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Everything posted by hawaiiansun

  1. Looks yummy. Just in time for breakfast
  2. Right on J stick to your guns lol :highfive:
  3. Tuscan Nights I like it but no one else does Jasmine I can't handle
  4. lol I hear ya Lola, I keep adding salt and it still stays wet finally i added some aroma beads and corn cob. LMAO , made a nice stew but it finally absorved lol. Scent blue berry muffin, very strong. Had a muslim bag in the bathroom in my office over the weekend and wow the whole place smells great. The beads and corn cob helped to absorve the fo.
  5. woohoo :highfive: I rarely burn candles cept to test them, but my candle warmers are on 24/7
  6. You need one with a high melt point, so your shell doesn't melt, and it needs to be translucent. 1554 works, so does 1260 OK we need some hurricane experts to jump in here
  7. First the salts won't dry anytime soon lol I have some sitting for 10 days, maybe cause i added dye They hold the scents great though. I've used 1/2 as much in the salts as in aroma beads or corn cobs. Good luck let me know how it turns out.
  8. ditto everything Sharon said only thing it's sticky lol
  9. OK 6628 makes nice smooth votives also and awesome throw of course you need to repour this wax
  10. lol that's the email addy I pm'd her. I started out buying from Kari, she's great and accommodating
  11. ok but the main thing is what lasts the longest, it can be strong for a day or two but with the freshners you want what's going to last the longest
  12. I'm not Kimberly but Peak has great strong fo of course you have to test them to your liking Just Scents also others will chip in
  13. That is so true, use your strongest fo and stay away from food ones, they yuck in corncob lol
  14. I have a couple of batchs of rock salt and it's been 10 days and it's still wet. I started out with 4:1 ratio salt/fo and had to keep adding salt now i'm up to 8:1 lol It's still a lil wet and stained my muslim bag but the scent rocks. It's super strong in my office. Now to see how long it holds up. At this ratio and the cost of 4lbs salt $1.29 here so probably way cheaper in the states, it's cheaper than aroma beads. I can save my beads for my ornies It takes forever to absorve but it holds the scent great. Oh I used mandarin plum in one batch and blue berry muffin in the other. I also did a mix with corn cob and salt, and it absorved faster.
  15. 50/50 or 75/25 it's a matter of testing and choice.. however the more container wax you use the softer the wax
  16. After you pour wrap a towel or something around the mold, it has to cool slowly. Like Henry said, you can lose the texture easily. I go easy with the heat gun, and use a skewer to push the wax to level off the top. You don't want the wax going over the sides, or it'll ruin the texture
  17. relax sleep tight and start again tomorrow
  18. Kool next time take a pic so we all can enjoy it
  19. I cover all cavities in my clam shells, I find that it's easier to break and looks nice and even all the way across
  20. I do my tarts and clamshells with 25% container 75% pillar or votive some others do it with a diff ratio
  21. Yuck, and I was going to check them out when I get to Seattle later this month :undecided
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