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Hot Scent Time?


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Hi, How long would you expect hot burn melt to throw scent for to be considered worthy for consumers. My 20g melts smell for about 4-6 hours when burnt solidly for that time? Would they be up to consumer standard?

Thanks, Joy

Not in my book...

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It depends on so many variables-type of warmer, type of wax, type of oil (cinnamon versus a soft vanilla as a for instance), room size, ceiling fans and air conditioning and so much more! I am kind of surprised that was not the first answer everyone said since it is an answer given here so much!

I get longer throw in my lightbulb warmers and not as long in my hotter plate warmers.

I agree that I want really strong for a number of hours, perhaps 8-12 and then I still expect to smell them beyond that but know that they will not be as strong.

Agree that 4-6 hours is not enough.

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As Justa said... what warmer type ( tea light vs electric ) makes a huge difference. I also shoot for 12 hours, BUT , I test, in a tea light warmer that has the flame a tad closer to the wax than most, hence it gets hotter faster. If it last 12 hours in that with no problem, I've done enough testing to be comfortable in the fact that it would last at least a 24 to 48 hours in a mid range electric warmer.

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I'm testing a half ounce tart that I just made, 0 cure, from Ecosoy PB 9-10% FO. I'm on the third FULL day, maybe 16 hours each day and I'm sick and tired of the scent. CS Driftwood. It's still filling the house and I'm pouring it off tonight just so I can test something else.

I just bought the burner/warmer thing at Wal-Mart. It's shaped like an owl and is tooootally cute. I don't know the wattage or anything.

Did I mention that it's tooooootaly cute??


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Is it one of the $5.00 ones or the scentsationals? I had a cute pumpkin one last year from there.

I'm testing a half ounce tart that I just made, 0 cure, from Ecosoy PB 9-10% FO. I'm on the third FULL day, maybe 16 hours each day and I'm sick and tired of the scent. CS Driftwood. It's still filling the house and I'm pouring it off tonight just so I can test something else.

I just bought the burner/warmer thing at Wal-Mart. It's shaped like an owl and is tooootally cute. I don't know the wattage or anything.

Did I mention that it's tooooootaly cute??


Edited by ChandlerWicks
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I'm testing a half ounce tart that I just made, 0 cure, from Ecosoy PB 9-10% FO. I'm on the third FULL day, maybe 16 hours each day and I'm sick and tired of the scent. CS Driftwood. It's still filling the house and I'm pouring it off tonight just so I can test something else.

I just bought the burner/warmer thing at Wal-Mart. It's shaped like an owl and is tooootally cute. I don't know the wattage or anything.

Did I mention that it's tooooootaly cute??


An owl one??? At Walmart?????????? oh dang......... :)

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I'm testing a half ounce tart that I just made, 0 cure, from Ecosoy PB 9-10% FO. I'm on the third FULL day, maybe 16 hours each day and I'm sick and tired of the scent. CS Driftwood. It's still filling the house and I'm pouring it off tonight just so I can test something else.

I just bought the burner/warmer thing at Wal-Mart. It's shaped like an owl and is tooootally cute. I don't know the wattage or anything.

Did I mention that it's tooooootaly cute??


Does it matter the size of the melt for scent time

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When I am testing, I test the portion cup size, about 1.5 oz. I use a 25 watt warmer. I test to be sure they AT LEAST last 8 hours. I hope for more but 8 hours at a time is my goal. Most of them last way longer than that but if they don't last 8 hours, I don't use them.

I use a mix of Ecosoya PB and Xcel.

Edited by SuzyK
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I'm testing a half ounce tart that I just made, 0 cure, from Ecosoy PB 9-10% FO. I'm on the third FULL day, maybe 16 hours each day and I'm sick and tired of the scent. CS Driftwood. It's still filling the house and I'm pouring it off tonight just so I can test something else.

I just bought the burner/warmer thing at Wal-Mart. It's shaped like an owl and is tooootally cute. I don't know the wattage or anything.

Did I mention that it's tooooootaly cute??


I saw those!! I want one so bad, but I really don't "need" another tart burner... maybe one of mine will have an "unfortunate accident"!! :whistle:

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I'm testing a half ounce tart that I just made, 0 cure, from Ecosoy PB 9-10% FO. I'm on the third FULL day, maybe 16 hours each day and I'm sick and tired of the scent. CS Driftwood. It's still filling the house and I'm pouring it off tonight just so I can test something else.

I just bought the burner/warmer thing at Wal-Mart. It's shaped like an owl and is tooootally cute. I don't know the wattage or anything.

Did I mention that it's tooooootaly cute??


How is it that soooo many people can get this out of just PB and I can't smell ANYTHING when I try!! I wish I could only use 1 wax!!! Good for you chefmom - 3 days is wonderful!

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Okay, I still have the box and it is a "ScentSationals" and I searched and finally found the wattage (I had to look on his bum) and the sticker says Max 25 watt Type G bulb. It is a little ball bulb, clear with one of those tiny plug screw in things.

Don't you love my "proper terms"??? Drives hubbie nuts!!

However, the little dish on the top is really tiny and I think that the 1/2 ounce tartie is the max amount to use. My other warmer is a monster from Michael's and it's dish would easily hold 3-4 ounces! I had 2 cubes (from a clam shell) in there and I forgot to pour off the wax, I just tossed in two more and it could take another 4 cubes, so it holds a LOT. But I just get tired of the same scent day in, day out. Except for cinnamon ones, I don't get tired of anything cinnamon.

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Does it matter the size of the melt for scent time

I don't really know, I have only played here and there with the scented tarts. I like the fact that I can pop it in and walk away and not worry about cats tails and dogs running around. When I burn candles I keep them in front of me, and even then I lit up the cats tail when he jumped in my face out of the blue. Nothing bad I put it out with my hand, but the house smelled like burned cat for 2 days.

ANYWAY, like I mentioned my other warmer holds more, but I can't tell the difference in time or throw with double the wax. I know for a customer it would be a great way to test a scent to see if you like it. $1 for a little tart vs. $15 for a 60 hour candle. It's the difference between a marriage and a two week fling.

However, just like candles, your air flow does a LOT for the throw and the placement of the tart warmer can make a huge difference in how far the scent travels.

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I test 1/2 to 1 ounce tart in my plate warmer. I do it in my front two rooms that are separated by a large archway and combined are about 30 x 15 feet with 10 foot drop ceilings. If it doesn't go strong for 10 hours, I don't use it. I use straight PB wax with an 8% FO load. I prefer the scents to go much longer than that, and even when I don't think they go much longer, my customers all say they do, so I guess my nose just gets too clogged. :-) So yeah, 10 hours for me, but most of my customers have them going for 2 to three days before they have to switch, with some fragrances going much longer. I'm happy with that.

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I don't really know, I have only played here and there with the scented tarts. I like the fact that I can pop it in and walk away and not worry about cats tails and dogs running around. When I burn candles I keep them in front of me, and even then I lit up the cats tail when he jumped in my face out of the blue. Nothing bad I put it out with my hand, but the house smelled like burned cat for 2 days.

ANYWAY, like I mentioned my other warmer holds more, but I can't tell the difference in time or throw with double the wax. I know for a customer it would be a great way to test a scent to see if you like it. $1 for a little tart vs. $15 for a 60 hour candle. It's the difference between a marriage and a two week fling.

However, just like candles, your air flow does a LOT for the throw and the placement of the tart warmer can make a huge difference in how far the scent travels.

That's so scary about your cat's tail catching on fire! It's a good thing he didn't run through the house igniting everything. That story makes me not want to make candles. :( Was it a shallow container? Was the flame up near the rim of the jar? I'm hoping that if the flame is down far enough in the jar it eliminates the risk of cat's tails catching on fire.

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That's so scary about your cat's tail catching on fire! It's a good thing he didn't run through the house igniting everything. That story makes me not want to make candles. :( Was it a shallow container? Was the flame up near the rim of the jar? I'm hoping that if the flame is down far enough in the jar it eliminates the risk of cat's tails catching on fire.

Aaaahhhhh, Siamen. He is our 17 1/2 year old Siamese cat. He is partially blind, partially deaf and very senile. However he still has his full moon spurts. During the 5 days of the full moon, every full moon, he needs to put his nose in every corner, he climbs every shelf and trys to escape out the ceiling. He has uncontrolled behavior, running through the house, flying through the living room and leaping at things that are not there, jumping up on tables, shelves etc and knocking things down, over etc. A comic strip called it "Hubba-Hubba" and now that he is old, it's more of a jump up and try to climb things. He still does the jump up and run away thing, but not like when he was young.

Siamen jumps up on my husband's lap when he is at the computer desk playing games or surfing. He only cuddles with daddy or my daughter. However he is now senile. So, I thought the safest place to test burn my pillars and votives (about 6 of them) was right in front of me while I watched a netflix online and surfed around. What could be safer?? They were right in front of me!! Well, Siamen, out of the blue jumped up on top of my keyboard and then twitched his tail. He is a very long, thin siamese cat with a very long tail. Yup, the tail went right into the flame and ignited right in front of me!! I grabbed his tail with my hand and put out the flames, yes, with my hand. He really didn't even know what happened he just turned his head, looked at me and jumped right back down.

That was last year, and Siamen is still with us, but he now has different habits. He finds one spot to lay in, and that is the only spot for weeks on end, he only leaves that spot when he needs to eat, drink or toilet. On very sunny days when the house is cool he has a favorite place in my herb garden to lay in the sun. So I can burn candles on the desk when he isn't choosing to lay anywhere near the desk. I recently put in a new shelf and yup, he chose the shelf closest to the desk, so I couldn't burn candles there for a couple weeks until he picked a new spot.

Currently he is in the bathroom on a shelf. He cleared it himself. He just climbed up, sat down and pushed everything off. Toothbrushes, q-tips, washcloths, he broke my pottery crock with the cotton balls, no candles thankfully!!

Needless to say we love our Siamen and are giving him the best golden years a cat can have!!

And it teaches us what they mean on the warning labels to keep out of reach of PETS and children!! :shocked2:

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