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Everything posted by logcabinmomma

  1. I haven't sniffed that exact candle, but I'm testing Black Currant from Tenn Candle Supplies and it's VERY strong and GREAT!!! And if you like that one, you'll also like their Peach Magnolia Raspberry. Same clean crisp, but a little sweet, a little bitter scent. -Kristi
  2. That has me thinking Labor and Delivery! lol.... Lake of Fire would be interesting though! -Kristi
  3. Blueberry Muffin and Pumpkin Crunch Cake I've only used Nature's Garden. Country Berry Hotcakes I have Tennessee Candle Supplies. Sugar Cookie I've used Tenn Candle supplies and NG's. -Kristi
  4. NG's Blueberry muffin is perfect, you can smell the muffin and the berry and it has an awesome hot and cold throw! -Kristi
  5. Blueberry Muffin and Sugar Cookie are good anytime. Then there are Country Berry Hotcakes and Pumpkin Crunch Cake that I've had good success with as well. -Kristi
  6. Hmm, so maybe in *normal* people's houses, my candles are even stronger?? lol... I pour at 70 degrees, but then after several hours, the temp gets lowered back to it's normal 67. I'm still getting good throw though, although now that you mention it, it IS a little better in the sunny rooms that are slightly warmer. My fingers are cold this morning... anyone else hold the candle container for heat? lol.... btw- heat bill came in at $250 for the last month.... sigh.... -Kristi
  7. Hmm, if you did the pics in the mail, you could scent it with one of your better scents too... -Kristi
  8. Tinsel is an odd one... I'm not sure that I like it! It has a fruity peppermint smell that I don't totally get. It does make a good clean winter smell though. I love Passionate Kisses... after ordering Caribbean Holiday from TCS, I've determined that they are either EXACTLY or almost exactly the same, if it helps. -Kristi
  9. I've tried NG's and it smells dead on to me (and others who've sniffed lol). Don't know it's behavior in soap, only in wax... -Kristi
  10. I have TCS's Verbena Berry and I can't smell berry in it to save my life... my SIL swears it's lemon pledge lol... -Kristi
  11. I've had zincs work wonderfully with Joywax, and then get ashy and nasty with a parrafin free soy blend (same batch of wicks)... but that's as close as I get and I don't know how that would help you! -Kristi
  12. I like their sugar cookie- it seems alot like NG's only a little less buttercreamy. I have their regular vanilla (which I really like- soft and sweet with no musky tones). I also have Black Vanilla.... it's weird, like my grandma's old lotion, but it's starting to grow on me a teeny bit at a time as I sniff it. I haven't gotten it in wax yet. Their peach magnolia raspberry is a great clean smell that throws really well (I know, you didn't ask lol). -Kristi
  13. I can get about 35 hours with 464 (soy) and a cd 5. 1 oz pp fo and color too. -Kristi
  14. Ewww, I HATE peanuts. Stupid things stick to everything and blow everywhere. YUCK!!! And HOLY CANOLLI BATMAN!!! I had no idea there were $345 candles out there!!! Goes with that old saying, if you have to ask, you probably can't afford it! Nope, give me $50 a month to spend on FO (just for myself) and I'll be happy! :rolleyes2
  15. I've been to your site too and really like it except for one thing- I love pretty soap (and yours is!), but I want to know the "look" that I'm ordering. I can't match up the names with the pictures and it drives me nuts! The soaps are beautiful and I'm one of those people who would call and say, what's the fourth from the left on the third row down??? lol... too visual I guess. -Kristi
  16. I really like their Lovespell, but have heard even more wonderful things about TCS's... I think NGs is really good and strong too. Beach Baby- this one is different, a light floral ocean with a baby powder background. Should be good in B&B. Apple Cinnamon is NOT B&B safe, so don't order it unless you're not wearing it! It smells wonderful like fresh apples with cinnamon. But no B&B because of the cinnamon! That's all I've used from your list! -Kristi
  17. They do have some strong throwers. Bay Rum is not one of them though! Gardenia, Butter Brickle, Apple Cinnamon, Lovespell, Indian Summer, Bermuda Triangle, Ginger Bergamot, Blueberry Muffin, Sugar Cookie, Spiced Cranberry, and Black Cherry Bomb are a few of the strong ones. There are more, but that's off the top of my head. To me, YUZU wasn't strong enough on it's own. All their scents throw some, but these were much better than others. -Kristi
  18. seconding NG for fast delivery. HerbalSoapsbyRJ and BCN were much longer just to package. NG usually goes out the same day for a morning order, and the next morning for sure. -Kristi
  19. Actually, I like the bergamot and oakmoss... it's the very very sweet citrus that gets me! I like my citrus tart, not sweet lol. And *I* know what it is, it's just that at shows and parties, etc, no one knows what a Yuzu is lol. And it takes a while to flip through a description list to find the write up on it. Hence the name change to "Exotic Citrus"... same thing only spelled out... out here in the souuuthhh, sometimes things need to be real plain-like lolol.... -Kristi
  20. My gardenia fo discolors the burn pool to an orangy offwhite color, and that's wicking down. I have gotten this even when underwicking to the point of not reaching the edges. That is my only fo that does it though. I saw this before, but didn't answer as I have no idea why!!! -Kristi
  21. For me, parties are at other people's homes and if I do something at my home, it's an open house. -Kristi
  22. Too sweet for me. And no one can figure out what a Yuzu is lol... I mixed with spiced cranberry (3 parts cranberry, 1 part yuzu), and I liked that alot. I renamed Yuzu "Exotic Citrus" and we'll see how it does. I really liked it for a mixer though (just not alone). -Kristi
  23. I do containers and ALWAYS underwick my mother's- she thanks me for it lol... she's an admitted marathon burner and will forget and leave a candle burning alllllll day long. Perfect for underwicking lol... -Kristi
  24. They fill orders but forget to include items that they charge you for. They charge for backordered items and honestly think they've sent them out. They charge YOU the shipping when they leave something out unless you argue about it. Eventually they make it right, but it takes time, patience and frustration first. They have shipped on time, and as long as you get enough to make that $10 minimum, shipping's not terrible. The question is, what are you gonna end up with once you receive it? And can you wait for them to straighten it out? I plan on it taking a month of babysitting and hand holding to receive an order from them (on instock items). -Kristi
  25. Same here... don't walk, run!!! :tiptoe: -Kristi
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