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Everything posted by celicagtca

  1. Claire Burke had a Christmas Collection out. The tealights in these holders have hard plastic covers with 2 holes over each tealight. Custom made of course...big bucks and large quantities. Neat idea though.
  2. What wick would you rec., the most for soy wax...LX's or HTP's?
  3. Here's a place for ya: http://www.royalaromatics.com/catalog.asp?query=butter+rum&custom=0&command=search
  4. You also have to take into account that regardless if you did have this scent created personally for your business, that same oil mfg., will probably take that oil, tweek the name and resell as something else. Look at "Yankee", do you not think they get their oils specifically mfg., for them and a couple of months down the road, BAM, there's a "DUPE" out there for all of us to purchase. Yankee has a new Rice Milk candle, smells wonderful, but can't find the oil anywhere. I know of a supplier that has an oil that is bang on to it but it's called something else. I also mentioned it to RA and they might consider mfg. it soon.
  5. Your soy votive wax shouldn't crack as long as you pour it at the right temp. If you pour to hot, it tends to release quicker from the walls of the molds. I usually pour mine at around 155-157 and have never had them crack. When you start mixing other waxes, you can no longer call it 100% soy and the characteristics tend to change. Try lowering your temp before you start blending waxes.
  6. Posted this on the Fragrance board but only had one person respond. Wondering if anybody has dealt with Northstar for Soy Fragrances and what you think of them. Thanks
  7. This company has a Patent Application see: http://www.tvausa.com/stories/story.asp?id=1 The name of the original company is: Lumitique Inc. You can check out their demo here: http://www.scentsationalcandlesandgifts.com/oldvirginia/WoodWick.htm You won't see these wicks on the market for a few years.
  8. Never dealt with this company but happened to hit their site tonight and some of their oils look very nice. Anyone presently using their oils or any good info on this company would be appreciated.
  9. Beautiful work Tucker! Just be careful reselling that sweety. Using somebody elses artwork for resale might have it's penalties. Wouldn't want to see you get stiffed, but check into it anyway, it may not be a problem. All in all...you did a FANTASTIC JOB! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT.
  10. At this moment I am testing (2) LX20's and (2) RRD40's in a 10 oz. ball jar with soy wax. The flame height stability is pretty much the same. These have been burning for 1 1/2 hours and the mushroom on the tops is exactly the same between the two. I was using a single HTP1212 previously and have to admit the mushroom was enormous. I am also testing a single ECO8 and a CD16 in the same jar with the same wax. The melt pool on both jars are neck and neck. I'd have to say the pool is about 1/4" or smaller to the neck of the jar. Flame height is really good and there is absolutely no mushrooming on either one of these wicks. Now remember, this has only been about 1 1/2 hours. Tomorrow I will relight and do my power burn and continue with my findings. IMO, I think I'm gearing more to the CD16 and the ECO8. Will let you know tomorrow evening
  11. Ditto with Robin & Top!! I use to rip my hair out in the past because I had some customers telling me one thing and others another. I finally decided to hand out a card with every candle that specifically walks the customer through proper burning procedures. You would be surpised how many loyal candle burners claim they know what their doing and when you get right down to it, "THEY DON'T!" When people have something other than the little round warning label on the bottom of the candle handed to them, they tend to make it a point to actually read it and practise it.
  12. Trust me...these wicks "DO NOT" work with 4630 wax. The only way I can see the flame on this baby is if I turn the lights out. About 1 hour later, the flame starts to stabilize and re-appear. Half way through the cup burn, the flame hides again. I've never seen a wick perform this way.
  13. Anybody use the S330 or S430 wicking and what type of wax have you tested with good results. Is this a suitable wicking for the 4627 or 4630?
  14. I like it!!! A neat balance of two different textures with two complimenting colours. Good work!
  15. My response regardless of who you are is: We have a strict policy of $200 for first time orders, reorders is $100. If you do not meet minimum order requirement, there is a 15% added on charge. Shipping is your responsibility. A business or pst number is required. There is a min., order on each fragrance and each item. If you bend for these people once, they will expect it everytime. You have to stick to your guns or they won't consider you a legit business. I know sometimes you end up getting desparate because you want the sales or it could turn out to be something wonderful in the future, but if they are as legit as they say they are, then they also know the ropes and shouldn't expect this of you.
  16. Tis the time of year I guess. People are to cheap to buy and figure they can gather enough freebies to give as gifts.
  17. I agree with you 100% on making your own. Ya save more money in the long run, but the only thing I would try to eliminate if I were doing it, is the Almond Oil. The only reason why is that there are so many people today with an allergy to nuts and I had a women that couldn't even touch my packaging due to that reason. I eliminated the almond oil and found that my sales increased 75% on my bath bombs. Just a thought for any of you out there that have a great bath line, but are finding it not reaching out and grabbing more customers.
  18. Thanks so much for your input. I knew there must have been something wrong as I would dip my finger in, a gob comes out, and as it's sitting on my warm finger, it's melting and dripping off. I don't even think this stuff would harden in a tube.
  19. I did go to their message board and noticed a posting on the lip balm and everybody was mentioning how hard and chapstick like it was. I must have gotten a bad batch. This is actually like a creamy body butter. As soon as I opened it, put my finger in it, I knew right away, there is no way this stuff is going to survive in a tube. It almost has a mashed potato look to it.
  20. I just posted on the general bath and body and maybe should have posted here. I just purchased the Lip Balm from Bitter Creek and find it to be to muckyt for my liking. The ingredients are: Soybean Oil Beeswax, Sunflower seed oil, Cocoa seed butter She butter Vitamin E Could I add cocoa butter to harden this up?
  21. OK people I have a dilema here. I recently purchased the Lip Balm / Lotion Bar Base from Bitter Creek and I'm finding it to soft to the point of being mucky in the container. I assumed that this stuff would have been a little bit more solid like a chapstick. Am I wrong?? Is there anything I can add to this to harden it up and make it more solid? Any help would be appreciated.
  22. I can't believe what I'm hearing! I have been manufacturing candles for 5 years now and have never in the 5 years had any of my wax have condensation in it. Is this a normal thing because I've never received any pallets of wax that resemble what you guys are talking about.
  23. That happened to me one time and realized I had a bad batch of wax. Called supplier and she cleared it up ASAP.
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