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Everything posted by Beth-VT

  1. I only use chips on a couple of colors, but I add at 180-185°. Not much of a difference, but you can always try adding at a higher temp just to see if it solves your problem, then ya know.
  2. OK, no one else has, so I'll ask......how hot is your wax when you're adding the chips?
  3. Here ya go: http://www.federalpackage.com/asp_pages/home.asp
  4. No. But for some people, there certainly should be
  5. Cool info Top....so does that mean we can get the Elvax any cheaper than those damn Aroma Beads? LOL!
  6. Wow Katie, it has been a long time....almost a year....did ya miss us?? Glad to see you back Lowes has lye (and I know you've got a Lowes down there, lol) Roebic brand, think it's a yellow can. HTH.
  7. They've been around at least since last summer.
  8. Although it (and she) is adorable, I would never, ever buy something like that for a smaller child. The risk of strangulation is simply too great, especially with infants and toddlers. All it takes is a minute or two with no supervision for a knot to form that small hands can't undo, or to get snagged on something, etc. JMO.
  9. Colonial Tin Works has both the hoosier and dazey jars, although they're not cheap. HTH.
  10. I've used both, and both are fine, but i do prefer BCN's. They come on a large roll and Steve's (at least the smaller qty's) come on sheets which are annoying to me.
  11. DoveStudio here on CT is fantastic! http://soapgraphics.com/portfolio.html
  12. Absolutely charge it. HOW you do it may vary by your state. I adjust my normal retail pricing up and round to the nearest $0.25. My prices are posted and that's what I charge, no additional tax on top of that. However, to do that in my state I must also have signs posted that clearly state that tax is already included in the price, and, the actual retail price must be available for the customer to see. Some states just don't let you do that at all, you have to add tax to your posted prices regardless. That said, no matter how it's done, make sure that your price is adjusted so that the CUSTOMER is paying the sales tax. That's not something for you to cover. HTH.
  13. 4045H is pretty much like 1343, only better. I find it mottles much easier, and has a little better scent load IMO.
  14. Keep in mind that it ALL depends on your warmer. Wattage varies greatly on the warmers, from about 15-25.
  15. Use BCN's liquid pink!!! Christ will you get pink. I use like 1/4 drop per lb. MAX, and that's for a moderatley pale shade. It's like the devil itself. It shows zero color at all when liquid. It has to cool. Even some drops on a white counter top takes like 10 minutes for the pink to show, but when it does you can sit and watch it change. Weird stuff....but you'll definitely get pink.
  16. That's just about the most libelous thing I've ever heard a supplier say!! C&S needs to be shot for that statement. Just push the damn thing in? And then just let it fall over? Give me a break. These things are an accident waiting to happen IMO, and C&S, WSP (and the many more I'm sure will follow) just jumped to get them on the market to cash in on a passing fad. There are too many variables involved to make this a safe product. Every wax blend will burn differently, achieve different depth melt pools, etc. Wicks will fall over at different points, and they're not all going to just gently fall over and completely self extinguish. Dumb idea to me.
  17. IMO.....some fads should stay just that. A fad.
  18. I love to build. Anything. I can cut, hammer, nail, screw (lol), wire, plumb, sheetrock, tile, roof, you name it. I could spend all day everyday building something......too bad it costs so darn much .
  19. J223 is J223. I've used Astor's (Honeywell) for a long time, and my last 4 cases was the first batch as the new IGI 4633. No differences so far, other than all the friggin' water in the ends of the slabs, argh.
  20. Oh please do....it friggin' took me long enough to figure it out myself, lol !
  21. David & Robin....BINGO. They are both correct. It all depends on your accounting method, it has nothing to do with whether you are home based or not, store front or no, nor really the size of your biz. Cash Accounting Method: Expenses are deducted when actually paid, income when it is actually received. Which means any supplies purchased via credit cards can not be deducted until that bill is actually paid. No yearly inventory is required because you only deduct what you have actually paid for. Accrual Method: Expenses are deducted when you incur them (paid or not), and income when it is earned (received or not). Year end inventory is required to adjust for the cost of items you have deducted but still have on hand. You are not allowed to change your method of accounting w/o IRS approval, so if you've already filed in year(s) past, you must continue to use the same method. If you want to change, there is a form that must be submitted to the IRS. HTH.
  22. I include the cost of shipping on the major (and heaviest) components, like wax, FO, containers, bases, oils, butters, etc. I don't include it in small ticket items like cello bags, wicks, stickums, dye and such. I count this shipping cost as overhead and it's written off as such at the end of the year.
  23. Smaller (although somewhat weighty) lots cost more too. If you can swing a larger order, your shipping cost per jar should go down.
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