer, for someone to smell...lol
  14. Have any of you noticed that before you burn a new candle the smell will be good..and once you have burned it..in some candles the candle has a almost burnt tire smell? Of some kind of weird smell...This is not in all candles, really just very few, but when it is there you really notice it...but once you start burning it again, you don't smell it.. I hope I am not the crazy one here:D
  15. if this is your first swirl...you give me hope.. they are beautiful...love the colors..
  16. those are very nice looking soaps... you have been busy.. lovely...lovely....
  17. You didn't hijack it at all.. Those are questions I was wondering about..
  18. I have been eyeing the new 12 divider mold.. It was on sale today only.. its on its way to a new home...mine Now I have to get myself in gear an make some Salt Bars..for the first time... and I am a little nervous..
  19. I have never heard of it, but it sounds interesting.. Can you buy it from other sources than the company.. I Would like to just get a little to try.. What is this made up of..
  20. does itmejeff have a website to look at them..
  21. does anyone have the soap hutch molds..from what I have read they will custom size it for you..I am like you,,even though I have not made soap..I have bought it and I do like the bigger bars too..
  22. I love love this FO..But am having trouble wicking.. I use 4" diamiter jar..double wick..CD wicks I used 2 12's but it seems the longer it burns the weaker the flame gets..it will start to even setup on the sides.. If I go up one size it seems the jar gets to hot... Any Suggestions? I know this is a FO that alot of you use..so was wondering what you have done..
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