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Everything posted by Lorrie

  1. I got that too when I tried to get in. Oh well, They will get it fixed.
  2. If using the mic. do it in short burst this way you can't burn the soap! It is very simple and have fun with it...
  3. As for whenFO leaks well that will depend on the type of wax you are using. That you will have to check the recommendations for each wax!
  4. Also for craft sales.. I have seen alot of candles that are "triple scented" but I don't use that as a motto!
  5. I don't have a soap kettle but I have a vary large glass bowl. I melt all my harder oils in the microwave and just transfer them to a the larger bowl. The large bowl won't fit in the microwave. It works for me and I have made 5 pound batches this way..
  6. I have used it. I didn't use it for shampoo just for shave. It is ok but it didn't seem to have alot of lather. I really prefer to make cp now.
  7. I glad that helped you but be warned you will always have the one or two hostess that want more. I had one that turn in a $26 dollar show and wainting me to give her a booking gift because she got a friend to book. I had to politely tell her no. I also told her that if she wanted to get a booking gift that I would have to raise my minimum because I just could not afford to give out booking gifts. Mind you this was my SIL. She is one of those people that always is looking for something for nothing. SHe has three sister and they are the same way. I ended the circle of them all booking off one another to get free stuff. But getting back to the gifts and stuff. If you are going to give booking gifts or hostess gifts I recommend that you put some sort of minimum order on your parties.
  8. If you really want to keep him out of your hair you should post a co-op on them. LOL:D
  9. Wow, thanks for the indepth explanation Robin.
  10. Does anyone know where I could purchase a smaller amount of this. I really don't want to buy 5 pounds worth. TIA
  11. That picture is pretty dark could you take another one with maybe lighter back ground?
  12. try this. I got some in a swap and I love it!! http://www.chemistrystore.com/foaming_bath_butter.htm
  13. Landa, Is there any other hints you can give me about this recipe? I know that alot of people have a hard time with bath bombs. Thanks for sharing this recipe with me!
  14. I was wondering if anyone has done one of these w/their soaps? I have a group that is interested in one and I wanted to know what type of response you got from yours? I realize that it will be different for different areas but I was wondering if there was any tips or hints that you would be willing to share..
  15. I am probably the odd ball on this. I give the hostesses 25% of the sale no matter what the size. They do not get booking gifts or hostesses gifts because I am so generious with the % they get free. I do not have any minimum either. I have gotton a couple of parties this way and my hostesses tell me that they like this alot better because they know how hard they need to work to get what they want.
  16. If you have hang up on one side that is normal with the HTP's because the curl.
  17. That's a whole lot of people. I think that if you are serious about your business you should give it a shot. Make sure to have some business cards and/or brochures. You may end up with sales after the show. Good luck on whatever you choose.
  18. Swaps are great for those that are just learning. It is a way to get honest feedback from someone who is a little more experienced with candles. I used to have my family test them for me but I found out that my mom wasn't looking for what I wanted.
  19. Jen, I believe you will get a 10% employee discount. Good luck and congrats!
  20. I make soap with regular oatmeal that I grind up. And it is so lovely in soap. I put 1/4 cup for a 5 pound batch.
  21. Landa, Have you done this recipe w/ alot of humidity? And thanks for sharing with me!
  22. Yup, some suppliers have their own special blends. and soy will vary from batch to batch.
  23. You could always do a swap with someone too. I know that there has been votive swaps and b&b but I haven't seen any container candle swaps. I did see on Pillar swap but I think a couple of people got burned on that. Just a suggestion!
  24. Ok, I have heard you guys talk about them long enough. I am looking for a recipe for these. I would also prefer something that gives lots of bubbles. I was given some but there wasn't any bubbles.:sad2:
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