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Everything posted by Kymber

  1. Their lotion is great! They do have a habit of running out right around the busiest time of year so plan ahead if you decide to use their base! Their Liquid Soap or Shower Gel I don't use as fo's break it down real fast and it turns to water consistancy. We didn't like their shampoo or conditioner either. But the Lotion....Awesome!
  2. I need to order some FO's on FOH free shipping sale that runs through today and her announcement in the Supplier section has been deleted and I can't remember what the code was to get the free shipping? Can anyone help me out?? TIA!!
  3. Love my TOG molds. I do have issues with the funky foam and my tallow soap...leaves really rough sides on the soap. I have since cut mylar liners that I put in against the foam for all my tallow and that is working better. I have 4 of his molds including the big triple log, and his cutter. All mine are the same size and make all the same size bars. If yours don't I would definately contact Paul.
  4. Anyone check Ohio Wholesale or Craft Wholsalers? They carry a lot of enamelware but not sure if they carry these.
  5. What is Flickers sale? Website doesn't say anything about one??
  6. Craft Wholesalers and Ohio Wholesalers (Kennedy's) both carry these and if you have a tax ID you can buy at WS from them.
  7. I buy my black oxide from www.thesage.com They also have the TD.
  8. Tony's Black Pepper Backwoods Blue Backwoods Black Irish MMS Bay Rum
  9. Sorry Luci ... I had to email her my order as the website was screwing up for me and wouldn't let me order.
  10. I got my ship notice yesterday so they are on the way! I had never ordered from Old Mill before but had been wanting to. I ordered: Black Vanilla Goddess Vaniglia del Madagascar And should of ordered more but dang ...... just got an order in from Southern Soapers with about 10 new ones to try and then a huge order from bert to test out too.
  11. Got my Bert's Fo's today :yay: WOW........OOB there are some absolutely gorgeous scents here! I can't wait to get them in Soaps and Wax to see how they hold. Gardenia smells just like my bottle of Monoi....just gorgeous! Cashmere is another beautiful scent As is Tea Leaf & Grapefruit and also Jasmine! Andes Thin Mints you could drink it smells so dead on. Christmas tree is perfect OOB...hope it smells the exact same in wax as it isn't an obnoxious overpowering christmas tree scent. I posted all the ones I ordered up above and I plan on soaping a bunch of these in CP and will post my results.
  12. And your bubble bars are gorgeous! Love how you put them together. I am thinking I need to make my grandkids some of these!
  13. Don't ya hate that?? As soon as you think..I am never going to use this and then sell it...you need it! Probably why I think I have to hoard everything even tho I keep telling myself...OK this is ridiculous you need to get rid of some of this STUFF!! LOL
  14. For kids....Huckleberry and Cotton Candy does well also. I would think just about anything fruity kids would love.
  15. I store all my chunks in 2.5 gallon ziplock bags in my extra fridge I have downstairs by my candle room. Have been doing that for over 2 years and hasn't affected them a bit!
  16. We only got a couple inches last week....the higher hills got a bunch more. But it has been so dang cold it hasn't melted like it usually does. The past couple days have been nicer but I am still seeing white and I don't like white....LOL
  17. I heard it is suppose to be a looooooong cold winter and I want to make sure I have a ton of "testing" supplies on hand...LOL (OK so that was my excuse...how did it sound??) I hope to put a bunch of these in CP soap to try them out.
  18. Wick up with the Vanilla Latte..very nice coffee scent. I have a box coming this week from Bert ...can't wait to try them out. This is what I have coming in: Bayberry Cashmere Andes Thin Mints Raspberry Drizzle Strawberries & Champagne Satin Sheets Angel Jasmine Gardenia Lilac Lavender Sweet Pea Tea Leaf & Grapefruit Christmas Tree Black Raspberry Vanilla Exotic Teak Old Fashioned Sugar Cookie Lily of the Valley Indian Spices
  19. LOL!! I calculated it 7 times...you 3..it just has to be right with that much calculating going on!! You ever have a day where you know you did it right but it just does not look right at all??? LOL Thanks a bunch!!
  20. Ok I am adding Germall Plus as my preservative and it says to add at .1 to .5% of the total formulation. OK so my total of everything is 59.5 oz and that would then be........ 59.5 x .5% = .2975 ounces ????????? For some reason this just is NOT looking right to me....I am having a brain dead Sunday here! TIA for any and all help!
  21. That is an Axe Dupe right?? I bought it from Serindipity before she sold out to Daystar. It is my oldests sons favorite Axe scent.
  22. Tony's Black Pepper (my #1 men's seller) MMS Bay Rum Backwoods Blue Backwoods Black Irish
  23. I make a soy bar...using the soy wax....for my hubby and 2 sons. They are "gear heads" and forever rebuilding classic cars..totally rebuild the motors and then on to the body work. Not sure why but the cleansing on this bar is unreal. Cuts grease like no other. They swear by it! I also haven't seen a big issue with the lathering as at the sink it lathers like crazy. I have never used it in the shower but they do. I use it at 16% in my recipe and I use EZSoy Flakes.
  24. I buy most of my oils from Columbus. As far as the lard/tallow issue....I have a line of Veggie that I make using Soy Milk for the liquid and I have a line of Tallow (buffalo) and my Tallow line outsells my veggie line by far!! There are some people that won't use anything with animal fats and that is why I keep the veggie line also. We had our tallow lotion custom made and the soy lotion just doesn't even come close to it!
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