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Everything posted by lindsaycb

  1. Well I'd love to have results like that...hopefully this weekend!!
  2. The veins of color are wonderful! Just like marble. I'm jealous
  3. Thanks everyone! Now I must learn colors...and swirls. I've never been happy with my results on those.
  4. Do they print up your rounds too? Those are SNAZZY...I'm sure they'll sell extremely well
  5. Thanks everyone! We'll see how they look when I cut them...as much as I hate to cut. I love serving up slices as people want them!
  6. I was wondering about orrisroot myself...I haven't used it. I actually spray my dough items for potpourri and it soaks up the fragrance pretty well and you don't notice it.
  7. I just did a search and found some reasonably priced at www.homedecorators.com
  8. I love to let the loaf sit for awhile and get dark on the outside, then cut...the insides still yellow for a few days! Wish I could get that to stay. We need a new name for pink sugar...
  9. I was fine with my cans of red devil...then I went bulk and it sat there and I still bought cans of red devil... Now I'm off to make a laundry soap
  10. I've been wondering that too....I was considering doing some higher priced shows, but $200 is a lot really to fork out for me. This year I'm trying though.
  11. I haven't posted soap...and this weekend I finally jumped into my 50lb bag that has scared me for the last year. (I actually got in the bag w/o gloves on too...bad bad girl!!) Five batches of dwcp. Orange Cranberry, OHM, Doublemint, Coconut Cream Pie & Juniper Wood
  12. I've never really sold these & like how they were packaged....anyone want to enlighten me on this? The cord is a pain in the butt in a bag, isn't it? How does everyone secure their socket clip thing down to the pan? I had some that just kept pulling off. Does anyone's really give off any fragrance at all? I'd be tempted to sell a little spray with them that you could maybe spritz the inside of the shell so as it warms it smells good?
  13. My house is a DISASTER right now. Dining room has loaves of soap waiting to be cut, candles curing. Pinecones being dipped. Then in the kitchen I have wax pots, fragrances...oils waiting to be mixed with the lye solution...somewhere there's a toaster oven. Oh and my dehydrator doing apple slices for garlands. I try and clean as I go, then the kids want some of this/that...I just need a house with a 2nd kitchen really. One in the house so I'm still apart of the family and I don't need to hire a sitter while I'm out in my soaping/candle workshop.
  14. That was my plan this fall too...but I think I'll do the foil inside the box too. How big is that ball! ? Love your packaging as always.
  15. I've found to be safe you'll want a hurricane wax. Go with a three watt light bulb or else you may just melt the sides in. I make them simply with a hurricane insert & 4" pillar mold. Once I've made the hurricane shell, make a separate batch of wax...whip, grubby...however you'd like the outside to look. Drizzle some over the edges, etc. Glitter, spices, you name it. Depending on what kind of cord/plate you use, I would use a teeny curling iron to actually melt away a little section of the bottom of the shell so the cord would fit well underneath the shell and exit out the back or to the side. Does that help?
  16. I find I get them stuck everywhere else than where I want them to be. Children, wick bags...outside of jars. I'm liking my silicone caulk tube better right now.
  17. I'd trust wicks & colors....its fragrances that sometimes I'm leary on from bad experience. I LOVE candlechem though...Def. love Arnie!
  18. ALLLLLright! That's super duper! I kind of figured you were going to say you sold out of almost everything...even though it felt like it wasn't a right spot...your items were a perfect addition to the high priced artsy items. People want to grab some simpler purchases! Enjoy your success!
  19. Just out of curiosity...what do you charge for a pillar?
  20. INKJET? WOW, wish mine looked like that. Simple AWESOME!
  21. Now I usually put a big glop of putty just around the pin itself...does doing that like four corners help keep it centered? I find my pins tilting this way and that...i figured the wick pin was just messd up.
  22. :drool: Now explain that process with the ceramic & the little dohickey?
  23. You're labeling is so wonderful! I'm assuming you have those professionally printed, right?
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