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Everything posted by Jcandleattic

  1. Well, I like them... We are always our own worst critics...
  2. It was your post in the tart thread that prompted this. I've wanted to post it for a while, but kept forgetting because I was never around a computer when I would think of it. Then I saw your post, was reminded and home, so posted it. I LOVE blending. LOVE IT. As I said above, I think I have 5-6 straight scents that I use, the rest are all blends of mine.
  3. Yep, but with scents. It has helped me with blending ideas a TON and some blends I would have never though of doing, I've done going off this chart and have some pretty good exclusive unique scents in my line. In fact, there are very few scents in my lineup that are not blends of some sort.. I do occasionally just wing it, but like this chart a lot too.
  4. So pretty. I'll have to check out your blog to see your video.
  5. Thank you jackbenimble! I should put that little ounce I have in some wax. I just don't make anything smaller than a 2lb soap and like to use about 5-6% in my soaps, so I don't have enough for that...
  6. I thought this chart might help anyone wanting to blend scents. I ran across it while trying to find blending ideas. It's been a HUGE help! Basically, anything right next to each other or opposite work and blend well together, but anything diagonal or not in the aforementioned parameters could be iffy, and probably not smell too good together.
  7. Puma, those are gorgeous, of course, like all of your stuff is. I have this groovy mold (and another just like it only smaller for smaller chunks) that I pour my wax in for chunks. Love them.
  8. Has anybody used this in candles or soap? In soap does it stick, A or D? I got a sample, but 1 ounce isn't enough for me to put into anything. LOL It smells sooo good OOB, was curious if anyone has used it, and what your opinions are?
  9. I have, using a kit from Brambleberry and KB Shimmer's technique (you can find her on youtube). IMO it's just as good as commercial brands.
  10. For me it's these - remember Donita? She was (maybe still is?) a member here, but I haven't seen her around in years! She used to do some AMAZING botanical work on candles. I saved a pic of one that I want to try (she was even kind enough to give us a tutorial - not sure it got saved to this board though but I have the pics to help me when I want to try it) But I would love to make a candle like this look as good as this...
  11. So pretty. I've been itching to make some pillars. This might just be the inspiration I needed.
  12. I always get it at Walmart in clear. It's in the paint section.
  13. Cool, dry, dark place wrapped tightly. That's the best when it comes to M&P
  14. I think they look good for a 2 hour burn.
  15. I use the silicone that is tested to withstand temps up to 400°. I have used wick stickums, and those are good too in a pinch - when I can't find my silicone, or am out and haven't gotten any new, but I much prefer the silicone...
  16. Oh, I read this as they were Ubure's melts? Am I wrong about that? If they are commercially made and store-bought IDK then...
  17. Sometimes you can get a weird plastic (artificial) if the warmer is melting the wax too hot. Or it could be the type of scent, or even too much scent. There are many factors that it could be. Even reputable suppliers have duds sometimes... Partylite used to be big here, not sure if they still are. They are what made me decide to start making my own because I loved them so much...
  18. I have my inventory in my square app, and when I make a sale (CC or cash) it gets recorded in square and when the show is over I just print up the report. It gives me everything I need - category, scent, product, price point, profit and tax (the tax is built into the price, but square has a feature that you tell it that, and it will calculate the tax for you - pretty sweet)
  19. I had that problem at first too, but if you "unfollow" the group, you are still a member, but they don't show up in your feed. You have to go to the actual group to see anything. I've done this with all of my groups (I'm in many, not just craft related) Also, any time I don't want to be bothered by a ton of notifications, I go to the little triangle thingie on the original post and turn off the notifications, then I don't get bothered with those either. That way I see what my friends are posting without having to scroll through hundreds of benign posts I may or may not be interested in at the time, and only get notified on stuff I actually want to be notified about. . It was a FB changer for me and I actually enjoy them much more now.
  20. Maybe I should look into that - getting a couple different vendor types of readers.
  21. Exactly. That's my main concern. That and that it won't/can't be interchangeable from Apple based to Windows(aka Android) based applications.
  22. Yeah, but if you have a 10-12 hour show, (like a couple of mine are) and no electricity to charge, and the reader will only hold a charge for a few hours, I guess it's not going to matter whether it only reads chips or not because once it's dead, it won't read anything.
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