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Everything posted by hawaiiansun

  1. My stomach just growled looks so real yummmm
  2. OOOO I'm just in time for breakfast very nice and love the mug
  3. I like that what wax did you use? Bet it smells awesome
  4. Very nice candles love your colors
  5. New FOs? ohoh there goes the Paypal account
  6. interesting , I've never seen them before, only aroma beads
  7. for pillars 1343 do't know bout containers someone will chip in
  8. I agree OK 6628 has awesome throw and is nice and smooth, I use it in tarts too with J223, I like the 1343 I've been playing some with it rustics and mottled. I also like the Astor F and PQ cause the effects are so kool, and I think I've got the wick down path on the 3" pillars.
  9. wow that was better than anything on tv tonite lmao Glad you're rid of the tard I'd get the cash before doing anything for buckos like this
  10. very pretty candles love the big one great effects
  11. I like the drape the best looks good as it is. You did a great j ob on all of them, keep it up
  12. these sliding bars for report covers are like the plastic ones that hold plastic molds I've used them just use metal tape over them http://www.officemax.com/max/solutions/product/prodBlock.jsp?BV_UseBVCookie=yes&expansionOID=-536905753&prodBlockOID=537329394
  13. I use it in wickless candles, tarts and aroma beads. People like it and find the name interesting
  14. wow glad you're ok Sometimes I have to run out on emergencies, if one of my seniors need help, I have fears of leaving the house with candles lit so I"ve posted a sign on the inside of my front door TURN OFF CANDLES MAKE SURE STOVE IS OFF WATER FOR MISSY ( MY DOG) LOL
  15. all of your combos are very nice, you have a lot of talent and patience
  16. good things are worth waiting for and Peak has the best fo
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