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In honor of the upcoming holidays-Bayberry Tapers


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Hard to believe the holidays will be here so soon. Thinking ahead last week (for a change) I ordered up a case of Bayberry Wax for to make traditional candles. Just got my confirmation sample this morning. Made a quick pair of 8" tapers, and of course set one on fire as quickly as I could hit the button on my striker.

Bayberry wax is pretty brittle, so these are 50:50 bayberry:natural beeswax. My current crop of beeswax is pretty deep yellow, but the final color is not too far off what it should be.

These have nothing else added so I could do a fair wick test. As I make these for holiday sale I think a dab of green candle dye and a few drops of Bayberry FO will make them subtly perfect. Next up - Pillars and 12" tapers.

How I love the holidays...



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Are those dipped or molded? They are gorgeous! And seconding the question of where on earth you'd get a decent amount of the bayberry wax in the first place. I've got a couple people that have been begging me for bayberry pillars, but it's not something I've found a decent amount of.

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They are molded. I don't have time or equipment to make decent dipped tapers (yet). It's on the list...

I get the bayberry wax from one of my distributors that supplies me with the drum quantities of surfactants and emulsifiers. After many exhaustive searches it's the only place I have found any this year. It's insanely expensive, but at least I have it now for the season. My customers expect me to make things they can't get elsewhere, so I aim to please!

Edited by TallTayl
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Strahl & Pitsch sells it. But $1000 a case is pretty high. A pound retail is $14 I'd bet a 50-60# case right now is running about $600-800.

The smallest unit my supplier sells is 90lbs. With $100 in shipping alone half way across the country it adds up. I don't pay nearly per lb as much as what you calculated. Edited by TallTayl
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Most wax companies don't want to deal with you unless you can buy truckload quantities. I work for a supply house. I also sell for a living and have since 1999. Getting 2000 is small beans to most companies, they only want to deal with supply companies and manufacturers that can buy by the truckload. That's likely why you have not heard back from them. IGI used to sell pallets then it went to two pallets. Now it's truckloads. They don't want to deal with small companies anymore because it's just too labor intensive. Just being honest.

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Most wax companies don't want to deal with you unless you can buy truckload quantities. I work for a supply house. I also sell for a living and have since 1999. Getting 2000 is small beans to most companies, they only want to deal with supply companies and manufacturers that can buy by the truckload. That's likely why you have not heard back from them. IGI used to sell pallets then it went to two pallets. Now it's truckloads. They don't want to deal with small companies anymore because it's just too labor intensive. Just being honest.

With all due respect, you don't know me. I purchase drum quantities directly from manufacturers that won't deal with small businesses or even your typical retailers. So, yeah, I do understand how it works. Just being honest. Edited by TallTayl
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With all due respect, I purchase more drum quantities and truckloads of material than you realize directly from manufacturers that won't deal with small businesses or even your typical retailers. I have a 10,000 square foot warehouse for this purpose. So, yeah, I do understand how it works. I'm not small beans. Just being honest.

ETA - I DID hear back from them right away for the record. They couldn't touch the pricing I already get. Being in the SCC has its advantages.

Did I say you were small? I just said that "most wax companies don't want to deal with you unless you can buy truckload quantities." Which is the truth. I simply answered someone else's question with regards to where to get bayberry. Don't chew me in half for helping someone else. And buying 2000# in the wax industry is small beans. I consider myself small and I buy drums of base oils/chemicals and pallets of wax too. Compared to the big boys, we are no ones.

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Well....whatever.....love these posts. :) I like the idea of you using beeswax and bayberry. Beautiful natural color and I love the scent of bayberry. I might just make some for myself. I don't sell many these days but I like nice candles for ME. :)


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Turns out, that rep from S&L assigned to me just returned from vacation this morning. We had a great chat as he filled me in on some of the exotic butters and newer green products they have. Not only is he thrilled to have a new qualified customer in this area, he is able to compete with what the other manufacturer offers. They can even get a supply delivered more quickly than the other. Two bonus points for him. So looks like I'll be getting another couple of cases of Bayberry wax - some of which I will be willing to share.

If enough people are interested I can co-op some for this board.

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