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Everything posted by OFCILynn

  1. OMGosh, I cant stand Loves Spell but thought it was just me and the fact that my youngest used to drown herself in that darn scent!! I will make that scent but sure cant stand it! Im making Christmas gift baskets this year for my kids and of course, this is the only scent that my youngest will wear! She is 19 so not many alternatives if I want her to like it! LOL I do try to have a window or a fan blowing in the opposite direction going whenever I pour LS!!
  2. Your products look very nice! So sorry that your sales werent as you had hoped!!
  3. Thanks Robin, I actually already have that! I may have to use it but it doesnt reduce the size small enough for me!! Thanks SOOOOOOO much for looking!! God Bless, Lynn
  4. Those are just too cute Corence!! Clever name!!
  5. Too cute Corence!!!! Im sure she will love them!!
  6. I am sorry hon. Those pictures were hosted on a old site! You can view them and more at http://ofci.biz/gallery as I am still working on my site and only have a few pictures up a http://ofci.biz . HTH and thanks for looking!
  7. I need some CT advise! I need to know if anyone knows of a good, preferrably free graphics optimizer for web graphics?? My pictures are just way too large and makes my page load too slow! I need to keep the quality of the original graphics and in some cases, reduce the actual size AND picels. Any recommendations! Please do not tell me to Google it because I have and most that I have seen are $$$ or are web based and I do not want to allow a site to connect to my computers for obvious reasons! Batch compression would also be a awesome feature!! TIA!
  8. Cute website! Everything looks real good!! Great job!!
  9. That is great news!!! I hope it all goes as you hope!!!
  10. I love White Zifindel wne but cant imagine it in a candle! I had sample of wine and roses once and oh my, it stunk! LOL I am going to have to get a sniffie of this scent!!!
  11. What a perfect logo!! Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I second Portia about the meatballers breaking! I was shocked! I didnt press all that hard and they werent cheap meatballers!! I would have a few on hand for sure!!!!!! HTH
  13. Great hon! Id hate to see you have problems and am sooooooooooo glad you are A-Ok because your site really does look great! I sure hope you didnt take what said wrong hon!!!
  14. Nat, you have a very beautiful site!! Great job on a easy to navigate and very beautiful site!! I see ONE problem! On this page: http://www.scentifique.co.uk/products.htm , the graphic in the top right may very well be copyrighted! I know because I had ordered some business cards from Vista Print with that very same graphic that they offer on their site! Please forgive me if you have already gotten permission or if I am out of line! Just trying to help hon! Again, Great Site!!
  15. What a wonderful setup you had there! Very inviting and organized! All of your stuff looks wonderful and your DH did a good job on the pegboard also! LOL Congrats!
  16. They look very nice. Remember, if you are to sell them and not just give them as gifts as you posted, you have to put your company info and the weight on them! Even as gifts, it may be nice to add a made by, or A Gift to you from...........!! Great job!!
  17. Thank you so much all! I apprecaite the kind words! I need honesty here from my friends! When attempting to photograph the candles, I had used lights inside to help illuminate them so customers could get an idea of how they would look when lit. I am hoping to be able to use just ONE photo instead of a lit and unlit one! Do you think those photos will be able to show it both ways enough for customers to get an idea of what they would be buying? Also, what do you all think of me having the gallery on my site that shows alot of the items that I make, even if they arent all for sale? AND even if they arent the greatest of items? LOL I know that I was showing the good the bad and the ugly in the gallery! I have yet to put any items for sale on my website but some of the carved candles will make it into the shop! I appreciate your opinions! Thanks and God Bless, Lynn
  18. Hey girl, sell that thing on eBay!!!!!!!! LOL You know how certain items can sell for TONS on eBay!! You know like the famous toast listing! LOL Ok, serious now, that really is cool and your soap looks great!!
  19. I was heartbroken when I just read this post! I had JUST last week when I got back home, upgraded that darn program! Paid full price too!! Oh well!! I hope that others can jump on this sale though. It is a great program! Even for a b&b newbie like me!!
  20. For those who have asked, here is the link to my gallery right now. There are pictures of my cut-n-carved candles along with a few other items that I have made! Posting the link is so much easier than listing all the pictures here! Thanks for looking! http://ofci.biz/gallery God Bless, Lynn O.F.C.I.~Our Finely Crafted Indulgences~ (BTW-my home page http://ofci.biz is not yet done but you can let me know what you think and be sure to visit the guestbook!)
  21. Thanks so much Amber!! I have found three sizes that I could easily use!! They are sure strong enough! I just wish they werent the brown/kraft color! I was really hoping for white since these will house my carved candles. If I cant find white, this will work for me so thank you very much!! God Bless, Lynn
  22. Lady, PDevine and anyone else.........LOL When I make MY crumble I take a stainless steel bowl, that I sit in a larger bowl of ice cubes! I then pour my wax little by little into the SS bowl. When I see that it is starting to set up along the sides of the bowl, I just run my spoon around it and scrape all the areas that have started to set up! I don't have to touch anything and it goes rather quickly for me! I then put those "crumbs" into another bowl so they can start setting up more and harden all the way. If the chunks are too large, I break them up with my spoon gently while they are still slightly warm! I just keep doing this till I get all that I need! I am able to melt the wax only pour what I need into a glass measuring cup, scent and color and only have to do little bits at a time without wasting! It works like a charm every time for me! HTH!! God Bless, Lynn Edited because I dont know how to spell! LOL
  23. Very nice Scented!! I feel silly but I am not sure how the heck you created that effect! I really like it though!! Lynn
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