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Everything posted by celicagtca

  1. Hi everyone, I have recently wanted to start making a sachet line of products. My question to you is...what am I supposed to list on the packaging for my products to be feesible. I am presently testing with Bittercreeks' lip & lotion balm. Do I include all those ingredients, plus the particular oil that I'm adding. Just want to make sure before I start putting this stuff out. Thanks for you help!
  2. I was the one that originally tested my wax with the "veneer". Yes it does burn and you can use any wood. We tried a variety of "veneer" types and all worked. What I didn't like about it was the wider and higher flame that it produced. Also the scorched wood that I had to break off with my finger tips when re-lighting the next day. You either end up with charred fingers or black soot in your wax. I think I'll let DayNa Decker (aka:Lumetique) http://www.tvausa.com/stories/story.asp?id=1 take credit for her creation and see how well it sells in a year or two.
  3. Considering I just read your PM Dublon Use the HPT73's for the PB for votives.
  4. LAVENDER all the way and Pachouli. I had a linen once that was so popular that everytime I poured, I had a headache for 2 days. I had to take it off my list regardless of how much it sold.
  5. I have a S&C that doesn't have a perfume or floral smell to it whatsoever. It has top notes of strawberry then you get the bottom notes of a bubbley champagne. The strawberry is the first thing you smell.
  6. Well I'm gonna be the odd man/woman out here, but I have been using Royal Aromatics "Peach" for 5 years now and it's a great seller. You can smell the fuzz on the peach when you open it, but burning...true to its name. Their "Ginger Peach" Pier I is awesome also.
  7. I would also have to say that the Lav/Van from JS is heavier on the Lavender side than the Vanilla. Downey has a dryer sheet called Lavender Vanilla and I have been searching high and low for this fragrance. It is absolutely beautiful. Smells nothing like Lav & Van at all. If you ever get a chance at the grocery store, pick up a box and let me know if you have a supplier in mind that has something close to this.
  8. I got some cedar veneer and stuck it in my paraffin candle and it burned fine. Any wood will work, just have to make sure it's thin. It does crackle, but I think they put a mic. up to the candle and magnified it on their video clip. It doesn't sound that loud when burning. Would have to have wick tabs made for this type of wood wicking as the wood will fall over. Would have to clip off the burnt wood on the top of the wick as it doesn't really look appealling the next day. The melt pool does get acros the jar, but just concerned how wide and high the flame gets near the bottom of the jar. I think I'll stick to my wicks for the time being.
  9. Can anybody tell me the difference between the CD's and HTP wicking if used in soy wax.
  10. Personally I like Really Big Things...I mean CANDLES for all you perverts out there. I think that's really neat and I would use those for an outdoor wedding or down either side of my driveway during Christmas. You could even etch out a pumpkin, witch and place them around the flower bed during halloween. Looking Good!
  11. Hi Sharon, I usually do an Oct., Dec., and March open house. I find by the time March rolls around, my customers have usually finished their Christmas candles. I have a few winter items displayed, but introduce all my new Spring and Summer products at the March showing. Tarts and jars usually go over really well that time of year as windows start to open and more and more people are looking for fresh clean fragrances to welcome Spring. I don't put as much product out as I would during Christmas, don't want to be stuck with tons of stock. Usually 9 times out of 10, they come back early April for more of the Spring/Summer f/o's.
  12. How about "Fantasy Fruit" and "Scrumptous Desserts".
  13. Good thing you sent those pics and were persistant. You'll do AWESOME! Think Positive.
  14. I notice postings for Scent Event. What is the link to this company or the real name of this company?
  15. Just ordered mine today also! Really looking forward to introducing this to my line of products.
  16. I have around 145 but would like to bring it down to 80.
  17. Hi Lynn, Candles & Supplies has a really nice Ginger Peach dupe of Pier I and Royal has Peach which is so strong that you can actually smell the fuzz off the oil. Sounds weird, but so true.
  18. I had the same experience in Canada about 8 months ago with the 4625 wax. First off all six slabs were a pale creamy yellow colour instead of white and when I poured, got the same thing happening as you just did. Called my supplier and she stated that boxes are all listed as 4625. I was wondering if IGI made a mistake when boxing it.
  19. The "Out of Stock" states it will available in Spring 2006.
  20. Indeed it is a really nice site, with the exception of to much movement. I have a buddy that specializes in wood and is looking into the type they are using. Will keep ya posted.
  21. The originator of this nifty wick is Dayna Decker. Check out the website and the prices. A 6 oz. candle is $58 US. Yikessss. Marketing to the Rich and Famous I would say. http://daynadecker.nespra.com/ Seems like she has Lumetique making them and a bunch of investors baking her. (see attached) Guess she did have a candle biz. Success Story Lumetique Inc. Studio City, Calif., entrepreneur, and former fashion model DayNa Decker, started out, as most neophytes in capital-raising do, by enlisting investors mainly among people she knew. To lay the foundations for her candle-making company Lumetique Inc., she sold a 6% stake to 10 investors, mostly friends and family, beginning in 2001. Three years later, however, with her business plan still being finalized and in dire need of capital and professional help, Ms. Decker enlisted the services of TVA. Within 6 weeks, Lumetique had improved its businesses value proposition to the point that they were able to sell a 4% stake to an angel-capital firm, Angel Strategies LLC, Tustin, CA. There's a fine line between helping and meddling, says Ms. Decker, but so far her angel is helping. Angel Strategies has helped her connect with other potential investors around the country, she says, and TVA has been right there at her side. She and a colleague meet regularly with TVA’s co-founder and Chairman, John Garcia, to hash out basic details about setting up a board of directors, seeking new capital and securing a public-relations firm. TVA has also offered input about which retailers can help sell the candles (preferably high-end department stores), who might buy the company further down the road (probably a strategic partner, like one of Lumetique's manufacturers in Asia or Europe), and how Lumetique should handle its patents. The company is hoping to sell its first wood-trimmed, clean-burning candles for this holiday season, and Ms. Decker is forecasting revenue of $1.5 million next year. " (Wall Street Journal Nov. 29th, 2004)
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