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Everything posted by AnjieBurdett

  1. Its container paraffin from Candlel lights and i get my oils from Sensory perfection, these particular ones are Double Vanilla. So the waiting is all about scent development then? Anjie,x.
  2. Wait 2 weeks to test burn my tins and containers??? If so, what is the reasoning behind it? Anjie,x.
  3. Does look like a bum *ROFL* never noticed till you said Nat!! Should have scented it 'Peachy' Anjie,x. p.s oooooh free stuff!!!
  4. Hi there. I have done a google search and come up with absolutely nothing!! (I am soo pants at finding anything on there). Can anyone tell me where I can find those twist up tubes that some of you use for the Lotion Bars. I found some abroad but would really like to find a supplier nearer to home, in the UK. Thanks in advance. Anjie,x.
  5. Are you going to post some pics *LOL* ............. oops you have DOH - sorry couldn't see them then they appeared :-) Woooo you've been busy! What wick did you use for the tins? Have you tested them yet? I made some last night but not with soy with paraffin container wax scented with Double Vanilla (yumm) can't actually smell them yet 'cause i got a cold (ohh poorly me). I used 3 different wicks in mine to see which one burns best, ones an LX14, ones an LX16 and the others a NT32 cause I don't have any LX18's still. Let me know how yours go when you burn them. Anjie,x.
  6. OK, I have to ask - whats IPM?? Please Anjie,x.
  7. OH WOW! I'm not allergic to lemons, i was tested for them too Thank you soo much for that, you people are just the best! XXXX Anjie,x.
  8. Ahhhh, ok then. Seems like bath bombs are out of the picture for me then *wahhh sob sob*. Thanks for looking that up for me. Anjie,x.
  9. Thank you for those! I have another question that you may not be able to answer - or it may sound obvious or stupid. Citric Acid......does it come from citrus fruits?? I have had a food allergy test and am allergic to (cows) dairy products, chocolate (ARGHHHH!!!), tomatoes and ORANGES. Can you see where this is going lol. Anjie,x.
  10. ME TOO! ME TOO! I'll drive!! On second thoughts, hubby will drive he luuurves Tahoe!! Anjie,x.
  11. Oh but I like that smell So i'd need the normal one for products that I didn't want to add f/o's to but still wanted them to smell gorg?? Anjie,x.
  12. Can someone please tell me what 'deodourised' cocoa butter is?? Does it smell bad usually? Does the deodourised stuff smell of nothing or does it just smell yummy? Anjie,x. (confused)
  13. YES PLEASE!! That would be fab and I would be really grateful if you could pm me some of your recipes. I need to start somewhere and I just didn't know where. Thanks again, will look out for your pm. Anjie,x.
  14. Hi there! I am new to this section so go easy on me I really want to make my own bath bombs but I have EXCEPTIONALLY sensitive skin! I have eczema and its a nightmare. After talking with a lady who also has eczema, she told me to try Lush's Dream Cream. I went to the shop to buy some and my eyes were drawn to the big stack of bath bombs!! I spoke to the sales girl and explained my skin condition, and she talked me into trying one called 'Butterball', it contains cocoa butter and is supposed to be very natural and softening on the skin, but, i've been too scared to try it so far lol. What I want to do is make my own, so I know exactly what is in it. Has anyone got any tried and trusted recipes for sensitive skins? I would like mine to include sea salt, and maybe something soothing like cocoa butter and/or oatmeal which i extremely good for the skin. I don't want to use any f/o's if at all possible. Would the cocoa butter leave the bombs with a lovely natural scent?? Hope you can help me. Anjie,x.
  15. See!! Small world!! :highfive: Hi Britishgirl, nice to meet you. Anjie,x.
  16. ok, ok, I want a pic of the boob in a mug ROFL! Anjie,x.
  17. Hi Nat. I don't use soy, I use paraffin. Are those wicks you suggested ok with paraffin as well? Are there any suppliers in the uk? Wicks are a bloody nightmare!! LOL Anjie,x.
  18. I have 4 too!! One 8 year old, one 7, one 3 and one 11 months! HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE? lol. Still, at least I have my laptop! Anjie,x.
  19. Wick....LMFAO!! God that was funny!! Pain wick rofl. I should have put a comma in Ohhh so, square mould huh? I'll give that a go, thanks. Anjie,x. ETA Kids are on school holidays now, sod sleep, you need a drink!
  20. I'd like to know that too. I feel your pain wick, i had the same problem when i tried a chunky. Anjie,x.
  21. Thanks for your reply BUT I was being an air head LOL (no change there!), i didn't mean 1% f/o, my formula is worked out at 1oz of f/o to 1Ib of wax, but i work in grams so its around 6% - i think!! It's burning fine apart from the mushrooming on one wick. And that was sorted by trimming it. Am I being to picky over my own handywork? I'll burn again tomorrow and see how I feel about it. I went for the LX20 because the LX16 is too small and i don't have any LX18 because my supplier is out of stock. If I'm not happy tomorrow I will try getting some 18's and try wicking with those. It seems to need 4 wicks though because its such a wide container. Anjie,x. ETA Just reread your post! Yes I may try wicking up and using fewer in another test. Thanks! What other wick series are there to try?
  22. That turned out really well, well done you! Have you made any more? Anjie,x.
  23. WOW! Those are very very unusual!! Sorry can't help you with a supplier just wanted to say 'yes you have very good taste' Anjie,x.
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