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Stricly one Container or a Variety?

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Those of you that sell your products do you offer one size of container candles or a variety? If a variety how many different variations do you offer? I am thinking about only offering one size container. At the most two, a large and a small. Haven't decided yet. Just picking your brains to see what others do!

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I offer two collections. Each collection is a different jar, so two different jars, but each hold the same amount of wax, 7 ounces. I haven't had any issues with selling these sizes but yesterday I did get a request for a larger size. It would seem that when people find a candle they like they'd also like the option of purchasing it in a larger size. However, I've only had two requests since I started selling in February '12 so I'm not sure if I will add a larger size to my product line.

For me staying with one jar (in my case two jars) reduces the amount of testing I have to do as well as the amount of inventory on hand of jars and different wicks. It also reduces the amount of complaints from my wife about all the "stuff" I have in the bedroom turned office/laboratory...lol.

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I use 2 different sizes... 5 oz and 16 oz. they seem to be the best sellers. The smaller size is great for people to try, but the larger size is such a great value! I have additional containers, but, they are more for specialty stuff, not too sure I want to add them to my regular production just yet.

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I have 2 sizes. A small one, which is great for people to try, but once people know they like a fragrance they often ask me for a larger size. I only recently started pouring the larger one and that was because a lot of people had been asking for it. It is too early yet to decide if it has been a good decision.

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My main focus is my soaps and B&B, so at the moment I only offer 1 size candle and 6-cavity clamshell tarts both in a variety of scents.

I did start testing a larger sized container candle just last week. I doubt I'll expand my candle line to anything beyond that.

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I offer two sizes 8oz and 16oz, however I'm going to introduce a 12oz at this year's craft shows. The 8oz are smooth sided jelly jars, the 16oz are wide mouth 'Elite' ball jars, and the new 12oz'ers are smooth sided canning jars. I'm finding most buy the 8oz jars rather than the 16. Hopefully the 12oz'ers will be an alternative to the 16. If the 12oz goes well, I'll discontinue the 16.

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