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Everything posted by broadzilla

  1. I was just wondering that as well! *lol*
  2. Hey! That's a great idea! I'll google these kraft bags and see where to get them. Thank you!!
  3. Thank you, I'll go look! I just wasn't sure about the baggies...these women don't know me personally. We've never met, but I work with their husbands and they think "She must be ok if my husband likes her". *lol* I'll just do the baggies thing if that's what is the norm. But I would like some pretty jars for myself.
  4. Those are so cute! Sure wish I was crafty like that! Really cute!!
  5. Where is a good place to find jars for milk baths salt baths? I am about to make my very first one tonight but have no jar to put it in. I can keep mine in a plastic bag I think for now. I would like to have some friends' wives (that I haven't met) try some though and really don't want to put it in a baggie. I saw Grumpy has some pots for sale that are just adorable but might be too big, plus she's gone now I think. These would just be for sample anyways, but I don't want to send some husband home with a sample in a baggie. Seems tacky to me since I haven't met these women yet, but they are willing to try it. Or is giving them some to try in a baggie not tacky?
  6. It's been a few hours now and I STILL feel smooth and smell good! *lol* Also just made my first carpet freshner....my house smells wonderful!
  7. O....M....G!!!!! I feel like a girl!!! I just used Lorries sugar scrub and body butter for the first time. HOLY COW!!! I have soooo been missing out! I've never used any of this before, so I'm pretty excited right now! My skin feels sooo smooth and I smell sooo good! *lol*
  8. The beach party thing sounds really cool! And when the day is over, give him this.... idea from the second poster.... And then everytime he sees that figurine he'll remember that party.
  9. I'll be going to a big town next week on my days off, so I'll get it there. There is only one small grocery store here, a few gas stations and lots of bars. Thank you all!
  10. I had to leave for work during this thread yesterday. I thank you all very much for your great advice and ideas. The one with the psoriasis just wanted something to soothe the dryness. He uses heavy duty shampoo, wears the cap to bed with some type of medicine on his head, and sometimes he just gets really tired of all the dryness. He's given his specialist permission to meet with me so we can come up with something soothing. Really nice guy this Doctor. He also wants to see my son and try some things on him. Ummm...Tea Tree came up in our conversation, as did emu oil. He definitely wants him to continue with the Abreva until he comes home, and then we will go from there. He also said he has a little "something" he makes up for his family member who gets cold sores and will show me the recipe after he sees my son in order to know if it might help him. Homemade I asked? Yes, he said. *lol* And just in case anyone was wondering, I never intended to just mix something up and have them try it. I was looking for something to try to help them, but with research and a Doctors permission. They both have serious conditions with what they are afflicted with. Not just "light" cases. Anyways, you guys are really great, thank you very much. I appreciate everything you've said.
  11. Thank you very much. I didn't even know what an EO WAS until last week.:embarasse *lol* I am interested in making lip balm, and I have ordered some things. I am so new that I am literally waiting for my first shipments of supplies to come in. *L* My youngest son is the one with the cold sore. I could mangle my sister for kissing him when he was a baby and she had that crap on her lip. Anyways, he is in college in another state so I'm not comfortable with him trying anything anyways without me there "just in case". He uses Abreva but I think he gets so caught up in school life that he ignores what his lip is feeling until the thing appears. Seriously wish I could mangle my sister every time he gets one. He'll be home in May. I'll practice making stuff and see how it goes from now until he comes home. I never had a cold sore so how will I know if I made something right? That sounds so stupid of me to ask!:embarasse And thank you for being gentle with me. *L*
  12. Hello beau's mama & Luci, I haven't made anything yet and just recently signed up. Would you 2 be willing to send me your recipes, or let me buy your product from you? I really want to help these 2 out.
  13. Psoriasis and cold sores. I know 2 different people that suffer with these. The cold sore person was kissed by an aunt 20 years ago who had a cold sore, so now he gets them and sometimes they are HUGE. Very painful and I feel so sorry for him. he uses Abreva when it comes out. The psoriasis sufferer, he has it so bad that it will form a cap like thing on his head. He uses prescribed shampoo and after awhile it makes his head feel so tight he stops using it. Then its back to the cap with the smelly shampoo. He also has it on one spot on his knee. Is there someone here that makes something that really works for either or both of these guys? Or is the prescribed stuff the only way to go?
  14. Not sure if this will help, but I send items monthly to the UK and Australia. I send everything USPS Airmail, and they have never paid a customs fee, handling fee, or any other fee, and I've been sending over there for 8 years now. You might get better deals on items right here on this site. Maybe you can use this posting as your announcement. "Looking for molds across the pond" kind of thing. *L*
  15. They have bath salts too! Wow....they actually have a lot of recipes for things to make! Thank you again!
  16. I could swear I use to see soap flakes in grocery stores when I was younger, back in the stone ages. Then I just figured it was MY grocery store that didn't carry it because they don't carry much of anything. Milk, bread, eggs, and soup basically. *lol* What a great site soycrazy! Thank you!! Edited to add...they didn't have any ice cube trays either.
  17. I'm answering my own question here....the answer is no. A big fat no. Not at the little Safeway we have in this town anyways.
  18. Thank you Incandessence! I don't have a creative ounce of anything in me. I am sooo not crafty, but now that I have 2 grandchildren, I seem to be getting these urges to make something. *lol* I don't know what's happening to me! Getting into this candle & soaping making think is sooo imtimidating. So I need to start out small...very small.
  19. I have a brand new sewing machine and no experience. I have ordered dipping bears and would like to make tee shirts with our highschool name on them for these bears. I am making these bears for my grand daughters Daisy troop so they can sell them and make themselves some money for their troop. How hard will this be? The bears are 6 and half inches. I've never dipped bears before, and I've never sewn before. I think I've lost my mind somewhere.
  20. I am itching to make something for my 2 grandkids that are visiting here. I have the recipe for Soap Crayons for kids. It calls for one cup of soap flakes, food coloring, water and ice cube trays. Are the soap flakes something I can usually get a grocery store? I have notebooks now filled with tons of recipes, and have yet to try anything yet. I want to make something easy that I can get ingredients at a grocery store if possible.
  21. I love seeing your creations!!! You make such beautiful soaps!
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