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beau's mama

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Everything posted by beau's mama

  1. Well, at least that's what it looks like to me LOL. It's scented w/ OT's Hot Cocoa whatever Marshmallow n' stuff. My very first try didn't come out too bad, I guess. The bottom is just hideous but I'm happy w/ the rest, even those stubborn lil' pieces that just refused to melt! I felt like I was kneading bread dough, but it was actually kinda relaxing. I think next time I'll play w/ it w/ the SB. Outside of trimming it off, is there anything I can do next time to smooth out the bottom? I tried w/ the back of a big spoon but that only seemed to make it worse...plus the soap started getting hard Oh yeah, there are some dents in a couple of places ...I didn't see anything about that when I was reading up on rebatching...what is that all about? Any who, thanks for looking. Any advice on future rebatching? Thanks bunches!
  2. Thanks Meridith & Crafty1! Now...I'm off to hunt down ultramarines & oxides!
  3. Can I mix up a bit with...something...to make it liquid & store it? Glycerin? Oil? I want to make 1/2 oz bottles...I move faster w/ liquid colorant Is there any problem w/ premixing them, other than the fact that I'll probably have to shake forever LOL ETA: I guess I should add that I'm using these w/ M&P TIA
  4. Hmm, that would make sense...IF I were a craft company LOL. I don't even have a domain registered! We do have a corp, but that's for real estate only and it's named after my dog ... nothing remotely close to anything crafty LOL The flyer had my name/addy on it, which bothers me. I'll shoot them an e-mail and see what they tell me.
  5. I didn't want this to get buried, I'd like to know this too. I'm not sure if I'll sit in or jump in! ETA: And, at the risk of appearing really stupid, wouldn't I need to have my computer w/ me in my "lab"?
  6. I got a flyer from them in the mail today & thought it was odd since I don't make candles & don't do biz w/ them. Hmmm ETA: after I posted, I went back to finish reading the thread & had to laugh. The Jar Store has been busy, huh?
  7. Wow, as a MPer who STILL struggles w/ swirling, I can only dream of doing 1/2 as well as you did. It's really nice! And the crinkle cut adds a nice touch:rockon:
  8. Yeah, I saw it too. As usual GG, simply beautiful!
  9. Lifelace Yeah, that script was throwing me off. Go put it in something so you can report back! LOL Creative, the fact that you said you haven't had one male like this scent, let's me know it may be PERFECT for DH LOL. He doesn't like most scents that other men like. Oh well, off to compile my MMS fo list...after I finish my OT order:D Thanks for the replies!
  10. Has anyone used it or even smelled it OOB? It seems like a wierd concoction for a male scent w/ the rose & chocolate :undecided ...but I'm kinda intrigued!
  11. Please don't laugh, but I avoid my pugs eyes by using Doggles on him. I also use them when I take him to the beach. It's always hell to get them on him, he hates them, but they make me feel better! http://www.entirelypets.com/doggles.html?OVRAW=Pug%20goggles&OVKEY=dog%20goggles&OVMTC=advanced&OVADID=2834800512&OVKWID=30774968512&ysmwa=xr6hSlZCGCCashSSdXmDxO8gKKjId18vbj0DFAi7XEJAZH4BWz6DeylIFwqElet7 Personally, I wouldn't even think about using any other base on him except the SFIC, but that's just my preference. Either that or CP soap like I used before. I don't like the ingredients in the other bases, and wouldn't even use it on myself, let alone my precious pooches I've never heard about not using M&P on babies. I gotta look into that b/c I'd definitely want to know about any potential concerns w/ it.
  12. Jadryga, you're not alone...I'm sure they hate me too. I never knew that.
  13. I think you might find you'll fall in love w/ the gm...whether you use the base or add gm powder to your white base (what I do now)...such creamy lather! I've only purchased Emu from a member doing a co-op, but I've read on here that http://www.thesoapdish.com/index.htm has quality Emu oil that's nicely priced...it is generally a bit pricy, but well worth it. If I ever run out, I'll probably give The Soap Dish a try. A little of this stuff goes a long way. I get my neem oil locally. Geez, I'm not much help, am I :undecided
  14. I have small dogs (a pug & westie) but I don't see why it wouldn't be ok for larger dogs also...the recipe would still be the same. (Anyone feel free to chime in here on this). Unless the dog has allergies, sensitive skin or other issues, I can't imagine any problems. dublon was going to make some for her german shephard...maybe you can pm her since her dog is larger than mine & see how it turned out. You may want to do a test patch on your dog...my westie has sensitive skin so I will only use things w/ jojoba, emu or rice bran oils on him. Remember also that Neem Oil is said to be toxic if taken internally, so be careful w/ any drips or spills.
  15. Yep, you can use M&P...I make it for my dog. You can use any base and oils, it really depends on your dogs needs. My dog sheds all year long and I've found that GM & Emu is the thing for him...his coat is really soft! Here's a couple I've tried over the last several months 1# White base w/ 1 TBS each of Emu Oil, Castor Oil, & Neem Oil (fights off bugs & other nasties) 1# GM or Shea base w/ 1 TBS each of Emu or Jojoba Oil I think Rice Bran or Meadowfoam Seed Oil would be good choices also. Let me know how it turns out! HTH Sharon
  16. Do you know what size you want to give out? I've used those below from Majestic Mountain Sage...until I started finding things around the house to use I usually give 2oz samples to my "good customers" (ie: the fam & friends that actually PAY!) HTH Sharon http://www.thesage.com/images/prod/RectangleGuestTray.jpg http://www.thesage.com/images/prod/1099241.jpg
  17. Tizimarezie When I had my cart full, I was under $25. I had $35 to spend w/ them & that was more than enough to get what I needed AND pay for the FR shipping. The problem came when they doubled up on the price of the tubes (those bastards! LOL) Just remember, if it's at a great price & it's in your cart, complete your order right away...b/c the prices can double at the blink of an eye!
  18. Yeah, makes me even madder that they are a state away from me! UGHHHH! They have really got my goat this time!
  19. I've had time to sleep on this...thinking maybe I was over-reacting once again...NOT! I'm still mad as hell. :mad: I just don't get them. Does the owner realize that they could potentially be THE top supplier out there? They have pretty much everything you need. Small biz & hobby crafters like me can buy in low quantities at good prices...until you get to that shipping & sudden 100% price increases. I still think the FR shipping is a good idea, but completely useless if they are steadily increasing prices 100 fold! Geez, you can't even order 1 lone surplus item to test without it rolling over into that over-inflated shipping! At the very least they could allow 1 surplus item per order & still allow you to take advantage of the FR shipping. Sara, my uneducated guess is yeah, they make a profit on inflated prices. I guess it balances out the "bargain" shipping :undecided . If you remember, when they started the FR shipping, pretty much all the prices changed. Some prices went down, but some went up over 80%! I understand companies are in biz to make a profit, I can respect that. What I can't respect is sudden 100% price increases! Lord knows what else went up 100% in less than 24 hours! They are just a freakin' joke! And it's really sad. And Scented, I do feel violated LOL! I sent an e-mail on Wed asking if the slim lip tubes had a flat enough bottom to stand up b/c it didn't look like it in the pic. CS called me on Thurs to say yes, they do. Thurs night they go in the cart...Fri evening they double! I guess maybe I shouldn't have asked about them. :undecided At least she could have told me to order now...we're increasing prices in less than 48 hours. THAT would have been good CS!
  20. I'm so M^$#@*!%&$ING pissed of I could stick a fork in someone's neck I had my shopping cart filled to capacity so I could take advantage of the "Flat Rate" shipping...just did it last night. I was too tired to complete it so I was leaving it for today. Well, I just went to complete my order (even was going to add a donation to Autism!) & wondered why my cart amount was so high. I checked & realized that the slim lip tubes that were 6.25 for 48 suddenly doubled in price to 12.50 ...in less than 24 damn hours! I'm all for the "prices are subject to change w/ o notice" crap, but damn, double? Yeah, so much for "understanding" the small customer needs! They do have very good prices for the most part, but geez they drive me crazy with " we'll sell you this cheap, but we won't ship it FR" or "we'll mark thes oils 20% off, but you'll pay out the wazoo for everything else" Argh! I hadn't ordered from them since January when they pulled the ole bait & switch w/ the FR shipping. I thought maybe I was over-reacting, so I was ready to give em' another chance. HAH! All I'm ready to give them now is HELL! :mad: What Stupid Punks!
  21. Maryann, I don't think that's a double standard. I don't think what Penny plans to do for her daughter is gross, either. That, to me, is yet another thing that will be precious between mom & baby. And made by Gramma...even more special! I think some of us (if not most) would agree that we would (might?) use our own milk on ourselves/babes. For me, bathing in a strangers human fluid... :tongue2: And yeah, breast milk is FLUID to me...I don't care what they say!
  22. Kya Have any of them ever told you what they plan to do w/ the sample?
  23. Personally, I still wouldn't use it...unless it was MY milk as a result of having my child :Dand again, just out of curiosity. There are a lot of things that are "scientifically documented" to be this or that...it's a matter of choosing whether you want to buy into it or not. To me, breast milk is ...well...just personal & special between a Mother & her child. It's not something that (I think) should be whipped up willy-nilly like & passed out to a world already filled w/ too much vanity & the ever increasing obsession w/ finding the "fountain of youth". Now, if someone can somehow scientifically document / prove that breast milk in soap (or in anything) will completely wipe out HIV/AIDS w/ 2 showers or 1 sip, then I'll be the first to whip something up LOL. I'd definitely buy into that! Oh yes, I'm with you on the Botox...but to each his own...whatever!
  24. Well, if I had milk in my breast, I'd probably try to do something with it...FOR ME! Just to see. If it's good enough to give to my baby then it's good enough for me...but only me. Just not something I'd want to share w/ the world as a beneficial beauty product. But hey, if it floats someone else's boat, I'd tell em to float on! "If it is yours or a family member's milk, then you can trust it to be fine." WTF? If it's MINE, then yeah, I think I can trust me...but what about my sister? I have no idea what she does in the wee hours of the morning on those gambling boats! This thread scares me...hope no men see this & think of marketing their "milk" as the answer to flawless skin
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