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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. I use their CBL130 para/soy container wax. And for votives and tarts I use 3035H. I have to add vybar to prevent mottling. I have a slab of the 4045H but haven't played with making rustic pillar with it yet. I used to use their CBL129 for containers...and I loved their CBL141 votive wax. I think Candlewic offers great products and customer service.
  2. I agree with candlebuddy. I LOVE Birthday Cake from KY. It throws well in my parasoy at 8% FO per lb. I was going through some fragrance oil samples and came across a free tart that Vickey had sent with one of my orders...it was Birthday Cake. OMG...I put in in my electric burner and it about ran us out of the house...it was so strong. To my nose KY's smells just like a vanilla birthday cake
  3. I had problems several years ago with wicks from BCN coming out of the tabs. But being the nice person I am... I let it go. I decided that I would use those wicks for my own personal use. They were HTP wicks. I have used all types of wicks from NG, C&S, KY and the old Snowtop and didn't have problems with any of them. Now I buy all of my LX wicks from Candlewic and have never had a problem.
  4. I agree with Scented...FOH's throws GREAT in my parasoy. I have a friend/customer that always buys Wisteria for her DH. She has been buying it since I started selling and I always tell her when I've changed suppliers. She told me that DH said the one from FOH has been the best and truest smelling of any that I have poured. I just checked Elements website and I don't see it listed.
  5. Seriously.... I've been using the oven for like 8 years to get wax out of jars. Have the temperature set to 200* and never had a problem. Wax melts...dump it out...use an old butter knife to pry the wick off the bottom of the jar. Use a paper towel to wipe out all of the wax residue and...if there is any black soot on the jar it wipes clean without scrubbing etc. Now...this is for my own use of melting and cleaning the jars that I use for testing purposes only.
  6. I love their Country Christmas. It throws really great in my parasoy...CBL130 from Candlewic. At my Christmas Open House it is normally one of the first candles that sells out. Also...Secret Garden is another one that throws great in my wax...and it is another one that I love. I had tested quite a few of their scents a long time ago when I used paraffin for containers. I have notes somewhere....... Because Country Christmas and Secret Garden were such big sellers for me...they were the only 2 that I retested in parasoy.
  7. Hmmmm...what about motor oil, cod liver oil, castor oil, baby oil...I wonder if she would "get the hint". lol Depending on my mood...I would either not respond OR tell her what you just said here. I don't give out my formulas/recipes etc. I had to search for the information so...sorry but...I recommend you do the same thing. Or something similar to that.......
  8. I use their pumpkin pie. I loved Missy's and tested many others trying to duplicate it when they went OOB. Finally decided to try TCS and I was so happy that I finally found a duplicate. I also use their Grandma's Kitchen and a couple of Christmas fragrances too...Christmas Wreath and Christmas Eve. I too would LOVE it if they did have descriptions on their site. I've been wanting to try their Frosty Pear for a while. My neighbor is a teacher and got a candle in this scent from one of her students for Christmas a few years ago. She loved it and asked me if I could find the scent. I've tried a ton of other pear scents and none of them were it. She described it as a Christmas pear type scent...whatever that means...lol. Anyway...I should get on the stick and order a sample and see if this COULD be the one. lol
  9. Not sure whose you are using now...but my favorite that I've been selling for years is from Vickey at KY Candle Supply. I just loved this Claire Burke scent and the one from KY is dead on...IMO. Actually when Lori...Bubbles 'N Lights was a supplier I was ordering it from her. Then Vickey became a supplier and I tried hers...it was exactly the same. I've been using it for over 9 years and every year at Christmas my SIL orders 2 dozen votives. NG has a fragrance that is similar...but...IMO...not as strong as KY's. I can't remember which one it is now...not sure...it might be Christmas Splendor.
  10. Thanks ladies...the one that I use is Interlude. I don't think I have ever tried Angel Heart.
  11. Aroma Haven has it...and damn it I can't think of the name they call it...grrrr. I used to buy SC's expensive Angel...and then switched to their "not as expensive version" and it was good too. I have a very good friend that loved SC's and I told her that I was going to try another supplier's version of it. She told me that she could not tell the difference. Damn it...I wish I could think of it.....maybe someone else will chime in. If not...I will go out to my shop tomorrow and check it for you.
  12. I used to buy Y candles all of the time. WHAT was I thinking? lol My X DIL used to tell me to buy candles from craft stores because they were so much better. This was before I ever thought of pouring my own. She was right! I bought a few local handpoured candles and thought...again..WHAT was I thinking spending all of that money on candles that did not throw well at all. The only Y candle that threw well for me was Wisteria. And IMO their tarts aren't any better. Y candles were not the reason I started pouring candles. I got an email from Missy's candles back in 2000 and thought...WOW this is something I want to try...so...ordered a kit and a few other things. Then I could not stop ordering wax, wicks and fragrance oils. Found supplier messageboards and OMG...I was hooked and have been hooked for 10 years.
  13. Glad to hear that about Mistletoe. I LOVED BNL's version so when I decided to order samples from CS I ordered this one. OOB...it is super strong so I am glad to know it does well in wax. I'm hoping to pour some of my samples this week.
  14. Same here.....modge podge. I "paint" the inside a couple of times. I've made citronella buckets with huge wicks that we use around our pool area and have never had a problem with leaking wax.
  15. Well first of all...I had ordered 5 cases of PB...I think just before busy season 2009. Something had changed in the formula because I was getting cracks over the top of all of my candles. I emailed Vickey and she told me a few things to try to prevent it...nothing worked. That's when I decided to test with a slab of the CBL130. I still DO get that little bit of wax that creeps up the wick with the 130...but a quick hit with the heat gun fixes it. And...JMO but I think the hot throw is better than the PB. I'm not sure if I had said this here before...my next door neighbor has always loved my candles. But she told me since I started using this new wax...she loves them even more. I use LX wicks in the 130 and I love the way the candles burn. I had been a "hard core" cotton wick user before. Bill Binder had told me to use LX wicks in their palm pillar wax. One day I decided to try them in my containers...now I'm sold. lol
  16. Something similar happened to me...consignment shop. I was doing a fantastic business there but...unknown to me...she closed. One of my best friends lived just down the street from the shop and she called me. She buys directly from me...but she knew the owner and would buy at her shop too to give her business. Anyway...she called me and said...I've been trying to shop at Carolyn's but every time I go she is closed. I'm thinking...that sounds strange so I called Carolyn and she told me she had packed up everyone's stuff and it was sitting in her garage...come get it. I would check in there once a week during the busy season...to see what was selling so I could keep my booth well stocked. She closed the shop just before spring and I have to admit...I wasn't checking weekly. Anyway...hubby and I went to her house and got all of my stuff. I do have to say that she took care in packing everything...and there was a check waiting for me from the stuff that had sold just before she closed. Like Lorrie said...make sure you cover your butt.
  17. I was just checking out KY's website since you mentioned this. Vickey carries Cucumber Melon Cucumber Melon (B & BW Type ) and Cucumber and Cantaloupe. I have both and there is a distinct difference. I prefer the Cucumber and Cantaloupe. Personally...I am not crazy about the smell of honeydew...but I do like the taste. lol
  18. That is flipping insane. Doesn't CW carry ANYTHING comparable to the IGI wax that you have been using? I use their parasoy CBL130...I had been using KY's Perfect Blend but Vickey discontinued it. I loved the PB but I found that I like the CBL130 a lot better. Maybe you can talk to Bill Binder and he can give you some info. He has ALWAYS been more than helpful to me.
  19. Hey Scented...if it does go barf then you could blame it on the Illegal Aliens. lol:D Seriously...I hope it works out for you. Your soap is ALWAYS gorgeous.
  20. As I recall...Vickey only sells the 2 oz. sizes for testing. I believe she told "us" that the reason is because it gives you more to test with if you want to test in jars, votives and tarts. I was one of Vickey's first customers way back and she never offered 1 oz. samples. Her Apple Pie has been by best seller ever since she started her supply business. I really love the Sugar Corn Pudding...smells like a real creamy vanilla custard, Country Gift Shop...but it can be a bugger to wick. Others mentioned her that sell well for me are Apple Jack 'n Peel, Plumberry Spice and Orange Chiffon Cake. You won't be sorry if you order. Maggie
  21. I don't know what wax that you are using Dee...but I use CBL130 (parasoy) from CW. I tested NG's Orange Sherbert and loved it. One of the ladies in the veterinarian's office said she loved anything orange so I told her I would pour her an Orange Sherbert candle. I delivered it and a couple of other candles that she wanted. A few weeks later when I went to pick up some meds for one of our dogs she told me that the Orange Sherbert candle gave off a terrible fuel smell. I was shocked because I didn't detect it at all when testing...and I told her that. I replaced the candle with Caribbean Pear...which she loved. Anyway...I had poured 2 Orange Sherbert candles that day...I had the other one here at home. I decided to burn it and....neither I nor my DH detected any fuel smell. A good friend of mine had bought an Orange Sherbert candle before too...so I called her and asked if she had burned the candle and if it gave off a fuel smell. She said she burned it and no fuel smell. She said...I would know that smell because way back when you were giving me some votive testers...you gave me something orange to test burn and our bathroom reeked of that fuel smell. Which...btw...I tested the same fragrance and mine did too.
  22. I've been pouring candles since 2001. Early on I became good friends with someone who lives less than an hour from me. I had my favorite paraffin blend wax and she had her favorite paraffin wax. I decided to give her wax a try...straight paraffin with additives. I did everything exactly like she did...my candles were okay but nothing like hers. Because...one of the times that we "met up" we traded a few candles. She thought my candles in the paraffin blend were great...and I thought her candles in the straight paraffin were great. But...neither one of us could "produce" the same results using the other's wax. Later...she tried the same exact soyblend that I was using...I loved it...she hated it. I am still using a soyblend...she is back to using her straight paraffin with additives. And...you can try using a hair dryer to smooth tops etc. I used one for a couple of weeks and then tried my embossing gun. IMO...neither one works as well as a heat gun. My blow dryer had 2 speeds...low and high. Low did not have enough fan power and high had way too much. My heat gun has 3 speeds and medium does the trick for the "little hole and the wax climbing up the wick" that I get with my soyblend..CBL130 from Candlewic.
  23. Great looking soaps. My favorite is Connect the Dots.
  24. I have nothing to say here except...Chris is a SHE not a HE.
  25. I have ordered twice from MM and haven't had a problem. I hope your get your oils soon. Anyway...just wanted to say... Not MM but...I placed an order a few weeks before Christmas through amazon.com. One of the items was nail clippers for our dogs. Amazon always gives you approximate shipping dates for items not sold directly through them. The clippers were from an outside vendor and I was given an expected shipping date as 7-10 days. I actually received the item about a week from the day I ordered so all was well. But...almost a month went by and I got a shipping notification from amazon saying that my pet clippers had just been shipped and to expect them within 5 days. LOL
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