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Everything posted by Lorrie

  1. That's a whole lot of bears to be a dipping. Those are so cute!
  2. My soap is the dark blue and white one. It was supposed to have a swirl in it but I am swirling impaired. LOL I didn't know what to do for packaging so it is just in a baggie with curling ribbon on it.
  3. She is having computer problems. Please don't take any offense if she doesn't answer right away.
  4. Yay!! Someone likes my soap. I will have to look up the recipe. I know I forgot to put it in the box. I was so excited to get them out I forgot to put I think it was your soap review sheets in there. But I guess that goes to show you I would loose my head if it was attached. And the scent. It was Tommy for men .Yeah, I know that it is a guys scent but I love it. But I am glad that you liked it.. I made another batch of that same recipe this weekend and this one is more of a solid color. So would you say that recipe is a keeper?? And by the way I made that soap memorial day weekend. It hardened up nicely too.
  5. I hosted the Newbie Soap and B&B swap. But I think you are talking about the one that Pamperme hosted. I haven't seen anything posted on that one yet. Give it a little time. everyone still is reregistering and it may take a day or two.
  6. Some dogs can have their pads split do to running on snow or hard ground. maybe they are looking at it for healing purposes. Did they give you any other information?
  7. That's great! Keep up the good work!
  8. Thank you I will have to look it up!
  9. I never noticed things like this either until I started making candles. But at least we know that we label them right and try our hardest to make a good quality candle.
  10. Those almost look like a lava lamp
  11. Those look really nice. What did you use for a recipe? And I take it the mudd is what the swirls are.
  12. I was just telling hubby that I was going to make him some of these. LOL maybe I should just show him yours.
  13. Thank you. I got my numbers reversed it is a 3 by 3.5. Maybe I will have to get some to play with. What size wick would you suggest?
  14. does anyone have any? I think that I have been looking in the wrong places. I keep finding milk baths and other stuff like that.
  15. I see that you are in Ohio. Well try Benchmark. They are list on the Ohio arts and craft guild.
  16. I use cell rolls and cut and tie at the top. I think this way it won't smuck up the finish of the candle and I love the look of it.
  17. I agree with Alan. Be careful. I have heard if you can link to sites that will help you to. Example if you sell shoes then link to a site that sells socks.
  18. Try Columbus foods. They also carry bulk oils.
  19. You may not want to serve alchol because that gives them a reason to sit and drink. I just had an open house and I made up a cookie platter and I have pop and coffee. It was just enough for them to snack on and it wasn't a huge cost to me. Also make sure that you have lots of order forms. I did mine as a cash and carry and what I didn't have in stock I took orders on. It worked great for me.
  20. When I started selling I had one size jar and 5 scents. I had the same problem everyone was tired of waiting and wanted to buy. I slowly added a few scents and two months later I had 10 scents, votives, and tarts. I also had my very first fundraiser. It takes time but I believe that if you add them slowly it won't hurt your pocket book so much. Good luck!
  21. For ky soy votive/pillar blend what is the largest diameter you can make a pillar out of? I have a mold that is 3.5 by 3 and I would love to make some pillars. I tried EL soy with bees wax and without. The pillars look nice but they don't burn right The wax seems to be too soft.
  22. I am not sure about MP because of the time of year I think that they sweat because of the heat and the humidity but I haven't been wrapping any of the CP soaps that I have made.
  23. Hey Carrie, Try doing it in a HP maybe it is getting morphed in the heat from cp. Try it that way. I absolutely love that scent too.
  24. I am here (Meca) I put a thread up telling everyone to post under that thread. I had some of the recipes in my pm's which are now lost until everyone figures out that the board is back up. If you have questions you can pm me and I will try and help out.
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