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Everything posted by KristinesShower

  1. Instead of just the www . whatever . com on websites, how do I make them links? I am trying everything I can think of and unfortunately I am not html savvy - can someone give me a hand?
  2. Good Lord, ain't that the truth! Today I came home from the doctor, put a tv dinner in the oven and fell asleep. Almost burnt the house down LOL *sorry for the hijack*
  3. I don't believe that finished product has to have a MSDS sheet. I do know that the manufacturer themselves have to have MSDS sheets for everything (I had to put a book of them together a couple years ago - sucked) It was my understanding by my insurance company that I had to have all of that information on file, but never had to give it out to my wholesale, private label or retail customers. If they got inspected, they could just hand them over to me - the manufacturer. I've never gotten a MSDS sheet from WSP & I've been ordering their shower gel base for years.
  4. How bout "Fizz-takes Bath Powder" Fizz - bath fizz takes - for mistake (took off mis) Ok, I'm dumb, but that was the first thing I thought of when I read this lol
  5. I don't do holiday candles or holiday b&b - but I am one of those people that can't STAND to see Christmas stuff out early. November is ok, but when they start bringing it out in Sept, Oct - I get mad lol September is for fall - mums, haystacks, pumpkins October is for Halloween Then you can bring out the Christmas LOL (can't you tell we don't decorate much for the holidays??)
  6. Sometimes it is worth the money to go get yourself a canopy or an ezup. Alot of indoor shows let you set up inside with them & they are all on sale now since it is the end of the summer. A couple years ago when I was doing a local home & garden show, this lady had plants and one of those enclosed screen tents as her booth. The front was all the way open and on the screen all around and on the ceiling she had white lights so it looked really cool in there. That is an idea? I would just make sure they are ok with all of that first - because you don't want to spend $70.00 on something that you can't even use.
  7. Maybe it is because you only have the three (I think it's three??) receipts with the knucklebuster - one for customer, one for drawer and one for boss - that is how it used to work long time ago anyway. On my machine, you can get copies of whatever you did that day (of course mine only has the last 4 digits), but maybe the rule is in place for those working at the establishments. Think about it - some kid is closing down the local fast food joint and decides to print off the day's charges, goes home and starts charging all kinds of things because he had access to all of those numbers. (shudder at the thought!) Well, now that I think of it - all they would have to do is copy the number with the knucklebuster on a piece of paper. Wow, really makes you think!!
  8. Half the time I think that they are either too small to accept the minimums, or just do not want to sink that first $100.00 into something that is new. I try not to push them (because just like Tess I hate pushy salespeople!)
  9. I'm sorry I didn't mean to just write mineral oil and dash - I fell asleep lol More than likely the "feeling" that you love from the BBW lotion is mineral oil. I personally don't like to use anything with mineral oil in it, but many many companies still use it because it is cheap. Every BBW lotion I've ever seen on the shelf has mineral oil in it - along with dimethecone (sp?) - those two ingredients can make lotions feel like heaven. It's just a matter if you like to use them or not - some people are allergic and have reactions to mineral oil, so when I was formulating my products I chose to keep it out of my line completely.
  10. OMgosh Bev - I had completely forgotten about that! I am so sorry to hear it didn't pan out for you, but look on the bright side - at least you will be ready with pricing if that should ever happen again.
  11. LOL I think it is so funny how the "older generation" still thinks fast food is Big Macs and fries. Oh honey, get out there more - they have a lot more stuff now & it is alot healthier than the bacon & eggs of the past
  12. I deal with Freund container, but I have a rep that I go through via email. Their customer service and order takers have no clue what they are doing & I refuse to place an order over the phone with them. I would call them and insist that you get a personal rep to deal with your orders.
  13. If someone came up to my candle display and said I could buy 3 of these from Walmart for that price - I would give them directions to the nearest Walmart store without even thinking twice about it.
  14. Every two day show we've ever done had security, but my MIL is a nut and she slept under the table LOL
  15. Maybe you can splurge a little to find 25-30 little cute containers that you can pour some scent into and cap them with a label on top. WSP usually has glass jars for surplus and since you will be just using them for smelling, I don't think they have to be burnable or anything like that. Besides you don't want to put a wick in there anyway - then people will want to buy THEM lol
  16. How many can you make in an hour? How much power, gas, water, etc do you use in an hour? How much is your insurance per year? Those also need to be put in your costs - it is called overhead and most forget about that part.
  17. I almost never do a follow up on my wholesale agreements I send out. The only time I do any kind of follow up is when they make it clear to me that they have a function or event they need the product for, then I usually send them a reminder email. This is kind of a sore subject for me as when I first started I was on top of everyone all the time with sales, new products, etc - but I was wasting my time with half of the inquiries as some of them were bogus emails and such. When I send out my wholesale packet, I also let them know that I will be sending them an exclusive invite to my wholesale newsletter that I have through yahoogroups & that is all they will be hearing from me unless they email me with questions. If they don't join the list, I never bother them again. I make it pretty clear in my letter to them as well - not that I don't want their business, please that is not my intent, but as a business person you have to spend time on things that will pan out for you instead of beating dead horses. KWIM? Sorry to sound a little sharp on the subject, but sending out over 350 emails each time I wanted to let someone know about specials or deals that were going on to save them money and getting many bouncebacks and invalid emails I made a stand. Now when I get a wholesale inquiry, I send them a letter with my wholesale packet in it, ask them to sign it in their free time and send it back to me. I then send them an email invite to my wholesale letter and file their information in my customer file. I delete their email and never look back - if I really need to get ahold of them, they are on file and subscribed to my letter.
  18. In Illinois, we have to list the price + tx on all the signage and price tags.
  19. Soaper's Choice used to have them too on their site. Word of advice? Don't get the pumps that are in the peanut oil section of Menard's - they don't work and run out of batteries before you even get the oil you need out of them!
  20. Definitely agree - if you have a price list and a scent list ALWAYS keep it out of your brochures. You never know when something will go up or you will ditch a fragrance. Keep it simple
  21. I just wanted to come into this thread to say that Uline is the BEST. At any given moment I can call them, they know who I am and what I want. I also like that their number is on everything, so you never have to go rooting around for it! I LOVE ULINE!
  22. We take the top 10 for every show - decided on this a long time ago. When you give customers too many choices, they get confused and usually end up walking away. And look at it this way - they can always go home and look you up on the internet to get the scent you didn't bring. I actually have little coupons for 10% off when a customer asks for a scent I didn't bring - it gives them a good excuse to look at my website and buy when they get home. Of course, there are always exceptions - say if you have a holiday show, it wouldn't hurt to have "special scents" just for that show, but make sure it is separate from your regulars.
  23. http://www.businessnation.com/library/forms/ There are a lot of cool forms that we can all use.
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