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Everything posted by Suzanne

  1. Thanks for all the input everyone. I will keep this in mind after this 4 week free trial ends on this stamps.com.
  2. Mystical, would you please fill me in on the "issues" you said others have had with them? I'd sure like a heads up so I know what to look out for. Thanks!
  3. Mystical, I'm working the "expense" out as a little bit in handling, and the rest in cost so it's not just off the top. You have to work it into the figures I guess is what I'm trying to say. In the long run it looks like it will be much more beneficial for me.
  4. I also wanted to add, you can go the website and check it out. it's stamps.com.
  5. Hi Jeanna, The program itself, prints out a labels with shipping on it with the info you put into it and it also helps for keeping things organized, best methods for shipping, rates, how long, delivery notification, etc. And I guess the biggest factor for me is, it saves a lot of time. No more driving to the Post Office and waiting in line. And your packages look more professional when sending to customers IMO. They also do FedEx.
  6. I think I'll stick with stamps.com for awhile. The guy I talked to yesterday called me back today and went through the WHOLE program with me. He was so helpful, I'm telling you....that customer service makes it or breaks it for me. I'm sold. LOL So far....after the initial registration fiascal....I'm loving it. Printed up some postage for boxes ,uh parcels, LOL was a snap.
  7. http://www.rainbowmeadow.com/index.asp?page=info#InfoCenter Michigan http://addy.com/brinkley/index.html Garden Eastwood - PA - Essential Oils http://www.essentialoils.org/ http://www.lorannoils.com/ Michigan
  8. Thank you!! I'll check them out as well. As long as I can get the job done, I'm all for cheaper!!
  9. I'm sorry, I don't have experience with that type of mixture. What I use for linen spray and body spray is cyclomethicone. You just mix the FO with the cyclomethicone and that's it. Simple but more luxiourious. HTH
  10. This is good to know. I finally got through. To bad the guy was very nice. He didn't get an earful but was very helpful. They do have a glitch in their "new software" evidently. And he fixed it. So he's forwarding the info of my experience while registering to probably the tech dept. I'm gonna give this 4 week free trial offer a chance and see how it goes. I really like to get some kind of program set up for postage before this fall. Thanks for listening and responding- at least you people here know what i'm talking about.
  11. Ok, anyone out there use stamps.com? I finally decided to sign up for convience and to save time. I got the CD promo package in the mail saying i'll get this and that free for signing up. I installed the software and registered with my CC at their site and accepted the agreement and the first user name I put in was already taken so I entered another user name and it was accepted for registration. Then, i get this email saying that i'm a previous stamps.com customer and will not be getting the promo items offered. What the hell is up with that?? I have never been a customer of theirs. This ticks me off!! Not only have I emailed them telling them that I WAS never a customer, i'm currently still on hold on the phone with some lame ass music and all calls will be answered in the order they are recieved. Geez, I thought this was a reputable company!! But right now I feel like they've totally ripped me off. And this holding on the phone in excess of 20 minutes so far is ridiculious. I feel sorry for whatever analyst answers my call, they'll probably get an earfull. It takes a lot to set me off, but when I feel I'm being ripped off that does it every time. Sorry for venting....but had to let it out and am curious about others experience with this company.
  12. Beautiful soap Sara! I'm glad you have a picture up of a blind swirl. I just read about that in another thread and wanted to see a pic.
  13. Tess, usually a bird owner (a responsible one) will know what is safe and what is not. Especially an exotic bird owner. I wouldn't worry about including anything like that on a label. If they ask, I'd refer them to their vet. I own a parrot and bird systems are very sensitive like Henry said. I wouldn't recommend a candle, soy or paraffin burn near a bird. Also, I wouldn't use a tart warmer near a bird. There are a lot of everyday household cleaning chemicals that are very toxic to birds. Even though some say soy burns soot-free, there are still toxins that are released. It's just better to play it safe.
  14. Wow that would be cool if it would work. I'd be curious to know, like Lisa said, if it would clog the sprayer. Also, if it would sink to the bottom. If you try it, you'll have to let us know how it turns out.
  15. I'd use the polysorbate 20 in the sprays. The polysorbate 80 is good for creams and lotions when whipped or foaming is desired. HTH Suzanne
  16. LOL Glad you found it! I know what you mean bout the thousands of sites.
  17. I think this is what your talking about Moo. http://www.rainbowmeadow.com/infocenter/calc_eoblend/blendselect.php
  18. He looks very cute just like that!
  19. I like to keep these as simple as possible. I use the scraggle bears from peaks and take the bow off before dipping. After it's set and dried, I iron all the bows and tie them back on and package in the clear plastic bags with a big bow tied on top with instructions and scent displayed through the bag. I also include just a doiley for it to sit on. I've seen some that are dressed up really cute with extras but I've found it much more cost efficient for me and the customer to keep it simple. However, I always leave the option open for specific orders. For example, in the gallery you'll see some really cute cheerleader ones. Instructions are pretty simple and I think you covered most, not a toy, not a candle, protect furniture from FO and wax, keep out of direct sunlight and fluff with toothpick or comb and blowdryer when the scent needs boosted up. HTH Suzanne
  20. Wow! The info I've found so far is amazing. Shea butter is safe for animals and is used for all kinds of things with animals. Not only the paws, but for horse's hoof maintenance, household pet skin infections including foot and other fungal infections, dry skin and coats, and for the care of farm animals. The list goes on and on. Looks like I might have to include a couple pet products in my line up now. Hey, if people are asking for it, and I can make it, I'll do it. Now, to think about packaging and labeling. The labeling ideas always seem to be the most difficult part for me. arggghh!
  21. Anyone heard of a shea butter for dogs' paws? I've got a group of ladies asking me about this and I've never heard of it. I'm just starting to do some research to see what I come up with. Anyone have experience with this, I sure could use some pointers. TIA Suzanne
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