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Everything posted by CandleCouture

  1. I tried doing a search, which came up blank. Anyone have experiences, good, or bad, with these folks? They seem to have reasonably priced, nice, complex type blends.
  2. Forgot to mention that I use Greenleaf's 70/30 blend, and use anywhere between 6% and 10% FO, depending on the actual FO.
  3. The jar measures: Height 4 1/8" Rim 3 3/8" Base 3 1/8" Any suggestions for double wick starting points with Eco Wicks and with Cotton cores?
  4. Anyone tried them? It's interesting to note that they carry most every wick imaginable, including their own line. More interesting still is that their cotton cored wick produces: 3.5" pool diameter, with only a 0.29 rate of consumption (their largest size) compared to: 2.02" pool diameter, with a 0.28 rate of consupmtion, on the 62-52-18C cotton cores. Has anyone ever used them?
  5. Not the bad one (which was number two). I'm using either the third or fourth (don't remember what Brenda told me).
  6. There's another thread here on those wicks that I posted to. Impossible to wick down, as the melt pool wasn't quite reaching the edges, even with what I had. Too much hangup had I wicked down. Alot of other people have commented on burning smells and crackling. By the way, these wicks sooted a ton even in their small sizes, when I double wicked. I wanted to like them alot but I just didn't have any luck with them at all.
  7. To answer your other question, I'm using Greenleaf's 70/30 soy/par blend.
  8. I have been, and will continue to, however, I was asking for your opinions and experiences. The wicks mentioned are the ones that I have and have tested. There is another one that I've tested, that I've now ruled out completely (the 700 Premier series from wickit).
  9. Brad, what do you sell? It's hard to figure that out from your website? Are these all custom manufactured waxes, etc?
  10. Of the following wick types, which would you say produce the LEAST amount of soot, in order? Cotton Core Eco HTP LX
  11. Saltbox, any results you care to share, in your testing with these Fil Tecs?
  12. As much as I wanted these to work, at least it's nice to know that I'm not the only one. I experienced a ton of black soot and smoke, as mentioned, and the fizzle/crackle sounds, however, I didn't experience the burnt smell.
  13. For purposes of glass adhesion and avoiding wet spots, is it better to pour as hot as possible, or as cool as possible? I use Greenleaf's 70/30 blend, and pre-heat my jars. I also put all poured jars into the oven, overnight, to cool (obviously turned off, however, for purposes of temperature control).
  14. I really wanted to love this wick (I really did) after reading all the great reviews (and there were a multitude of them), however, while the scent throw was EXCELLENT (so I can't comment on the problem that you are having), there was simply unacceptable amounts of sooting and black smoke, that I wasn't getting with other wicks (eco, cotton core) using the same variables. I tried wicking down, changing the levels of FO and, nothing. This wick seems, in my testing, to soot far too much for my liking. Again, I wanted to love it, after having read all the reviews, and considering the fact that you could get about 1,000 for around $30 (great price point), however, I simply couldn't get them to work. I've not yet quite given up, but, I'm close to it.
  15. I'm dying to try about 50 of their scents, as it seems to be precisely what I'm looking for in terms of comlex, exotic blends, however, the fact that they seem more geared towards bb than towards candles, worries me slightly but, I guess it's about testing and testing.
  16. Both these suppliers seem to have some nice sounding, complex type blends that I'm looking for. What type of experience have you had with their oils, good or bad? I also noticed on the Rustic/Haven site, that alot of their oils say: Longwyck formulation or Chermark formulation What does this mean, exactly?
  17. This wax is wonderful. Beautiful, creamy appearance, great hot throw (although like with most soy waxes, you will need to let some FO's cure for a week or two to get the best throw possible), and the customer service at GL is second to none. Brenda is amazing. You can email her a question, or post it on her board, and I will guarantee an answer within an hour or two max (except when she is sleeping, that is). I just ordered a pallet of this stuff and it should be arriving at our warehouse next week. So far, I haven't had a single FO that has NOT thrown well in this wax.
  18. What is the "5" supposed to signify?
  19. What's your experience with their oils in general? Do they throw as well as the Bamboo, in general? Or are they on par with most other fo suppliers?
  20. Really? Wow. See how tastes differ? I haven't had anyone walk in here and NOT comment on what an amazing scent. It's absolutely wonderful to me.
  21. I just poured this scent and WOW is it strong, at 6% in my Greenleaf 70/30 blend. It is to die for. We've found another keeper that we will be adding to our line. Does anyone have any thoughts on renaming this? It's described as: An exotic sultry fragrance from the far east. Asian spices, grassy notes, citrus, jasmine, cyclamen and lavender make up this amazing blend. Sure to be a best seller! NOT Skin Safe. This doesn't sound like "Bamboo" to me so I thought I would try renaming this. Does anyone have any ideas?
  22. I understand what you were trying to say. What I was trying to say, however, was that, in speaking with them (and of course, their job is to sell you on their particular wicks), they hardly touched on the "rigidity" issue and explained to me that their ultra core wick mushrooms less (which you have already addressed), soots less than other wicks, provides a more even melt pool, and actually produces better hot throw than other wicks on the market. Again, you have to take this with a grain of salt, as they are trying to sell you on their particular wick but, my point was simply that contrary to your assesment of their wicks (where the only real difference is the rigidity issue), they claim that on about every point out there, their wick is better.
  23. Not sure where the misunderstanding lies, as I re-read my post and nowhere on it does it say "sootless" however, in speaking with them (when I requested the wicks), they DID, in fact, say that their wicks soot less. I'm not sure why you would be putting words in my mouth, however, that is, in fact, what I said, and I would encourage you to contact them prior to refuting information that you really don't have.
  24. Well, they ALSO claim that their wicks soot less, provide a more even melt pool, and mushroom less also. Again, those are claims, so, I thought, with the free samples, it would be worth a shot.
  25. Found here: http://www.fil-tec.com/candles/ultra.html They sent me some samples and haven't yet received them, however, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with these folks and their "Ultra Core" wicks.
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