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Everything posted by soapbuddy

  1. That's beautiful! I love the watermelon!
  2. He said cp = cold process. My bars aren't wet with the additional ingredients, but it all depends on your recipe, temps and if you gel or not.
  3. I do as well. I hate to rebatch, but for the times that I do, I use a sald shooter. No fingernails needed LOL!
  4. If your containers arrive dusty, I would switch to another seller. That's a big contamination issue. I sanitize all my bowls, pitchers, utensils and counters with mild bleach solution. I also spritz with alcohol.
  5. Looks like spring! Depending how much vanilla content there is in the fragrance, it might only turn tan instead of brown.
  6. Very nice! How will it reproduce in a small size?
  7. I get whichever one costs less since I buy 50 lbs. bags. I haven't noticed any difference.
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