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Everything posted by deputy6512

  1. Thats wonderful! Hope you didn't have plans to do anything the rest of the summer!!
  2. Thats neat! Is that just rocks or smelly jelly?
  3. Thanks guys...I know I can always count on all of you to help me out! You are all right, I just needed to vent because it just caught me completely off guard. I love the hamburger analogy, I never thought of it that way
  4. Just need to vent. I just walked over to the Clerk's office to get a snack, and there were two candles burning, but they werent mine!!!! Now I am wondering why they don't like my candles. They have bought from me before, and even recently placed some orders for tarts. The ladies across the street in the Prosecutors Office just ordered more this morning Ugghhh! This is the first time this has happened to me, so I guess my ego is busted a bit and I'm not real sure how to handle this. I know I make a great candle, and they have even commented before how they liked them. Any suggestions on how to get them to buy from me again????????????
  5. goodness!!! that would be great, but you better start pouring now!!!
  6. Sorry, didn't take any pictures I forgot my camera. TLC: I wasn't sure what to take, so I just took everything I had. This was a pain loading and unloading, but since it was my first I had no clue what to expect. I did cash and carry, but told them they could order something if I didn't have it out. They didn't order, but asked me if at my next party I could have the items in stock, and I told them I would. At my party next month, I will probably just take my most popular scents, and maybe a few of the others. The party followed in line with my other orders as far as what scents and sizes sold the most. Best sellers: Pink Sugar and Clean Cotton Favorite Sizes: 8oz tins and 8oz jelly jars. It was very interesting to me to watch everyone. They smelled EVERYTHING at least twice before deciding
  7. I went to a local craft show this spring, and there was a lady selling candle with no labels of any kind, not even company information (I think I posted about this back then). Anyway, her jelly jars were just that...normal jelly jars with no labeling, not even the lids. I don't even think the candles had scent info on them. She sold mainly 4oz jelly's but I think she may have had tarts as well. She handed me a business card that had a website listed, but when you go to that site, it says it doesn't exist!!!
  8. The same thing has happened to me. It seems the sachets are better for me, maybe because with the jar, the scent can only go up through the lid, whereas with the sachet it is released all around
  9. Well, I did it! Friday night I gave my first candle party hosted by my stepsister and her cousin. We expected about 15 people, but only 5 showed up. I made $110, not bad I don't think. I am so glad I did it. I learned alot and got experience displaying my items. Oh, and I got another party booked from this one, so that is good too. Just wanted to share!
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