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I hate labels!!

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So,I sometimes trade my hairdresser sister in law haircuts for tarts.I am about to bring her some and I just started making them in the dart cups.I thought it would be nice to play around and design a label,print some up,and stick those suckers on my fancy new cups.

I go to Walmart and get Avery round labels.They were $7 for 5 sheets of 12!(Geesh!)But,whatever,I just needed a few to play with.

I got my design done,tested a page,and all looked good.I proceeded to print my "for real" sheet and fabulouso..it worked like a dream!(I was marveling like an idiot and showing them off to my husband as if I cured cancer or something!)Lol!

Anyways,I do a reprint to make another sheet and blah!Off center like a mother!Trashed that sheet.Realign and try again..blah!Off again!So,i've wasted 2 out of 5 sheets of these expensive labels and I want to throw my pos printer through the window and call it a night!

I think when I decide to sell,I will pay someone to print my labels for me because this is a serious PAIN IN THE ASS!

Sorry..I had to vent!

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Sometimes removing one label at the top before you print will help it feed better. Also, trimming a teeny, teeny, teeny strip off the top helps the printer grab the sheet better. Try either or both. I do both just to make sure because I hate to waste a whole sheet of labels. When it does misfeed, I still keep the sheet instead of throwing it away. I figure that maybe I can use the scent name sometime in the future or my brand name by cutting that part out. I just put them in a folder.

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I'm so glad i'm not alone in the hatred for labels!I'm trying to talk my hubby into getting me a fancy new printer to hopefully curb this problem a bit.It happens all the time to me!You should've seen me during Christmas time,trying to print up fancy new X-Mas themed address labels!Holly Jolly Christmas my as*!I was like a tyrant,cussing like a sailor and throwing sheets of misprinted labels around!My husband probably thinks i'm a psycho path after seeing the menial things that get me worked up!I let big things just roll off my back, but something like off centered labels gets my blood boiling!Because it's such a simple, supposedly easy thing, that ALWAYS jacks up somehow!

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I quit trying to get things to fit on pre-cut labels, I order full page label sheets from online labels, design my labels in photoshop, set up a print sheet and then cut the labels out of the full sized sheet.

I can fit more labels per sheet than with pre-cut, and I can make my labels any size or shape I want. Most have straight edges anyway, so I cut them with a self-healing cutting mat and one of those circle rolley quilt cutter things (whatever the technical term for one of those it), quick and easy!

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You should've seen me during Christmas time,trying to print up fancy new X-Mas themed address labels!Holly Jolly Christmas my as*!I was like a tyrant,cussing like a sailor and throwing sheets of misprinted labels around!My husband probably thinks i'm a psycho path after seeing the menial things that get me worked up!I let big things just roll off my back, but something like off centered labels gets my blood boiling!Because it's such a simple, supposedly easy thing, that ALWAYS jacks up somehow!

LOL Im like that EVERY time I have to print out labels. Well not so much printing the melts out, but when I switch bottles for lotions and stuff, and when Im trying to design labels. It's the designing the that makes me cuss like a madwoman.

Jen, We have a really nice paper cutter ( the type they use in classrooms) that we use to cut out our wax melt labels. We use card stock, print one side with the label, one side with the instructions, place inside the clam and close. It's a LOT CHEAPER than labels too. Plus, I dont freak if I screw one up. I use the "full sheet" label, to print out our lotion labels, and we just cut and then place.

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