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Everything posted by adillenal

  1. You can use goat milk but not as a 100% substitute for water. More like 10% of the total. I use fresh goat milk and I use Liquid Germall Plus as my preservative. Process is the same as for lotion without goat milk. Heat and hold etc.
  2. Was she asking if you have liability insurance???
  3. I have seen a few of those. They are not popups but rather pipes that fit together. Very strong. I have a neighbor at my monthly market that has a real old one and it is still going strong. Really need two people to set it up though. In my opinion of course.
  4. I use clear labels and don't have air bubbles. Maybe the thickness of the label makes a difference. Don't know.
  5. There is a yahoo group for cream soap that will have all of the answers you need. You will need to request to join. CreamSoap@yahoogroups.com
  6. How thicxk did you cut your bars? I can't break off pieces of soap from a bar. I also cure my soap for several months since I pretty much use full liquid in the form of goat milk. Patience. You might be surprised in a month or so.
  7. I use a template I bought from someone that works with Microsoft Publisher. The labels were all set up and I just had to put my data in once. Since I don't have a lot of time it worked well for me.
  8. I just use one label on the front with everything on it. Right or wrong. That is what I am doing.
  9. I use clear labels and buy the whole sheets. My label template is an oval and it prints multiple labels on a sheet. I do have to individually cut them But I can do them pretty fast. I use the princess oval mailibus so the oval label looks good with them. I like the look of the clear labels.
  10. I also have a lotion recipe that I use lanolin in. I use the lanolin from COlumbus Foods and it does smell strong. I am guessing you are using a higher percentage than I am because I cannot detect the smell in the finished product after it sits for a week. Before that I can still smell it. Any FO or EO I use masks the scent though.
  11. I tried using boxes for a more expensive soap line. Didn't work for me. My customers seemed to think they were paying more for the box, not the soap. Back to shrinkwrap and colorul labels.
  12. I have a space similar. I pay $40 a month plus 10% commission and I do quite well. I just stock my booth very well every 3 months and they take care of everything else. Works for me. I sell soap and lotion in my space.
  13. I have lived in Dallas but I much prefer Central Texas. I am a native East Texan and the humidity is too high there for me now. Our climate here is mild although there seems to be a breeze blowing all of the time. That can annoy me at times.
  14. Congratulations on your increased lotion slaes. I use malibus and sell a lot of lotion. I started out with bullet bottles too. My customers just seem to like the shape of the malibus. And isn't it fun when you get a call from someone you never heard of from somewhere you have never been because someone shared their lotion and now this person just has to have some too? Boy talk about a run on sentence. I didn't have any luck with soap boxes. Now shrink wrap with a colorful label and I sell a lot of soap.
  15. THat is the amount of liquid and lye I use for my basic 100 oz formula so I agree that it would be LYE heavy. I like to use www.soapcalc.com
  16. Glad to know I am not the only person to do that.
  17. FO's and EO's are the main thing I want far away from my food. Made that mistake already. And yes, I am serious. Two sets. One for food. One for whatever.
  18. This is what I do also. Two of everything and I make sure I store them in different places so I don't get them mixed up.
  19. I use a rigid plastic bucket that milk replacer came it. nice and sturdy. I have used the plastic tubs that lard comes in also with no problems. I would not use glass since you never know when it might decide to crack.
  20. I love those. I am getting bored with the plain feather palm. Now I know what my next project is going to be. THANKS FOR SHARING.
  21. I absolutely love those. They are just plain old beautiful.
  22. Soap and lotion are my big sellers. I do a monthly market plus another dozen shows a year and have a booth in a craft mall. Candles are my slow item for my clientele. I am now making pillars so we will see how they go. Soap and lotion is used up wheras candles are not always burned or they were bought as a gift.
  23. The reason I like clear labels on colored candles is that the color of the candle shows through and looks really attractive. Try one. It might just be what you are looking for.
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