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Everything posted by HeavenScentU

  1. When I worked at a credit union and handled the payments made with credit cards all we had to ask was the credit card number,expiration date, zip and the name on the card. I am not sure why you would need anything else. I know of other vendors at the craft shows ask for photo ID along with the credit card. I hope that helps you out.
  2. I tried the organza sachets and found they leak if oversaturated. The envelopes prevent that. My envelopes are a little thicker than a regular envelope. I don't want the sachet to ruin someone's clothing, so by using something thicker would make me feel alot better about selling them. I think they would work in a vehicle but I would only use stronger scents for the car sachets like leather.
  3. That looks like a stonehenge. I wish I could smell it...
  4. I just started using paypal shipping last week and like it. It offers free delivery confirmation. Just click and print. That was nice except you have to make sure your printer is on and has paper. It gives you a second chance to print. I just thought others might want to try it.
  5. Yes all merchants pay for their own shipping. You would be out of business if you paid for the shipping out of your own pocket. I would get with the store and find out what their policies are and which is the preferred shipping method is and go from their.
  6. I have some 3x5 size envelopes that I use for sachets and I get them free, so there isn't a cost for them, just the scent and corncob. My DIL works at a printing co. and the co. is always throwing away paper products, so they started saving boxes of stuff for me to use. I also have a larger size but the 3x5 sell best for me and fits nicely in a dresser drawer. I sell them for $1.50 ea. The best selling scents for me are lavender, lovespell, and sweet pea.
  7. I just finished stocking one of the stores yesterday that wanted anything Christmas because they sold out of everything I had sitting on the shelves. So I am wiped out of holiday stuff which is great for me. I also just finished a rock candle for a house warming gift. I still haven't had time to make any cookies and fudge for DH work because I have been swamped. I just finished purchasing my new webset and have to work on my new website so it will be up and running in January. I hope Santa brings me a larger workshop....santalol I've been good!!!!
  8. I put a locking strap across the bottom with lining, but I am thinking I should have went with the velcro. I was worried about all the dog hair accumulating on the velcro. My dogs names are Dallas (Female) and Cowboy the male that is shown in the pic. I am a Dallas Cowboy fan. These dogs are sweetie pies but they are very high strung. Thanks for the comments. I don't like sewing but DH wanted something for them to wear for their daily walk. The ones I bought last year were knitted and just didn't keep the dogs warm, so that is why I decided to make these.
  9. I would think the owners and the promoters of the show are friends. I don't think you would have much of a chance of getting them removed from a show if people line up to buy their candles.
  10. I would love to try that. My skin is dry as a bone.
  11. I love your colors. They look awesome.
  12. Oh Wow! Just for a moment I thought I could smell them. So where can we purchase them? I would love to buy one.
  13. My Jack Russells needed a new coat because it is freezing outside. Since I don't have anymore craft shows I finally had a chance to buy some material that was on sale and make them each a coat. The dogs seem to really like them so we will find out when they go for the daily walk. I had a 40% off coupon and it only cost me $10.00 for 2 coats. DH was impressed and my DIL and son want vests. I don't use patterns so they aren't perfect . I just eyeball it and hope for the best. Here is one pic. of my male. Sorry pics. aren't great. It is hard to get them to stay still especially my male. [ATTACH]14084[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]14085[/ATTACH]
  14. Looks good. I really like the votive boxes.
  15. Looks like you did a great job setting up. It usually takes a few craft shows to build a clientele. After three years of going wholesale I am seeing more and more people walk up to my booth and mention they have seen my products at one of the stores I supply to. It is nice to hear people are recognizing my products.
  16. I just finished up my last show of the year. There aren't anymore from now until Christmas and I am sad and having withdrawls. I am going to miss doing them... This past weekends show I did had only 1 candlemaker, me. I sold lots of rock candles, melts, warmers, pillars. I was happy about my sales this year after hearing so much doom and gloom on the news. I am resting today so I can start cleaning up my candle room for people that want to come by for last Christmas gifts. Normally these are guys that work with my DH and want to buy their moms, girlfriends, sisters, or wives candles and I offer free gift wrapping, because these guys buy my left over stock and I set out punch, cookies, and candies for them to nibble on. It is fun, especially if the kids come with them.
  17. That is great! Your store looks so cute.
  18. I can't remember how much the stores pay for a Yank*& candle. I will ask. I am just curious because I hear so much about market trends and I want to keep up, but it is hard to know what people want especially this coming year.
  19. I hope everything turns out the way you want. I am having the same issue with two stores one already closed their doors and are gone... The other doesn't want to pay me after giving her free samples for specially designed products. So I feel for you. The amounts these two stores owe me isn't a lot, but it still is money out of my pocket. I don't think I am going to do a Net term anymore this coming year. It is hard to know what is going on with stores until they close their doors. Good Luck!
  20. That is funny!!! Mine puts up with all the mess everywhere. He always asks how he can help with I have huge orders. He also prints my caution labels and makes sure each candle has one. He is very special....
  21. I like the granulated wax but another alternative I have made with kids is rolling beeswax tapers. You have alot of different choices of colors to choose from. It is easy and not messy at all. I have also used cookie cutters to make shapes out of the beeswax sheets.
  22. I just spoke with one of the store owners that I supply my candles to and he stated that Yank*** is going to raise their candles an extra $1.00 per candle in Jan. plus raise their shipping rates. He also stated that Yank&& sales are down considerably this year. So the store was going to look for more alternatives besides candles to sell. I am curious to know if it is a trend across the country. Are people looking for alternatives to burning candles like tarts/melts, potpourri and oils?
  23. That is cute! I bet your mom will love it..
  24. I sell my 8 oz. square mason jar candles for $10.50 ea. and the stores I carry them in sell them from $10.99-$15.99. I really think it falls down to what the market will bear. Soy is huge in my area. I was very hesistant when the stores marked them up but I don't set their retail prices.
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