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beau's mama

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Everything posted by beau's mama

  1. Off the top of my head: Kama Sutra Passionate Kissses & Curve for men I also have China Rain & Dreama, but I haven't soaped them yet. HTH Sharon ETA: Hmmm, I think I smell a fellow FOHO! One of the first signs is using the words "have to" or "need to" in regards to FO's LOL
  2. Hey Donna! :wave: Is it called Bare Essentials? I knw it was Bare something. The supplier that I get my M&P bases from sells her own brand of crushed minerals. Not pricy at all.I'm getting ready to order from her & thought I may try the minerals for colorant...I try to order all I can in one shot to save on shipping. Sharon
  3. Teri, THANKS! Helpful post. Mix some Lemon Sugar with Lime and let me know if it smells bubbly sweet like 7-up! Sharon
  4. LL, I'm using it in M&P....think it will react the same? Thanks for the recs! Sharon
  5. I'm a FOHO in general, but a sampler set junkie! I've been on SOS's site all morning trying to convince myself that I really only need to buy one sampler set, since I just received my first Solas order the other day! I've been sticking to OT for the last few months, but I'm feeling the need to branch out...thus the Solas order & pending SOS order. I'm not much help am I? Just ask & answer yourself honestly: Is there really a such thing as "too many FO's? Sharon
  6. Has anyone ever used crushed minerals (like Bare essentials) in M&P soap? Is that similar to micas of oxcides? This sounds like a dumb question to me :undecided Sharon
  7. I got my 1st Solas order the other day & soaped all but 1 yesterday...and I'm SOOOOOOOOOO loving them! I got Lime Basil & Mandarin, Guavaberry(STRONG!), Iced Raspberry, & Lavender Cucumber & Sage...I didn't do the LCS yet...maybe later today. The LCS is smelling a little like Cucumber Melon to me...but with a twist :undecided I really like them...so, in keeping with the tradition of a true FOHO, anyone have any other Solas recs? I'm looking for some masculine scents that aren't "commercial" smelling, citrus scents, & some soft florals. Thanks Sharon
  8. No, Hun, not by my taste buds! But, I'm a sourpuss:D You can use Stevia...but go REAL easy, it's very sweet. I have a bottle of stevia suspended in avocado oil somewhere around here...I think I used 3-4 drops to 4oz last time I made lip balm, but don't hold me to that HTH Sharon
  9. Congrats to you! Isn't it fun & fulfilling to make & use your own stuff? Brace yourself...sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but....the addiction will only get worse! PA: :bow: You're such a little Queen...er...um...I...I mean a M&P Queen
  10. First, that house is gonna be AWESOME! Really uniquely beautiful! You have to have some sort of good ventilation...running a ceiling or regular fan(s)...even when using the carpet freshener. Maybe w/ the doors open while running the fans will help :undecided I do a lot of FO "sniffing" LOL, but when I'm soaping & inhaling them for longer periods, I run the ceiling fan, where a mask (a simple one), and run an overhead vent...my own OCD overly cautious issues! Candlesprite is right about the filter-type masks. I remember seeing them somewhere...when I figure it out, I'll send you a link I've never really been made physically ill from FO's...just mentally distressed when ever I smell something like "Gag" Champa :tongue2: or a really bad too perfumy scent. I hope you can get this worked out so you don't get sick...you seem to be enjoying yourself so much...I'd hate to see this get in your way. Sharon
  11. What a supportative place this is! It's very comforting to know that we are not alone I am guilty of almost everything everyone has stated...boy, do those samples get you...and get you good! What I find myself doing from time to time is going in the basement in the storage room where I keep the FO's, actually sitting down, opening & sniffing them...one after the other LOL. It's like a little slice of heaven knowing I have so many beautiful fragrances at my disposal! DH caught me one day and I lied :embarasse ...told him I was trying to see which ones I wanted to soap with that day Now I do it when he's at work...my little secret! But I trust you guy's not to tell him:D But, I am trying to get a handle on it...I'm really trying to let go of some...so I can get more OT is gonna looove when I break out! Sharon
  12. Lorrie & Erinmfritz, thank you. I've read the same things you have, but I try to throw out honey instead of vinegar...it smells better...BUT, I know the time will come (it's inevitable in such a diverse forum LOL) when I'm forced to spit out my long reaching venom, so, when the time comes & you read an ugly post from me, just remember & draw strength from the nice things you both said about me Erinmfritz: The lip bases are so nice...you really can do some things with it! Have you made a perfume balm yet?? You're welcome. And it's not stupid to ask anything that makes sense to you to ask It is a little difficult (at least for me) to test products when you aren't making them specifically for yourself, but it can be done. For example, my neice has eczema, & asked if I could make some soap for her. So, long story short, I made & used that soap about 10 times before it felt to me like she said she wanted it to feel after showering. It lathers kinda low 'cause it's loaded w/ Emu oil & butters, but she says it helps & feels good to her..so I'm satisfied. Same w/ anything else I make...I use it to get a "feel" for how I want or think it should feel...and if something should be "wrong", I'll only harm myself! As far as the lip balm, it may be a little difficult, IMO, for you to know if you made it "right"...but I can tell you when applied, mine has a slight tingly, "minty" feeling that doesn't last long ...but the intended target is your son & you know his hx...so maaaaaybe it'll be ok for him to try...would he sue you if his lips fell off? LOL, just kidding. BUT, still practice how to make lip balm in general & read up on EO's & maybe while he's home, you can let him try a little under your watchful eye. Remember, EO's are much stronger than FO's, so you would need to use far, far less. Start small! I did 2oz of base w/ 1 drop of each of the oils...if I get the "tingles" again, it's back to the drawing board & back to my notes....or offer myself up for an "Oil of Oregano cold sore eradicating" study LOL But don't put it in a tube...to me, that defeats the purpose...use a small lip balm pot Have fun learning & experimenting..it'll get frustrating sometimes, but, the joy you feel when you've created something makes up for that 100fold! And keep coming back here with your questions...I've yet to see one question asked where at least 1 person didn't know the answer...or at least know what direction to point you in. An amazing group of crafters here! Sharon P.S. Don't let him fool yah...he's getting caught up in something, & I don't think it's all school life
  13. I can believe it...Lavender is on that list of powerful, medicinal EO's... And kudos to your nephew for noticing when he feels one coming on! Pretty cool for a 12 y/o!
  14. I completely understand your enthusiasm about handcrafting & your desire to want to help them, but may I make a suggestion? Maybe you could get a lip balm base to play with just to get a feel for how it works. It's not rocket science, mind you LOL, but it can be a little tricky. Ditto for the body butter. Check the classies here...you may be able to find some shea butter & an oil or 2 to get a feel for how to make body butter. Most importantly, READ, READ, READ...RESEARCH, REASEARCH, RESEARCH, TEST, TEST, TEST, TWEAK, TWEAK TWEAK, and then start all over agian!! LOL. I guess, basically, I'm saying/suggesting you may want to know what you're doing (at least enough to be somewhat safe) before you make something & give it out. If something happens to be "wrong" with the product, at least it can go wrong on you instead of someone else. In light of the hell I've just been through w/ a family member using a poorly handmade product, I can't stress this enough. I can't speak for Luci, but I don't sell anything. I only make a few things for family & friends...but NOTHING gets to them without first being used by me (sometimes I make DH an unwilling tester LOL) And as far as the lip balm I make, I'm the only one using it...not comfy with passing it out yet...I want to see how well it works for me after a while. The EO's used in it are 3 (in a long list) of the most medicinally powerful EO's...they are not to be used lightly & without researching them. I personally wouldn't recommend using EO's in your first venture into lip balms. JMHO. I'm new to this part of handcrafting, but I've been fascinated by & "studying" EO's for years. I didn't realize that you haven't made anything yet...I never would have thrown the EO's at you like that...sorry 'bout that . I think EO's are a lot to take in for a beginner(assuming that you are a beginner to EO's)...it's a lot to take in just beginning with handcrafting IMO. Ok, I'm longwinded...and this is probably not something you want to hear anyway LOL...and I hope you won't think that I'm not willing to help, because I am...I just think you should get your hands wet first Get a few supplies, get in that kitchen & experiment and be as sure as you can that you have created a good, satisfying, quality product...then pass it on. Let me know how/if I can help with you learning your craft! Sharon
  15. Lucy, what were you using before adding the hemp oil?
  16. I've dealt w/ cold sores my whole life and the trick is to catch it before it develops into a full blown sore. If he's paying attention, he'll notice a wierd, tingly feeling or a slight, "invisible" dry patch where the cs is about to break out...that's the time to use the Abreva...which I think is the best OTCD on the market! Also he needs to get rid of the tooth brush, or at least sanitize it daily. But, since I started making my own stuff, I purchased a lip balm base to which I added tea tree, oil of oregano, & eucalyptus oil ( I've only added 1 drop each to a 2 oz base...I wanted to start small & go from there) I've had 2 tingly feelings between Oct & Dec, and nothing for the last 3 months! Here's a link to some info on Oil of Oregano...I haven't researched it further, but the possibility is interesting http://herbalremedies.com/oilofor1oz.html Now for the psoriasis...I'm really into Emu oil these days for a variety of skin conditions/issues, yet the research/experimenting continues LOL. I have a family member who recently suffered some skin damage from too much preservatives & I'm going to make a butter w/ Emu for her to use. Here's a link to a site that I came across, maybe it'll help in your studies http://www.emu-oil.com/psoriasis.htm HTH Sharon
  17. I'm no expert in the field,just an avid pet lover but I would steer clear of the FO's, even food grade ones. Animals are so much more sensitive, and you we never really know what's in the Fo's. I agree w/ Sugar & Spice...maybe consult a vet, but..........not sure if I would go on the advice of a regular vet...you might stand a better chance of consulting a holistic/alternative care vet. Flavor oils should fall within their field of study. JMHO HTH Sharon
  18. I have no idea what the hell you're talking about...but the visual is hilarious!
  19. See what happens when you don't believe the pros? You get speckled soap! Start with...maybe a tsp(?)...and work your way up...but remember to write down each 1/2 or full tsp you add. Don't ask why I said that! Sharon
  20. Hmm, now I know I'm not that special :rolleyes2 I've used Creamy Vanilla from Lonestar, Madagascar Vanilla from OT, and two other raggedy, too damned sweet Vanillas from Ebay..no browning. Am I not using enough FO? Not that I want the soap to turn brown LOL...just wondering...& worried that 6 months from now I'll have black soap!
  21. OT...and a little goes a long way! Cornmeal...now why didn't I think of that? It's sitting right next to the oatmeal in the cabinet. Thank you Crafty...you just saved me a few bucks!
  22. Hemp seeds or powder? Apricot seed meal? Apricot shell powder? Ground up Walnut shells? DH has grubby hands & nails...he prefers Apricot shell powder when I make his "construction man hand soap" ...I like the Hemp...makes a really pretty sage color, and w/ the seeds you can control the "scrubbiness" Hope you don't mind suggestions from a M&P princess Sharon
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