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Everything posted by Jcandleattic

  1. I wait to add my scent until right before I bottle my lotion. Was your lotion cool when you added the scent? How much did you add? I only add about 5-6 drops to a 4oz bottle and it is sometimes too strong depending on the scent.
  2. ♫And the waiting is the hardest part♫ LOL I am getting antsy. I want to light these suckers up!
  3. Ah, this is good to know. As I've said, I've never worked with soy with any kind of true interest, so do not really know much about it other than some limited research. I've done more research on soy in the last week than I have in the last 17 years. LOL So, it's all foreign to me.
  4. I like setting an alarm. Quite literally 20 minutes is the perfect amount of time to refresh and revitalize! Any more and I wake up groggy and it's just so not worth it.
  5. Here is a thread that covers it somewhat - you will probably get other answers as well... http://www.craftserver.com/topic/103930-primed-wicks/
  6. Oh I do hate when that happens. Try to sneak in a 20 minute nap. It'll do wonders! However, don't sleep too long or if you are like me, you go to take an energizing 20 minute nap, sleep 2+ hours and wake up wondering what year it is!! LMAO
  7. Well, it's set up right and up to code for regular day to day use, but if I want both presto pots plugged in, my skillet to warm my pour pot, my microwave and my scale all plugged in and on at the same time, then it can't handle the load and will have to up the circuit breaker. Right now it's not a problem, because I don't do that much production at a time. I was just trying to pour 3 different kinds of wax/candles at a time. Can't do that unless I set up a station across the room. IF my production load ever picks up again to what it once was, then I will spend the money to have it done.
  8. I love my J50 or now known as IGI4636. No repours needed, no additives needed and has excellent hot/cold throw.
  9. They really are gorgeous, and you are right, even more beautiful with wax in them.
  10. If it wouldn't cost almost $1000 for the flight and hotel for me, I'd think about it since the convention itself is only $30 or $40...
  11. I did. It was the fuse box, the circuit breaker is not big enough for me to have EVERYTHING plugged into the same circuit. LOL So, I'll need to have an electrician come out and switch out the breaker box with a bigger circuit breaker if I want to do production type pouring again...
  12. It's from C&S and it's called production preblended paraffin. It's more like beads than flakes. http://www.candlesandsupplies.net/Production-Preblended-PILLAR-Wax-per-lb-50-case?sc=7&category=36959 I got 10 cases of it a while ago and it was only $55 a case, so the prices have jumped dramatically.
  13. They don't. It's the 464 with my container paraffin.
  14. Of course not! LOL I don't pay attention to those because I view them as spam and something I'm not interested in. LMAO (umm, apparently I'm wrong)
  15. LOL All I ended up making were the new soy and parasoy candles. I *might* make some soap today, but IDK. Don't know what to make, even though I have a few on my list I want to do, I'm not in the mood to do them today, so ... IDK. Being sick but also excited about my new venture has left me unmotivated for anything else... I guess it might just be laundry and reading today... Lazy day... Sometimes we need those for our mental health status.
  16. I figure if I want it in black, I can always spray paint it. Either way I really don't mind. I've placed my order - says it will ship out tomorrow, didn't say a turn-around time. We'll see...
  17. I also meant to say thank you to everyone for being so encouraging. I know soy is nothing new, but it is to me, and I just want it to go well. This forum is one of the best I've been too that is so welcoming and encouraging to anyone wanting to try new and unexplored to them items. I love it here.
  18. I LOVE blending! I don't think I've used a straight FO out of the bottle for anything other than testing in over a year. In fact this Casaba Mist is probably one of the firsts in that long. LOL You can get some fabulous unique and custom scents that way. I have an Apple Mint that is one of my favorites and the customers snatch it up anytime I have it... Love it...
  19. Great! Thank you for the advice. That's exactly what I'm doing with the 100% soy ones, for those very reasons. The parasoy blend one, I'll wait 3-4 days because I know how it "should" burn and throw, so if it doesn't, then I'll wait a bit longer and if it still doesn't burn/throw I'll change out the wicking.
  20. Peak Natures Garden, WSP, Tennessee Candle Supply Aztec Bitter Creek North Lonestar These are just a very very few - there are so many great suppliers, it's hard to name them all...
  21. Thanks joym. On my parasoy candle I poured exactly the same way I do my typical paraffin containers. I'll also only wait my typical 3 days to test burn the parasoy candle. So far, no repour seems like it's going to be necessary, but I'll know for sure tomorrow. I will wait a week or more for the 100% soy candles though, because I want an accurate throw test as well as the wicking.
  22. No worries!! ' I LOVE that you all are looking out for me!
  23. It's a bakery rack. You can click the link to see what it looks like.
  24. OMG Thank you! I don't care that it's white!! I did a google search and couldn't find another one, so apparently I wasn't searching correctly! LOL Thank you! I appreciate that!!
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