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Everything posted by LynnS

  1. French Vanilla at AWE.I have had mine on a candle warmer for approx 150 hours(or More).I have lost count.I have it on all the time.I can say I still smell it but of course not like the first hours.It is fine with me.I just leave it on.Really I am wanting it to loose its strength to try another one.This is about one of the best scents I have found because I really never thought a vanilla would be strong.
  2. I didn't get many Christmas scents last year and thank goodness because no one seemed interested.Some of these scents sound good though.The only one I did sell was Peppermint and not because of the holidays, the lady wanted it because it is supposed to help Migraines and she has them all the time.Hope to see her this year at a sale because she also was a crafter.Better have that Peppermint. I am getting a Plum scent.I think that would be a good one. LynnS
  3. Not sure if this would be what you are looking for but the Candlemaker's Store sells bows.I don't always see candle suppliers carry them but he does. LynnS
  4. I need a cat mold.I found a couple but not sure it is what I want.Would like some other ideas for one.Maybe 5 to a mold.Doing a fundraiser and want to make a few dollars.I got a space donated to me and I will do candles and soap.About all proceeds will go to the spay clinic I organize.I spend enough of my own money anyway. My color is going to be blue for about all.Now besides blueberry muffin what other scents COULD be blue.Oh one could be a ocean scent.Downey too.Can anyone help with more please???
  5. I use tubs for tarts.(Don't make the clamshells).It is convenient.I have the deeper ones now but the flat ones would be better.I am using the deeper now because I have sold all the craft items I had so have storage space with the deeper tubs.I package the tarts with the votive bags and label.I do have a place i can get package bags for the tarts only.Fit perfectly. I do not have a floor stand yet(just ordered some risers for candles) but now I am using for display the small plastic baskets from the dollar store.I have now maybe 15 different scents but the next 2 weeks I will up that to 30. LynnS
  6. I had no idea the problem.Some were saying it looked great but change this and that.I just did not want to say "What is Wrong?I cannot get it at all." I thought it was my problem. LynnS
  7. Thank You for all this info.I ordered some risers from GershelBros.Really my husband can build anything but for less than $28.00 worth buying these.He would never get to it.He was looking at some at a sale a lady had made BUT I thought forget it.Well looking was about all because since the show he never mentioned them. Thanks A Bunch, LynnS
  8. I always check for the safe one but do remember was told cinnamon scents were not safe.Then I see that some(soap/lotion) are made with the spicey scents.SO I go and check all from now on.I kinda stick with the florals and perfumey smells anymore for this stuff. Also fruity ones. LynnS
  9. I list all ingredients on the front.With my lotion though it was more to put on so had some labels made that wrapped around the lotion bottle with ingredients on back.With my antibacterial soap ingredients on the front.It is amazing what bigger companies get by with.Peel back to look what is in the stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!UNREAL LynnS
  10. I use wick stickers and they do the job.I will say one bunch did not work and for short time used a glue gun.Now I have some(wick stickers) that work so good I cannot even get them off the bottom.What I did was use a few old candles for testing wickless.Of course the wick then moves to the side.So I thought I will just take the wick out(while warm).WRONG.I cannot get it to budge.It was in there so good I was afraid I would break the jar.So wicks stay testing the wickless. I do take the warning label off the bottom of the wick candle when testing these leftover candles for wickless.I had some at a sale say "Well why can't I just do my wick candles on a candle burner".I explain there is a warning label at the bottom and that would not be good.Now for what they do when they go home I don't know.I did mention to a relative TAKE OFF THE WARNING LABEL.I know they do what they want.I can even bet some have put the wick candles on a warmer. See with the wickless all people see is a candle without a wick and they are ready to use a wick candle not thinking.
  11. This is great to know.I and another Board member just found out a few days ago what they were.Now to get the pic makes it more real.I do tarts and just started.These look bigger from what I see with the mold.So will have to get a mold!!!!!!! LynnS
  12. BCN has rice flower and shea.I did get a ounce of that.It is usually $2.50 but the more scents you buy the less cost.I think it is 12(1 ounce) for $20.00.They may have some of the others you mention.
  13. I just quit the color.It looked pretty just like the candles but decided not this year and maybe never.People still look.I didn;t think they would.I just have a hard time which one they are looking at since the red is strawberry, endless love maybe a pink,sunflower (yellow) and so forth. Lotion in my area is not a big seller but like to have 12-14 bottles. I did sell some last year left over from shows to a friend who's nephew was getting married. When the color is put in the 8 ounce bottle do the bare min.My experience with blueberry was a huge flop.Thinking it should not be light blue told my husband let's add more color.It was trashed.Decided blueberry will be no color.I think also that I decided no color when was told to use water based food coloring.It would work and not the skin safe dyes.It is very safe but decided now is the time to go NO COLOR(natural).
  14. Diamondgirl, The ones at Bell and Company Traders give you a choice of colors.I am going to check the others because I would like to find some animal ones.Yes if there is a sport etc people will buy them. I found people like the angel and star.One man who was real sick brought one(angel) and asked how much.He said to his wife add this to what we get.He was elderly walking with a walker.I hope that angel watches over him. LynnS
  15. That is great.I am just starting soap in the next week.Had intentions of doing that 2 weeks ago.I hope it sells that good in this area.I am also looking for holiday boxes to package.I just looked through Oriental Trader and found bags but that would be best for lotion and a candle. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I have dogwood in my car and it is so strong I put it under the seat.Still smell it real good and has been a month. Hanging on the mirror was to strong but going to see how it is so I can hang back up.No sense it being under the seat. LynnS I have only sold 4 but it was kinda slow at one show and the other was mostly candle sales.I did sell for $2.00 and some had no problems with that.
  17. I did see at a show years ago where they had barrels at a booth and let people scoop their own.It was busy and people seemed to be having fun.My husband talked to him and seems they grow their own(all the things that go into it.) I thought WOW what a crafter. I don't think it would sell in this area(bagged).It was years ago and cannot remember if I saw him this year.He travels all over.It was a show I haven't been to in years.He lived close to us.We found that out after husband talked to him. It may not sell in this area because he has it all BAGGED up.People want his stuff. LynnS
  18. I agree about health problems.In fact 4 of my relatives and friends were diagnosed this year with cancer.So I have been quite concerned.My one friend was gone in 4 months(recurrence) and niece is not doing good.It did spread in my friennd to the lungs liver and brain. Also you know and hear about people (young and old) living on respirators some it may be smoking and others where they worked with chemicals.Since I am sensitive to odors I will get a respirator.I have used the paper masked but felt I could still smell it and was being pushed into the mask.To me is was still strong but sure it blocked some. I did read where some on hear have had to be hospitalized for lung problems and one lady had problems with Lye.I just don't use that at all.Bleach at times gets to me.I will start the MP soap but then I have the FO and also bet the soap fumes can be somewhat nauseating. Glad this was posted and thought about it but never jumped on doing something.I did not think about respirators just knew about masks.Still will open my basement window and FREEZE. LynnS
  19. Stupid me the first candles was a 8 ounce JJ so I made more.Then thought what am I doing it is taking forever.So votives (I do the flower pot ones now) and test with those.I am testing scent throw now with my wicked(take warning label off) with some candles left over from last year.Still those doggone 8 ounce.So from now on one burning candle at a time with flower pot votives.Even not filling FP votive to the top should work.Why waste all that FO and wax?I had just a teeny bit of candle wax left over and put in a FP votive and within 2 hours I knew that scent was a KEEPER.Also had burned to almost the bottom. I wish I could sell those FP votives.I like making them and think it would be good for people to buy to see if they like that scent. Cute too. LynnS
  20. I never thought about it but now you mention I think I will check mine.I did get mine at Wal Mart and Michaels so I am sure they do. It has been a few years but seems like I heard that must be on the items.Seems like my husband who is an electrician mentioned it also.I know he has checked that out when buying things. So if they don't have UL listing I wouldn't buy it.IMO LynnS
  21. Hi theemon, It is hard to make money and candlemaking is alot of work.After you see the cost of supplies you will know. I know how it must be juggling college and work.I have a nephew who has been trying to do just that.He is now going to work days and going to tech school at nights.He did go to college for 2 years.I really don't see how he will do it but the new job pays $35,000 to start and he cannot pass it up. Could you just work week-ends.I know not alot of money but could help. I know a company that seems to be getting college students to sell knives.Well forget that.I know some that did it and it isn't good.I couldn't believe when my friends daughter did it and she was valedictorian(sp?)and a straight A student for her class.I think you could do better selling AVON than knives.I know a person could. Check out what the cost is for candles.If no place near you that sells supplies you have to pay shipping. Don't go to craft stores for supplies.Check other things though to do. First and foremost work on that college degree.It is so hard for kids now and not like it was when I was in school.I talk to my friends about it all the time. We agree how much fun we had and how we did not have the worries kids do today.Now we worry about our kids and grandkids.Their future. GOOD LUCK.Kids nowadays need to make it in the world.I know you can do it.I admire kids going to college.You must have been a good student to get there.My hat is off to you!!!!! LynnS
  22. I can understand.I have been invited to do a craft show with a group.Be in with them.I said Fine I will do it.I did it one other year and did give so much of my candle sales(don't make alot at sales) .Well last night was asked if I was going to do it.Yes I will.Then was told you have to bring your tables because we have to pay for those.We are allowed 1 but we need about 3.So then she said You will not be able to put much out.I guess it will all be their stuff.What should I do?It is a huge show and I MAY be able to get in still. I just may go in myself.One day it is 12 hours and way to much though.I just not so sure about this.The last time I got maybe less than a table or 3/4 but I do know it is their booth but feel REALLY REALLY cheated.I am donating the tables but hardly any space.The space is donated to them.So they pay nothing. When asked I thought it would be something that they wanted.Now I know. Also afraid when I get there it will be so much per candle. I am starting alot of new things and some ideas now and doing them for the next few weeks.This show would be great BUT the problem is all that work and my tables to them I am just not sure.I know if I am not there they will say they want my tables anyway.I have to go somewhere that week-end. This is starting to get harder and harder to want to do.Am I stupid or WHAT?????????? I just knew it was FISHY. SORRY about your show.We put so much into these shows we have to make something. LynnS
  23. I do a soy pillar/votive blend and love it.Only 1 pour.I don't want any re-pours for anything if I can keep from it.Once is enough. LynnS
  24. For my 16 ounce mason jar I sell for $8.00 but if a apothecary it would have to be $11.00-12.00.I "had" those shipped and also the jar costs more.The 16 ounce mason I get at a wholesale place near me and believe me those jars are about the same cost as the 8 ounce JJ. Finally cost with shipping and having a hard time getting the 16 ounce apothecary to burn good I will stay with the 16 ounce mason.It will sell better and also burn better. The 8 ounce mason is $5.00 like mentioned above.I also do a 10 ounce classic and love that jar.It is $6.00.Other areas I am sure could get more for it. LynnS
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