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Clamshells or individual melts ? Which do you prefer/ sell


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I've been very happy with my clamshells since I started them years ago. Pour , label, close, sell. How easy !

But lately I joined this page on FB, and they are serious big time bad hoarder type melt addicts. I say this with the utmost respect but let's call a spade a spade here. Huge numbers of these people who belong to this page, have " stashes" of melts, that make my mouth drop open and my head shake. We're talking, some of them have 600 or more tarts at any given time !

But the one thing I have noticed on this page... I have yet to see anyone, who posted a "stash" picture..... nor have I seen any of the vendors who sell on this page.. I haven't seen a clamshell package yet! Not one. Everyone uses, or sells, individual tarts/melts, highly fancy melts, huge pie or bread loaf shaped blocks of wax you chip off to make your melt.. etc.

Im just wondering, What do yall sell? Do you find more people gravitating towards the clams, or the individual mix and match, or the individuals in cute lil packages with ribbons etc... Just curious. I'm all for sticking with what you know, but if there's an upswing in the market for people buying the individual or grouped melts... I dont have a problem trying them out and seeing how they do. You never know.

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Right now, I only sell melts in portion cups. I am starting to get some fun molds in but they are such a pain. lol. I did clamshells and they sold well but ran out of them and couldn't afford to buy more. I haven't had anyone complain. :)

I was in that group buy for the loaf molds from Brambleberry and I have been tempted to try and do something wax wise with it.

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I sell both the clamshell and the 2 ounce cup shots, and both sell very well for me. I mostly sell the clamshell type to those Scentsy customers who aren't going to pay $7 to 8.00 per clamshell so they buy mine for $4.00 each. The 2oz cups I usually sell for $2.25 each or 5 for $10.

I also sell the wax brittle, which is a pretty good seller too, both at shows and at the country store where I have a display.

Edited by PAgirl89
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Mostly clamshells at the moment. But lots of returning customers started off with my tart sampler sets. And I just got a review on Facebook from a nice lady who bought the tarts sampler, so now these are starting to sell again. Oh, I think lots of people bought the tart samplers for gifts around the holidays. People who know what scents they like tend to stick with the clamshells.

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heheehe, I kinda figured some of yall would know what group I meant ! I am in NO WAY being smarty pants about any of them, Im just flabbergasted at their stashes !!!!!!!

On the shot cups, yeah I meant to put that in my list up there but forgot so ty for reminding me!

I don't want to give up clams at all, but I am seriously thinking of giving the shot cups a try or some of the smaller YC type tarts just to see what they do . Guess if they don't tell I can always remelt them down and pour them up in clams LOL

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I sell more clamshells then anything else. For the past year they have paid for my booth fee at most of my shows. I think it's funny that the candles that are harder to make and test in my opinion are being out sold by the melts that are much easier to make. I think it all depends on the area you are in. I do have die hard candles fans that would never think to buy a melt.


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Think I've decided Im going to offer both now. Just to offer a variety, and something they can pick up for like a buck to try to scent out. I'd rather sell something (s) for a buck in smaller quantities than have my clams sitting there at certain times not moving and me not making anything LOL

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