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Everything posted by HeavenScentU

  1. It is a little difficult to see because the pic. is small, but from what I can see the baskets and votives look good.
  2. That is interesting Barncat. I am not sure why anyone wouldn't want to cover their home-based business. hmmmmm......
  3. Yeah, I would talk to your accountant. I do my own quarterly taxes and from what I was told from my state any item from my business that I would normally sell but use for my personal use like giving a candle as a Birthday gift, test burning a candle, etc. I would have to pay taxes on that because I am removing it from my shelf and using for myself not for resale. So anytime you take from your inventory it's easier if you write a receipt to yourself for an item. I tend to forget over time so if I have a receipt it helps.
  4. I was comparing my policy with the soapguild insurance. Am I reading this correct, it doesn't cover your premises or stock if you have a fire. What do you all do if you have a small fire in your work room at home caused by making soap or candles?
  5. I received a sample of Peaks gingerbread cookies and loved it in soy. It smells just like a freshly baked gingerbread cookie...
  6. I purchased my decal off ebay last summer and the guy said it would last at least 5 years. Just two weeks ago the letters have been curling up and falling off. I took it to a local decal place and they said their is no way the letters would stay on that long unless it was professionally put on. So now I have to scrape off the letters...Hmm...
  7. Do you have a type of wax that requires 11% FO load?
  8. I love bubbles, but it has to have some cream. If all I see and feel is cream soap tends to feel slimey to me.
  9. I will have to check O out. I would be interested in reading about them.
  10. I had mentioned my prices were going up to my sales reps. and they mentioned it is expected. I haven't raised my prices in the past 2 years and now I have to.
  11. Since she will be a wholesaler make sure you do have her tax id # or ein# because if you ever get audited from the state you need that info. Also as mentioned make sure you do setup a wholesale minimum order.
  12. I am working on a new account that I have to submit my candles to see if I am worthy of being in their store. Hopefully things will work out.
  13. I asked a similar question to my insurance agent. She said that if a candle explodes and catches a home on fire. The home owner usually goes after the store the candle was purchased. Then the stores insurance goes after the candle co. business for the loss. It is like a trickle down effect to the source, so I highly recommend if you don't have insurance, you better get it. It will be well worth it.
  14. I have been looking around for the cheapest one and found one at Walmart for $98.00. This has been the best deal I have found. SamClub is selling them for around $360.00. Online through Provocraft they are selling them for about $200.00. I am not sure what the shipping is...
  15. I read somewhere that lead wicks would leave a light blue mark on a piece of white paper.
  16. On all my customer instructions...... I always put in the box to please contact me for any items that are out of stock. It doesn't work. I don't think anyone really reads the box. I hope one day it will work.
  17. Those look good. I bet they smell great!
  18. Now our candles are going to look like a container of poison.
  19. Clean, clean, and more cleaning...Uhgggg! I hate it. Paid my candle insurance for the year. Had to go and drop off paperwork at the Lawyers office because a client is claiming bankruptcy, so hopefully I can get paid from them sometime this year....Oh yeah! I also have to round up my paperwork for taxes....Blah!!!!! No fun this weekend:( ...............
  20. I want to make candles so badly, but I have been busy trying to clean up my messy candle room and get all my business stuff taken care of.
  21. It's not impossible to get an sba loan, but persistence and having a cash flow with good credit are a plus. I only tried 2 banks and looked at another way to start my business. I hear so many people think it is so easy to start a business, if it was then everyone would have their own business on every corner. I know alot of women that start businesses use their hubby's income to supplement their business until it starts to see a profit. I had no idea until I spoke with alot of women that owned and operated their own businesses and were being financed by hubby. I have learned so much from women that were closing their businesses because they had to sell everything and are always willing to talk. Men aren't, must be an ego thing.
  22. Looks a lot better and more professional. I would buy them.
  23. I would keep it simple. Your name should say what you sell. Crystals Gifts. Simple and says what you have in your store a little of everything. If for some reason your product line changes which it may then you won't have to change your name.
  24. The SBA is willing to help but you better have the collateral/assets to back up just incase your business closes. Then they will take your liquid assets. I have filled out the paperwork, went to the banks the sba recommends etc. With excellent credit, no debt just the mortgage. Came home and waited for the call that I didn't get the loan, because I didn't have enough liquid assets. I had $40,000.00 in savings and I was only borrowing $25,000.00 and the banks said it wasn't enough and my business plan went through the ringer big time. They marked it up and asked so many questions I was ready to run away, but everyone kept telling to stick to my guns. I did and stayed on top of it, but the banks all kept saying NO.... The sba will only help you if you exhaust all your options of getting a loan on your own and can't.
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