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Everything posted by KristinesShower

  1. I would pay her minimum wage and offer her products. You never know, she may say - don't worry about it, but at least you offered.
  2. Mass produced.... In China.... By 7 year olds.... LOL
  3. Is it clear? Sounds like it's clear - that is the only edible "lotion" I have ever seen myself.
  4. Their communication skills are are very crappy, but they ship out fast and have good prices. Sometimes you gotta take the good with the bad.
  5. I only use the wick stickums from Northstar - never had a problem with them coming unstuck. AND...my tin candle sales aren't anemic LOL
  6. YOU know it!! I just don't know how far down the road this may be. For some unknown reason I keep piling it on myself!!
  7. Personally if I made a dog soap and wanted to give away samples, I would look for a bone or pawprint mold - because I am weird that way! You may even get orders for the bone or paw print too so it is like promoting the actual soap and maybe even the shape.
  8. I once emailed Mike at SC about this and he told me that the ewax they carry is food grade. Now edible lotion?? I have never heard of it, but have heard of emotion lotion (glycerin and flavor) - maybe that is what she is talking about?
  9. Been there, done that. Although it is a nice concept, there are too many ways you can actually make this contraption without the HUGE price tag. It STILL frustrates me that they charge that much for that thing. *insert eye roll here* I bought one and sold it because I was actually losing time by using the press as opposed to making them myself. That was the reason I actually bought it - that and I wanted to give my hands a break from time to time. I'm not saying it won't work for you (cause it may be just what you are looking for), but that is my experience & opinion about the bathbomb press.
  10. When I first started I was all about getting what was the most popular scents so I would always have them on hand...until I made a list and actually checked off what I sold in 6 months. I couldn't believe some of the scents that didn't go anywhere. That is when I decided to cut down permanently on my scents. I still do this 6 month testing to see what stays and what goes - it keeps my variety fresh and dumps the ones I just don't sell. Why keep it around if it doesn't go anywhere? I hate wasting money (I did enough of that the first few years! lol)
  11. Suppliers I am talking about. I have been really thinking about this lately because I think I would like for my husband to quit his job. I don't want him working with me, but starting his own business would be ok LOL What I am trying to do is see what we really need in this area and maybe bringing it here to the midwestern states. My husband is a work a holic and he likes the business, but doesn't want to make anything. He told me the other day that he would be interested in doing the supply part, but no way on the making. I never knew he felt that way, so thus - wheels
  12. Warting is caused by too much FO, coloring or water. Try cutting down on all of those and then give it a try. I just had a whole batch of Get Fresh wart on me last week - so I feel your pain!
  13. You need some water to make the baking soda/citric acid reaction. They are just getting moist and blobbing instead of reacting and solidifying. Try that - just a little bit at a time.
  14. You know what I would do is to take the same product all the other people are offering (comparable), add them all up and divide by how many vendors offer that product. See what you come up with - if it is too low, add a little - if it is too high, subtract a little. That is how I got my prices when I first started. I took 10 sites and looked for comparable products - that is how I came up with my pricing. Looking at it now, I am very glad I did that because I am still doing very well and only had to raise my prices maybe 10% in the last 3 years!
  15. I was with propay for about 2 years and you guys are right - their fees are wayyyy too high and I got tired of waiting 3-4 days to see the money in my account. If I said it before, I'll say it again LOCAL all the way. Go to your bank - you will be surprised what they can do for you.
  16. I am not sure what you are exactly going for, but before I got my labels professionally done, my HP 7660 was my best friend (still is really for little jobs here and there) It would print out such crisp pictures and when using the photo ink cartridge you could really get the highest quality graphics. I also like my Epson CX6600, but in my opinion, not as good quality as my HP.
  17. I'm sorry I should have been more specific - my wheels are turning in the middle of the night, but barely getting points across lol I meant like suppliers of things or sellers of B&B / candle products in general.
  18. What would you say that the midwest needs more of regarding B&B and candle. I am talking Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri area specifically. All opinions are greatly appreciated!
  19. I used Proactiv for about 2 years and I loved it - I did, but I got tired of using it...bored I guess lol Well, I tried some of the facial stuff at www.ablutions-spa.com and I can definitely say that her microderm abrasion stuff is JUST LIKE Proactiv, but actually it is alot gentler. I didn't have to use alot of moisturizer like I did with Proactiv and it made me feel better when I read her ingredients as opposed to Proactivs. I know she has a facial kit on her site that is worth every penny & I've successfully switched over to it and love every one of her products.
  20. I've been in a few articles in a few local papers and it definitely brings in business. Go for it!
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