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Everito Bandito

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Everything posted by Everito Bandito

  1. I got some at walmart. Can't remember what it costs, but do remember looking at the cost and raising an eyebrow....lol..
  2. Give it shot, it'll probably be okay. Likely the worst that would happen is the paint may not hold up. Of course you know that we'll want to see burn pics. :smiley2:
  3. Congratulations, that is soooo cool. Your hard work is paying off...$$$ and your attention to detail has not gone unnoticed. Way to go!
  4. Thanks for posting those Wendy. :smiley2: Those are Great! I don't think I can easily pic a favorite as they are all so very good! Alas, you gellers aren't a dying breed at all. Must have just been in hibernation...
  5. I'd like to see some gel candles in the candle gallery sometime. :smiley2:
  6. Yea those wicks not being trimmed just ruins the whole picture..lol... ..I think it all looks very nice and I also wish I could smell them. :smiley2: I'll bet they smell great!
  7. I like that. The snowmen are pretty cute, too. It makes me smile. :smiley2:
  8. Actually this math isn't correct. There are 28.34 grams in an ounce, so 1.6 of an ounce is not 1 ounce 6 grams as stated above. 1.6 ounces would be more like 1 ounce 17 grams.
  9. You mentioned that it is a molded candle. 1 1/2 oz per lb. will likely be too much. Check the specs for the wax that you are using.
  10. Congrats on your successful show. It looks like you had a nice setup with a nice variety of items, even looks like some reed diffuser kits there. Way to go! :smiley2:
  11. Good for you. You gave it a shot. You learned a few things and you will be that much more prepared for your next show. Hat's off to you! edited to add: and at least 7 people waded through the dresses, found your work, thought that your work was good and purchased it. That's a good thing to build on. :smiley2:
  12. Me either. I understand that the problem with the site being down is because of lack of renewal with yahoo. However, after six hours of an email (from a concerned, paid up, customer) not being answered during regular business hours just doesn't seem quite right. Especially when a helpline phone # isn't offered.
  13. Pretty Cool.. ... You made some very pretty candles there!
  14. I think that votives are supposed to liquify. To my knowledge, they aren't supposed to burn like little pillars.
  15. Don't know how I missed this thread. I like the pics and the candles and the label.
  16. Can't help with the candle, just wanted to say Hi. :smiley2: Miss seeing your candles in the gallery as well.
  17. Did you poke relief holes and do a second pour?
  18. I weigh my wax before I put it into the presto pot - wax weighs the same whether it's solid or melted....no?
  19. They look real good to me. My favorite is the dark red. Maybe put them in a different setting or seperate them = show them off a bit.
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