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Everything posted by Lorrie

  1. As it gets colder alot of things will happen that didn't happen before. You may also get sink holes. I believe that frost will show up whenever. I have some candles that I made last year and they were great looking. Now they have alot of frost. My customers do care if they have frost or not. Some of them actually look for frosting on the candles. It doesn't affect the burn so they don't care. If it is getting alot cooler than what it was I would suggest trying to cool the candles slowly. Maybe placed them (if you can) in a warm oven. This is what I do to stop the sink holes.
  2. You can either color your candles or not. Some people like them not colored and some do. I guess that part is up to you. What are you using to color your candles? Dye chips, powder, liquid dyes? I use liquid dyes in mine and to get really rich colors, well sometimes you have to put more dye in. You can also add a little black to get a really dark color. Away for you to test what the colors will be is. Take an egg carton an put some wax into it. Let it cool and that will show you what it will look like before you pour all the container, votives or whatever. I also recommend don't add fragrance oil and then dye. It least if it is the wrong color you could use it for something else.
  3. Thanks but I actually am not doing that work. I am doing the descriptions and going to do the adding of the pictures and such.
  4. Ok guys and gals. The front page of the store is redone. Tell me what you think of it. I will be adding more pictures probably this weekend. I am going to be adding more pictures of the soaps, a better picture of the votives, More pictures of the plates. I am going to try and add some pictures of what the bottles of dye look like and a picture of the oils. The only thing is with the oils all you will see if the container for the 16 oz because I use white bottles. Well I guess I could use some of my 2 ounce bottles~~ I will be working on better descriptions on the items so you know what you are getting and what things are for. Anyone have any other suggestions that I need to look into? I was also thinking about starting a groug for my customers. This way they can talk and ask questions about products~~What do you think of that idea?
  5. That's great feed back. I sent e-mails to people that have registered on my site asking for feedback. No one has responded. But this is great feedback! Thanks I will get on this and start taking more pictures. Thansk Bev. You are very helpful
  6. Ok I have to ask. What all do you want more pictures of? I know that soaps but what else?
  7. No I changed it after your suggestions.. So no you were right it wasn't there the first time.
  8. I will see what I can do about getting a better description. I thought that I had all that one there. I will check into it. Thanks
  9. Try it now. We are trying to get things rearranged alittle bit. I will do that. Thanks I am glad to hear that.. I am scared that it will take forever and a day to load. I don't want one of those sites where you trying loading the page ~~and in the mean time you wash the laundry, mow the lawn and come in and the dang thing is still loading!
  10. I was wondering if you guys would take the time to help me review my website. I had a lady redo it for me so that it looked more professional. I am going to ask her to try and make sure that the pages actually fit the computer screens so that you don't have to scroll to read what is on the right side. But I would really appreciate any feedback. Thanks www.jandlcreations.com
  11. I don't market my candles that way in fear that someone would get burned. Also you have to make sure that the scents you are using are skin safe.Which with all the different scents it is just to much to think about. Plus with marketing your candles this way you could be opening yourself up to a law suite because of the hot wax and people getting burned. Look at the woman that sued McDonald's because she got burned from their coffee. If you are considering doing this make sure that you have insurance and a good lawyer. Just to be safe!
  12. I would think so. You would have to add the amount of oils that you left out but maybe someone with some more experience will chime in.
  13. Thanks but she is up any running so I am off to get labels printed before it goes down again. No I wasn't using it through paypal.
  14. Anyone having problems with click and ship? I am trying to print out some labels for some items that I sold and well it won't process my request..
  15. It could actually be the lighting in the store. And the reason that maybe the side that was towards the back of the shelf was getting some reflected light. Did you use UV inhibitor?
  16. LOl, I made the same mistake. I only put about 1/8 cup and I thought that was too much. I would think that maybe only a couple of tablespoons would work?
  17. I have to ask what do you mean by duds? One's that don't burn right? Don't live up to your expectations? I don't think that there would be anything wrong with taking orders and take whatever you have and sell those as cash and carry.
  18. Now I am glad I can to this sections. I pm'd ya!
  19. I think that each wax is going to be different from each supplier. You will have to decide what type you want and like.
  20. Tess, With that many people coming I would take everything that I could make. I think that you will do really well. But I seriously would think about making as mush as you could and whatever is left over ~~ No sweat~~ You can use it at your next shows.
  21. Carmen, You will do fine! Just think of it as a large wholesale order! But I am sending you all the vibes you want!:yay::yay:
  22. It is very addicting! You never know people may call you out of the blue and book! Or have an open house at your house and invite family and friends! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  23. Wow, that's great! I hope that they order lots of stuff!
  24. That's great! Keep up the good work and remember that you never know where a sale can come from!
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