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Everything posted by jennhalcyon

  1. two thumbs up! beautiful!!!!!!!!!
  2. CB~ Awesome results...thanks for sharing with all of us! I am so excited to burn my Vanilla Latte testers now...but I just poured them yesterday morning so I am gonna try to hold out until tomorrow at least. Will try wicking up on it.
  3. Darn, that's another oil I have to add to my list for another order from Bert!!! Sounds yummy!
  4. I agree with Lisa on the Baked Apples from Snowtop...yum! Killer throw in 50/50. Lavender I personally can't stand but Peak's has a SUPER strong one...have to cut way back on that one!
  5. Just poured this...smells so great, especially because it is early in the morning and COLD here in PA!! Just wondering if anyone has poured this yet and if you needed to wick up because of the vanilla. It looks like such a heavy dark oil so! TIA! Jenn
  6. Wendy, God bless your husband in Iraq...I hope he gets home to you quickly.
  7. Yes thank you Stella and everyone else who chimed in...I am expecting a 10# bag (the first was just a #) so I will be able to play around some more!
  8. Okay, maybe it is just me but I think oatmeal cinn crunch smells just like BNL's Cookie Jar. I think I have a bit left in an old bottle downstairs so I will have to go check, but it was all I could think of when I just poured it!! Anyone else smell this oil yet?
  9. Sharon, Bert shipped to me on a Saturday and I got it on Monday!! You're not far from me, so you very well could have it by then. You'll love the vanilla latte...keep us posted on the rest of those new ones you get! I didn't pour Oatmeal Cinn Crunch but it smells GREAT oob!
  10. What are ya gettin'????????? This pumpkin custard spice smells so different to me when burning...very buttery, maybe? I really love it! And you were right Sharon, it didn't need any cure time!
  11. Wow, Stella, that was quite a response! Thank you for all of that information! I am going to try cooling under the box AND on a rack. Do you poke holes or agitate the container? Or is your very slow cooling method taking care of the air pocket problem in your palm containers? TIA, Jenn
  12. Cindy, Thanks for your reply. I did preheat in the oven. Maybe it was that I didn't use the wire rack on the last two that caused the problem.
  13. A question for those of you who have been playing around with Glas Glow...I have made three containers so far. The first I cooled on a rack with no cover and had okay but not terrific crystallization. the second I slow cooled under a box without a rack and got beautiful crystals but two air pockets. The third I did the same (box) and poured slower and still have an air pocket. Any suggestions on how I might be able to fix this? I would love to not have to poke relief holes and repour. TIA, Jenn
  14. CB, You might change your mind when burning the PCS...I thought the same thing but it really has a nice hot throw! I really like the vanilla latte...don't you? I just didn't get to put it into wax yet, so please let me know what you think when you pour it. And that Cinnamon, Nutmeg and clove...I am so sorry I forgot to order that one! How does it smell? Sharon, I didn't get the Lemon Biscotti but after reading that it's like a tastycake lemon pie (my fave) I am bummed!! I'll send you a sniffy of the vanilla latte if you give me your address!
  15. Gorgeous~! I hope mine turn out half as nice, and I love the color!
  16. My order shipped on Saturday and I got it today!! Love the pumpkin custard spice, although it isn't what I expected. I guess I thought the OOB smell would be sweeter, but it did smell sweeter to me once it hit the wax (oh, yeah, cuz I did already start pouring!) I really like the Oatmean-Cinn crunch bar and really really like the Vanilla latte...very cozy scent.
  17. Thanks guys...I got my shipping notice on Saturday!! Yay...just love when there are boxes at my door!
  18. Well, I guess this would solve the dilemma of which one to choose!!!
  19. Sharon Deb & CB- do you pick up your wax?? Where exactly is Farmhouse?
  20. 8-GRAN-ONES...what else have you tried?? Don't keep me in suspense...I ordered 7 or 8 oils from Bert and I can't wait to try them out. I did get the creme brulee...glad to hear how much you like it!! candlebuddy, did you get a shipping notice? When did you order? I think my order might go out today and I hope it arrives early next week (so impatient LOL)
  21. Henry, I am fortunate enough to live 15 minutes from Candlewic, so I can pick up!! Unfortunately, I don't think they have a great selection of glassware, and what they have I find rather expensive. I do get other supplies from them though, and they have always been very helpful (especially with wicking and wick samples!)
  22. Darn, I knew I forgot something!! I wanted to try that cinnamon, nutmeg and clove!! CB, you will have to let me know how it is when you get it!
  23. Sharon, You made me do it!! I ordered some samples from Bert...what a sweetheart! I got: pumpkin custard spice vanilla latte oatmeal raisin cookie oatmeal-cinn crunch creme brulee cinnamon buns French vanilla Can't wait to get them!! I'll post after I receive them! Jenn
  24. It looks like the "Cube Votive" jars (Libbey) that I just got samples of from Early American Candle. I would love to know where the lids are from...please let me know if you get an answer about the lids!! Jenn
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