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Scents you can't find!?


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Of the many millions of fragrance oils out there; have you ever struggled to find a specific scent you desperately wanted only to discover that no supplier carries it?

What about strange customer requests, scents from memory, food fragrances, etc? I've wanted a few fragrances that have been impossible to find for reasons unknown.

Have you ever wanted/needed a fragrance you couldn't find? If so...what was it? :)


Edited by rctfavr3
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YES! I would like this one too!

UPDATE!~ I just found out that SOS will be unveiling more FOs in it's line of novety fragrances in the coming weeks...Not sure if anyone has ever wanted these but here's a few "can't find" scents that can now be found at Save on Scents whether you want them or not! Hobby Glue FO, Basement FO ( not a clue) , magazine FO (would be cool) paper FO ( probably a good blender) sidewalk chalk ( huh?) money (who doesn't like cash!) and that's just to name a few. I've already put in a order for some of them just for the heck of it. Can't wait to try them. Although, I have to wonder...Is it just me, or does it seem like SOS was "sniffing the glue" when they came up with these!?

These aren't scents I would actually purchase on a regular basis, but I'm fairly sure SOS would be the only nuts to carry them.:grin2:

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SOS has always carried those hard to find unusual scents. I have heard some mixed reviews on them, some good, some bad. Haven't tried any myself. I need another FO suppliers like I need a hole in my head.

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SOS is hit or miss. Usually more miss. Ha! But they are my go to supplier for those oddball novelty scents that a select few of my customers request. It's always good to offer a few.

I would like a chili pepper fragrance though! I've tried SOS mexican spice and it was actually pretty close to a sweet chili pepper, but being a blend; I felt it was a little heavy with cumin spice. Good attempt just not what I was looking for.

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  • 8 months later...

I'm starting to like them more and more. Especially their newer scents OOB - some will up and vanish once in wax but most are as good OOB or better once waxed.

I'd be interested in hearing how they work for you. It's hit or miss like all suppliers. I still have to order in Extreme or Ultra Concetration. SOS concentration is crap for the most part!

UPDATE ~ A scent that's finally available to us...

If you do order from SOS don't checkout without first adding ISO E super to your cart! THIS scent is the best fragrance fixative and blender available! Chances are good that most any PERFUME currently on the market has this aroma chem in it! It's a god amongst men in terms of awesomeness and sweet staying power. The fact that it's now made available as an FO is nothing short of a miracle! Get it! No joke. It's like liquid crack!

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This might have been overlooked in my prevous post so I'm adding it again for everyone's benefit:

If you do order from SOS don't checkout without first adding ISO E Super to your cart! THIS scent is the best fragrance fixative and blender available! Chances are good that most any PERFUME currently for sale...has this aroma chem in it! It's a god amongst men in terms of awesomeness and sweet staying power. The fact that it's now made available as an FO is nothing short of a miracle! Get it! No joke. It's like liquid crack!

Seriously. All suppliers should have this!

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This might have been overlooked in my prevous post so I'm adding it again for everyone's benefit:

Seriously. All suppliers should have this!

darn, I'll have to add that next time. I'll definitely be getting more Fracas at some point.

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Milkweed flower.

Never heard of it. Sounds interesting though. Did a supplier carry this - EO anywhere?

From the descriptions of it I'm guessing it would smell like a hybrid of tuberose and latex. Neat!

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I would love to find a somewhat reasonably priced straight up Galbanum. SOS has one that smells great but priced at $15.60 for one ounce of the xc extreme i just can't justify using it for my candles. Although i do appreciate the tip about their ISO E Super, going to place an order for that, thanks rctfarv3!

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I would love to find a somewhat reasonably priced straight up Galbanum. SOS has one that smells great but priced at $15.60 for one ounce of the xc extreme i just can't justify using it for my candles. Although i do appreciate the tip about their ISO E Super, going to place an order for that, thanks rctfarv3!

Yeah, the SOS Galbanum is good, but very pricy. Then again so is the E Super. That's one of the major issues I have with SOS. Tons and Tons of FOs but prices are a little too high. if they'd scale their prices back at least 25% I'd consider ordering more from them. You can always order an oz, and shop around to find a supplier to dupe it.

I haven't been able to find a straight gin to use as a mixer. Found a couple that are already mixed into different drink-scented FO's but not the one I'm hoping to blend up.

Yes. A good Gin would be a nice blender to have. I'm still looking for a straight rum. A sharp Gin and tonic without the fruity embelishments would be great though!

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