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Everito Bandito

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Everything posted by Everito Bandito

  1. If you want to you can add about 3 tablespoons stearic to that 4625 wax and will likely get a rustic look from it. I believe that the 4625 is a preblended wax which probably contains some vybar 103 which can kill the mottle effect, but you would still have a good chance at getting the frosted look. You could play around with it while you are waitng for the 1343. Also, I asked someone about what the difference was between 1343 and 1343-A and was told that basically IGI at one time had come out with a 1343-B that didin't workout so well. Consequently the 1343-B was for all intents and purposes phased out, so now if it's marked 1343-A or just 1343 it's the same wax. Have Fun! P.S. I don't know because I haven't tried it but my first thought about mixing the "crystal wax" with the 4625 is not likely going to give you the best of both worlds.
  2. I did it with red and green also. (by accident...lol....)
  3. That's right, that is what it's all about! and the rustics are fantastic, too!
  4. I'd like to ditto what Darwin said. I think your colors are perfect, they look great.
  5. :smiley2: Looks like doggy found the bone. Very cute and creative.
  6. 4 X 9 1/2 http://www.candlescience.com/site/shop/molds/pillar/pillar-candle-molds.php
  7. What you are calling crystal wax from yaley, may be palm wax. I have never used it. Palm wax and a straight refined paraffin like IGI's 1343 are likely very different animals. Try 2 or 3 tablespoons of stearic with some IGI 1343 (or something similar), pour cool around 150 and let them cool at room temp. That should give you a frosted/rustic look. I'm no expert on it by any means. I got my info by reading through many posts on this board that were made by far more experienced candle makers than myself. I then tried it and it worked, but I have only made a few to date. :smiley2:
  8. Here you go silvermOOn, Scroll to the second line of pics - look at the center pic - tart clamshell - read the description. http://www.cierracandles.com/packaging.aspx
  9. Try using something like 2 or 3 tablespoons per lb. Pound for pound must be one expensive candle. :smiley2: Bet it might burn like a torch, too. By the way that crystalizing yaley wax that you are using sure did make a neat looking pillar and your streaked candle looked very good also. Way to Go. There you go firegirl, letitshineusa was the one that I was thinking of and searching for. For the life of me I just couldn't remember and it hasn't been that long ago that I read something about that place here on the board. California is a vey big state so if you live down south you may still come out better ordering wax from Peaks.
  10. Bummer. Maybe some west coast members can chime in and help you out. It looks like Peaks may be your best bet. August 29 is only a few days away. I did use some stearic once in a preblended pillar wax (CBL141 from tenn cndl supply) when I was just playing around and I got a pretty decent frosted rustic look from it. :smiley2:
  11. I think that wax is made by a company called yaley. Other than that I know nothing about it except that when I saw it, I thought that it was highly overpriced.. It's probably a straight refined paraffin that likely will hold only about 3% fo without additives, which would be close to 1/2 oz fragrance oil per pound of wax. I think that vybar 103 would raise the retention percentage quite a bit higher.
  12. There are a quite a few suppliers that carry IGI 1343 which is a straight refined paraffin. Which side of the country do you live in?
  13. Wow, it looks like you're doing great!!! Very beautiful, very classy looking candles. :smiley2:
  14. Just have to figure the costs of wax - shipping - jars - fragrance - paper towels..lol. - insurance - warning labels - wicks - packaging - your time and anything and everything and then try to come up with a price that will make you a profit and still have customers wanting to buy. It may likely require some experimentation. :smiley2:
  15. Some of it can seem like an awful lot when you are paying for it too..lol. What wax are you using? Different waxes have different fo load capabilities.
  16. What material is the mold made of and what kind of streaks does it leave? If it's aluminum and leaving black streaks then it's possible that it's oxidation. In which case I wipe them out with a paper towel soaked in a bit of laquer thinner. Laquer thinner is a paint thinner and is highly flammable. It will clean about anything, though. It is strong and can also damage wood and some plastics and such in a very short amount of time.
  17. What is the distance from the melter to the valve?
  18. my hand is as smooth as silk now I'll bet so..lol...... judyvega might be on to something - use them for halloween.
  19. Grompy Gurl dems jist gotta bee de keuwtist LiLa JaRs I has evur diid saw. I sho duz likes um awholelot! and I jes no dat punkin spices stuff are gonna definaaaately stinky reel guuud!
  20. Melt them down and pour again. You also might try adding some stearic to some and see what happens.
  21. Didn't get to see it - don't have and don't want quicktime.. But I love your store and what you have done with it (I got to see pics from other threads) Way To Go! and I'm sure that your 15 seconds are great as well.
  22. It was hard to find this wax - maybe you will have more luck than others at finding it. Here's a short thread on the subject from a short time ago: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29496&highlight=J225
  23. Congrats on the opportunity. I think that I might explain to them right away that my pillars would at least contain some paraffin. That's just me though. Others might see it differently.
  24. When I feel overwhelmed - I take one container - one wax/or blend - one color - one fragrance and I test wicks in that only until I either find the best wick or sling it against a tree - HTH.... PS. In the beginning I bought many wick sampler packs.
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