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Why is this happening?


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I have been getting visitors from here(craftserver) and other places too that will put items in the shopping cart but never actually check out. I wonder why this is? If anyone that has visited my site sees this post please comment below. If you had a bad experience this may help me improve my site for others. Thanks!

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Just wondering...how do you know they are from this site?

Thanks everyone for the reply so far! :-)

Dana- in the admin area for orders it tells me exactly what the customer put in their cart and where they came from if they clicked on a link to get to my store. I have a least a couple of people from craftserver a month visit my site. I think it's neat and glad they are interested enough to vist and look around. Wish they bought something though. Hehe! ;-)

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I also will load a cart to check shipping prices - but then I remove the items so it's $0 before leaving. I have a friend with a site and she recommended I do it that way. She allows people to have items in their cart for 24 hours - and has that notice on the cart page. If they don't come back it gets dumped.

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Dana- in the admin area for orders it tells me exactly what the customer put in their cart and where they came from if they clicked on a link to get to my store. I have a least a couple of people from craftserver a month visit my site. I think it's neat and glad they are interested enough to vist and look around. Wish they bought something though. Hehe! ;-)

Thanks! I will try to see if I can do that as well. Kinda interesting to see where they come from!

Edited by Dana
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Well, although I've never done it to one of "our" sites, I've done this on numerous supplier sites... <hangs head> .. I am real bad about going and placing what Im needing off that site, into the cart.. and it might be up to 4 days before I order.. and I go back as I think of something and put it in the cart too. I know, I know, shame on me! But I've tried making notes, writing lists, I even went so far as to get me a voice activated recorder and I lose/lost them all.

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I've visited your site (very nice :) ) but haven't put anything in a basket. There have been many times I have found items I like but not sure if I want or can purchase at that time. I will put them in a cart and print that or save it until i'm ready to buy. I do this a lot, especially when I'm ordering supplies and not sure which combination of products I want.

Just wondering...how do you know they are from this site?

There are several website tracking tools out there. Google analytics is a good basic one which is free. We use at my company so we know what 'keywords' to target, etc.

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I have the same problem. I have a web site where you can see who is on and they have a shopping cart but I have yet to make any money. My husband thinks it is the shipping. I am already losing money in the shipping I can not go any lower. Good Luck to you. I know hand made is better than that stuff you get in the store.

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Tammy, I found it works better for me to not have shipping added in. The customers are aware that shipping charges are not calculated in and they will be contacted for payment of shipping costs or they can contact me for a complete total and make one payment. This was easier for me as some of the customers want whatever the cheapest shipping is, some want UPS only, some want FedEx only etc. Sometimes there's too much of a difference between USPS and the other 2 that I don't want to have the cart calculate shipping and I end up paying the difference if it doesn't cover it, or have to issue a refund for overpayment in shipping to the customer. I only charge actual shipping and in most cases (unless they say whoever is cheapest) I check the actual rates for all 3 shippers and let the customer decide. I've not had any problems in doing it this way. Sorry Jack to hi-jack your thread. :)

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