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Everything posted by judyvega

  1. Very ambitious for a first - nice job!!
  2. Nice job - I'm sure she'll be thrilled
  3. There are many posts on the subject - just type wood wicks into the search tool and you will have many threads to read - they may answer your question. hth.
  4. Well, my hand is healing up and I was able to pour yesterday (yay) - this is a different color variation of mango papaya (for me) but I think they're growing on me. Thanks for looking
  5. Just about everything - cleaning molds, heating molds, zapping before unmolding to give a different look....they are well worth the money!
  6. clean cotton from Peak's is just like Yankee.
  7. Thanks, Top - and thanks everyone else - i appreciate the comments
  8. thanks for doing that - perfect (typing w/one hand here so being brief)
  9. Ok, I know I've been posting a lot of pics lately, and this will be the last for awhile, I swear These are strawberry kiwi. Not my personal favorite, but hopefully someone will like them Thanks for looking!
  10. I got my sample of the downy fresh today and I have to say I love it!
  11. What type of customer do they get? Upper class who can afford it, or middle of the road, or.....? That seems high to me, but it depends on if their base customers are willing to pay it, I guess.
  12. http://greenleafcandlesupply.com/natural_waxes.htm You might try them. A lot of peep (including me) got a sample awhile back from them and I haven't heard a bad review about them yet. I haven't used mine yet, but I expect nothing but good things. hth
  13. That makes me nauseous just thinking about it :lipsrseal
  14. Yeah, but "paste" just has a better ring to it lmao!!!
  15. No offense, but I don't think I'd brush my teeth w/anything w/the word soap in it. But that's just me
  16. ahhhhhh, well then it will be iffy until I sniff it
  17. I keep sniffing the BAT, and I just can't get a feel for it. It may grow on me, but for now I have no desire to pour it. Oh, and edited to add that I LOVE fresh scents. They make great carpet fresheners!
  18. Yay, cause if I get another Breakfast at Tiffany's, I'll spew. Lol.
  19. I'm receiving something from Peak's tomorrow - I hope I get downy fresh as my sample
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