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Everything posted by iammommytwo

  1. I would try one size smaller. 1/2" melt pool is just a tad too deep. All it'll do is make your candle burn faster, and possibly get a bit too hot. Let me know how it goes
  2. I just heard that about that FO w/tarts the other day....you can cut back on the % of that FO. I have an FO from AH/RE called Avalanche. It is the combination- Peppermint/Eucalyptus...whew, I had to stand arms length away when mixing!! Certainly cleared my sinuses...lol...lol
  3. What type of wax r u using, and what are your heat and pour temps that you are working with??
  4. Hey Dan, I need to ask what the diameter is of the container you are using, and what type of wick?? It's possible you'll probably need to go down a size or so.
  5. one suggestion.....before you actually print on your label sheet, orint your "finished one" on a plain piece of paper and hold it up in front of the label sheet in good light. Then you can see how everything is going to line up before you print the labels. I use the Avery limited, and it takes a few tries to figure out. Yes, it is a stand alone- I have it right on my desktop.
  6. I believe that Vybar is meant for Paraffin, and yes- I heard it doesn't do well in soy. Have you tried the new GB 464?? It has a wonderful throw! If you like the 444, you can add universal soy additive, which is meant for soy. HTH BTW.....WELCOME!!!!
  7. I use the same PB--luv it!! I do find that most of the tarts are quite a bit stronger than a candle persay. I think it also has to do w/the fact that they are all melt pool, so the FO is released more quickly. I would maybe cut back on the really strong FO's. HTH;)
  8. I cover mine w/a box too, to let them cool slowly. I'm using mostly RRD wicks 'cause that's what I was introduced to and got down pat...lool...lol. I also use some LX's on my smaller jars. I'd like to totally change to LX's, but don't want to waste all that time and supplies testing:rolleyes2
  9. depends on the FO.....for example, I live in a dbl wide as well, and I can burn an 8oz jellyjar w/CranberryMarmalade from CS- put it in the masterbathroom at one end-and I can smell it through almost the entire house!!
  10. I do not add anything to mine (additives). I only heat to 150-155, and pour @ 125. I do not have to heat my jars this time of year.
  11. Hi again Johann, First, let me ask you where you live. I'm in FLA, and in the winter I have to preheat my jars, but this time of year I do not. I have also "played" w/my pour temps, and in the cooler weather I pour around 115-120. Now I am pouring at 125. I do not pour the Advanced slushy. I have always had a good throw w/good quality FO's. I also cure them for a minimum of 24hrs. HTH
  12. welcome Carol :wave:, It is really up to you, as far as what your preference would be. Some of "us" do both. I'm strictly a soy gal myself...lol. But I would suggest that you take your time and have fun reading on here!! And I agree about starting w/a kit. I did . Find a supplier that is close to you, to help you save on shipping costs.
  13. hmmm....never thought of that. guess I'll use CB, since I have quite a bit that I don't like for my candles....lol...lol
  14. if you have it "stored" on your computer, you can upload it into the program
  15. I use it too (just recently figured out that I could...lol) AND IT"S GREAT!!
  16. yup- I have this problem too in the summer, or when the air's not working
  17. hi all- gonna make some tealights w/some left over wax. Does it really matter what type of wax I use?? TIA
  18. welcome Garey :wave:, I too am a CBA user. I am currently trying LX wicks- thinking of changing to them 'cause I like the way they self trim. I have always used RRD's. Try what you have and see if it works for you . As far as measuring....my method is probably way wrong, but it works for me-- I fill the jar I am going to use w/water, then dump it into a measuring cup. That is how much melted wax I need. As far as any "left overs"- I use empty plastic containers w/lids ( cottage cheese, margarine, yogurt. etc) I write on the top so I know what combination I have used it for. I re-use the same containers over and over again. I don't make any large sizes like you, 'cause people around here seem to only go for the small stuff.
  19. I agree, it looks like the wick is too small. I don't personally use HTP's, but yes, they are suppose to curl like that.
  20. I've been using the CBA for almost a year now ( and testing others ), and I find it to be one of the easiest to wick and very consistant. Oh- and I use RRD's
  21. if you don't find a Mulberry in there that you like, ( :shocked2: ) then you have GOT to try CandleScience's.....It is awesome!! Smells up the whole room just sitting there in the bottle
  22. I use the PB myself so they come right out of the molds with no effort at all, but I add just a touch of the CB so they're not quite so dry.
  23. I just got some FO from AromaHaven called Avalanche. It is a combination of peppermint and eucalyptus. It's pretty strong.....cleared me right up just adding the FO to the wax!! Had to stand an arms length away
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